Travel letters: It's no mystery why this reader liked the Quebec story - Los Angeles Times

Travel letters: It’s no mystery why this reader liked the Quebec story

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The article on visiting Quebec was so serendipitous for me [“Hop Out and See a Feast of Color,” by Margo Pfeiff, Sept. 23.] I have been bingeing on Louise Penny’s mystery books, and they make me want to visit Quebec and Montreal.

Penny describes the cities, countryside and history so enticingly that anyone planning a trip should definitely read her books.

Thank you for a timely article.

Alison Davis

Rancho Palos Verdes

Disposable car seat

With regard to the car seat column [“Quite the Car Seat Quandary,” On the Spot, by Catharine Hamm, Sept. 9]. I propose another solution and that is purchasing an inexpensive car seat that can be disposed of. An internet search shows many in the $30 to $40 range. Perhaps a slightly larger tip to the cab or Uber driver, along with instructions to keep or dispose of the seat, will solve the dilemma at a far less cost than storing a seat. Of course, returning home from the airport may be an additional challenge.


Cindy Leish

Laguna Niguel

Cool customer

Many years ago, when I started traveling, hotels did not have in-room refrigerators, so I brought a cooler into my room.

Around 1975, hotels began providing small refrigerators, a nice place to store a drink or a leftover sandwich. Some even had freezer compartments.

Then came minibars, I suppose in an effort to monetize the convenience, but you could still squeeze in a soft drink or two by rearranging or temporarily removing items.


On a recent trip I was warned at check-in not to place “personal items” in the fridge, or to even move an item lest I be charged. So I’m back to bringing a cooler for my stuff.

Ken Brock

Yucca Valley

[email protected]

