Stealth Bomber Controversy - Los Angeles Times

Stealth Bomber Controversy

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I was not (I’m sad to say) surprised by the letters published on July 22 against the Stealth bomber.

I submit the following in rebuttal:

* The overall project was multiphased to cover feasibility, research, development, and implementation of an advanced technology bomber. It is fairly standard accounting practice (commercial and government) to separate the research and development portion from the production portion cost-wise. So the “per plane” cost is not the over $500 million so often quoted.

* Let some of the people who wrote against the B-2 create a budget and time schedule and guarantee success for a concept of something that doesn’t exist! That’s what Northrop is being asked to do.


* The money spent on the project has already and will continue to yield benefits beyond the production of a Stealth bomber. The technology and the production techniques are already advancing technology and reducing future costs of military and (as soon as security permits) commercial projects. Is it any wonder that Japan is ahead of the U.S. in technology given the narrow-minded thinking on spending R&D; money in this country?

* How much money has been thrown at various government programs for education and the poor? Why no progress other than making the politicians, their families and contributors richer? Why no hue and cry about that waste?

* Why didn’t the Soviets negotiate for peace and arms reductions until Ronald Reagan built up our military to be equal/superior to theirs? Just coincidence, I’m sure.


* What Northrop profit? Anyone who can read would have read about the losses Northrop is taking. Learn the facts, most R&D; contracts require the contractors to share in the costs up front!

How many jobs do the giveaway programs create? The defense industry more than any other industry in America employs more minorities and gives business to minority-owned businesses. It’s Department of Defense policy and it’s working. That’s how you help minorities--not by creating more government agencies or lowering standards.

Even if the B-2 is canceled, peace will not break out--get real.


