West Bank Security Shift as a Step Toward Peace - Los Angeles Times

West Bank Security Shift as a Step Toward Peace

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Re “Israel Halts Plan to Transfer Control of West Bank Towns,” May 5: It is discouraging to see Israel back away from its commitments to turn over security control of Palestinian towns to the Palestinian Authority. Although Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has not yet disarmed terrorist groups such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad, he has secured a cease-fire, which has greatly reduced the everyday threat to Israelis. Transferring security control is an important step in working toward a two-state solution for the Israel-Palestinian conflict, and that is the goal that everyone should be focused upon because it is the only viable option for a long-term peace. As a Jewish American, I urge Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to quickly turn over security control for Ramallah, Bethlehem and Kalkilya to the Palestinian Authority. It is a move that is an important step toward peace.

Jeff Warner

La Habra Heights


Two Palestinian children ages 14 and 15 were shot to death for throwing concrete? My first question is how big a piece of concrete could a child throw, and how far could he throw it? My second question is why are billions of taxpayer dollars spent on state-of-the-art weapons and armored vehicles when they afford no defense against children or grown-up people throwing rocks? I would prefer just to see two columns: column one, the words of Sharon and Abbas; column two, the actions of Sharon and Abbas. These two columns would tell readers where the truth lies.

Jill Yorke

Santa Monica
