Ma Maison's West Hollywood Site Sold - Los Angeles Times

Ma Maison’s West Hollywood Site Sold

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Times Staff Writer

Ma Maison, that popular West Hollywood eatery of the stars and other luminaries, will close Thursday because the 22,000-square-foot property it occupies has been sold.

That’s the word from industry spokesmen, although Patrick Terrail, Ma Maison owner, was unavailable for comment.

When contacted, Joe Lenzi of the Novagroup Realty in Beverly Hills, verified that he represented both sides in the $2-million-plus transaction, which closed escrow Nov. 1. “Patrick Terrail sold the name Ma Maison to a hotelier, and he may be involved in that,” Lenzi said.


Ground breaking for Ma Maison, the $26-million hotel and restaurant, is scheduled for January, with an opening in early 1987. So what will Terrail do between now and then? “I’ve heard that he may open a small restaurant elsewhere,” Lenzi said.

Ma Maison has occupied an old house and patio on Melrose Avenue at Kings Road for the last 10 years. The building will be demolished, Lenzi continued, and a three-story office building with some stores are planned in its place. The new owner is a real estate developer who did not want to be named.

“Farewell to the Fox” is the name of gala events this weekend to mark the closing of the old Fox West Coast Theatre at 335 Ocean Blvd. in downtown Long Beach.


The grand movie house of the ‘30s and ‘40s is to be torn down after the first of the year. The entire block will be developed into a $130-million mixed-use project with a 500-room Sheraton Hotel and 24-story office building developed by Shoreline Square Associates, a joint venture of Stanley Cohen and North American Taisei Corp. It’s also a project of the city’s Redevelopment Agency. Construction is expected to start in May.

“In recognition of the theater’s significance in the era of Hollywood glamour and films” (as a flyer goes), a symposium will be held on theater architecture today from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and a program starting at 7 p.m. will feature a live stage show, vintage Long Beach newsreel, a film showing of the 1933 classic, “Footlight Parade,” directed by Busby Berkeley, and a no-host bar. Cost for the symposium is $15; for the evening program, $10 or $15 for preferred seating. “Farewell to the Fox” is sponsored by the nonprofit Long Beach Heritage Foundation.

Actor Lyle Waggoner (probably best known as a regular on the Carol Burnett and Wonder Woman TV shows, which last aired in September, 1979) and his wife, Sharon (a former Miss Missouri), have been named as the first owners at the Carlsbad Inn Beach and Tennis Resort.


The Waggoners live in Encino but purchased a week in the north San Diego County resort time-share project because their boys “love the beach,” as Sharon Waggoner put it. The Waggoners have two teen-aged sons, Jason and Beau.

Lyle and Sharon like to play tennis (she has been in tennis tournaments in Canada, Mexico and the Far East). He also makes furniture and cabinets, plays billiards and classical guitar and rides motorcycles when he has spare time.

He has been appearing on stage throughout the country in “Boeing Boeing,” “The Owl and the Pussycat,” and “Once More With Feeling” and she has has been involved in what has been described as “a thriving real estate business” with Yolanda Veloz Kopell, wife of actor Bernie Kopell (who plays Doc on the “Love Boat” weekly TV program).

A prime corner of Beverly Hills has been purchased by real estate broker Fred Sands. It is on the southeast side of little Santa Monica and Canon Drive--a building that currently houses the Coldwell Banker real estate sales division.

The 18,000-square-foot structure went for $4.4 million through Sands’ salespeople: Fred Leeds, who represented Sands along with Greysha Gordon, who also represented the seller (Canon Partners Ltd.). No new plans for the building have been announced.
