These Loyola lacrosse players deliver on and off the field - Los Angeles Times

These Loyola lacrosse players deliver on and off the field

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“Four cartons of cage free eggs. Ezekiel bread. Arugula salad mix. Baby potatoes. Bananas. Carrots. Celery.”

There’s many acts of kindness happening in this world. You just have to open your eyes or wait for a neighbor to help you.

Take the case of the two lacrosse players from Los Angeles Loyola High, Henry Kupiec and Hudson O’Hanlon, who co-founded a grocery delivery service, “Groceries for Good” last April to help neighbors who did not want to leave their homes when the coronavirus pandemic first struck Southern California. They volunteered to pick up groceries for neighbors.


“I would say we recognized we have this privilege of being young and less at risk,” Henry said. “We saw the community struggling and wanted to do our step in making the community better.”

They started shopping for senior citizens and mothers with young children around Manhattan Beach and Hermosa Beach. They’ve made more than 100 visits to Trader’s Joe to fulfill orders, shop for specific items, and make deliveries for free. They have nearly 10 other students from Loyola helping them. They’re all volunteers and receive no money other than tips. They’re not even receiving credit from the school for a service project.

“Loyola taught us to be charitable and look out for other people,” Hudson said. “I’ve had that instilled in my mind the last four years.”


Henry, a junior, came up with the idea while sitting at home in March feeling a bit helpless and bored while everyone was locked down with the state’s stay-at-home order.

“One day he called me. ‘I’m thinking of trying to start something to help our community. Would you be interested.’ Definitely. I thought it was a great idea,” Hudson said. “I was just sitting in my room. There’s definitely something I can do. It’s been cool to start a nonprofit. I’ve learned a lot about process and the steps to run smoothly.”


They used social media and advertising flyers to alert people to the service. They have a website that allows people pay for the groceries that they order.

“Everything has gone smoothly,” Henry said.

It’s no surprise that Henry, with all A’s on his report card, might be doing something well. He comes from a family where an older brother and older sister — twins — play lacrosse and volleyball at MIT. And he wouldn’t mind joining them at MIT. Do you know how rare that would be to have three siblings attending MIT?

“It would be very, very cool,” he said.

The boys will be facing added challenges in the coming weeks because the lacrosse season begins next week and they’ll be back on campus studying.

Jadyn Zdanavage of Portola High is a four-sport athlete who keeps up a pace like few others during the pandemic -- or at any time.

March 21, 2021

Yet balancing school, sports and operating a shopping and delivery service seems to be no major obstacle for teenagers determined to help others in a time of need.

Hudson celebrated his 18th birthday on Monday. The past year has taught him about making a difference.

“It’s super amazing to see how it’s helped other people in the community and meeting people and seeing the impact it’s had,” he said.


One of those using the service is Devin Alexander, who was the chef for NBC’s “The Biggest Loser” and writes cook books. She didn’t want to take her 3-year-old toddler to the grocery store and found out about the service in her neighborhood.

“They are amazing. I have been blown away,” she said.

Now, if only Henry and Hudson can score a few goals in lacrosse before they head off on a shopping excursion, life couldn’t be any greater.
