Mailbag: Fossil-fuel burning airshow is a poor fit for Huntington Beach - Los Angeles Times

Mailbag: Fossil-fuel burning airshow is a poor fit for Huntington Beach

Great Pacific Airshow
Jets fly in close formation during the Great Pacific Airshow last weekend in Huntington Beach.
(File Photo)
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Why does the city of Huntington Beach support socially irresponsible activities under the guise of “family” entertainment? (“Three jet teams will soar over Huntington Beach during Great Pacific Airshow,” Sept. 29) Already, we are among only a few cities allowing legal fireworks, essentially providing cover for “illegal fireworks” and turning our community into a war-zone in July.

Now, at a time when noisy and polluting commercial jets from Los Angeles International, John Wayne and Long Beach airports crisscross our skies daily — resultant from the FAA’s misguided (as well as misrepresented) 2017 change in flight paths, and thus far ineffectually countered by the powers that be — our city officials continue to welcome a reckless airshow to deafen our ears further, over several days in October.

Given the recent fatal crash of a B-17 in Connecticut, the risks of flying aircraft for “entertainment” purposes are only too clear. Yet, Huntington Beach citizens are merely advised to get out of town during such events, if they or their pets might adversely be affected by inhospitable conditions.


Aircraft consume huge amounts of fossil fuels, and their use should be reserved for legitimate public airlines, cargo transport and safety operations. If thrill-seeking individuals wish to observe dangerous activities or incendiary explosions, they should view movies or play video games, without subjecting an entire city to the risk, noise and pollution of these endeavors.

Huntington Beach affords wonderful opportunities to enjoy our beautiful coastal resources, parks and other amenities. We need fewer bars, paintball contests and violent entertainments.

Instead, we would benefit from more effort and money spent on important needs such as the environment, infrastructure, education and public safety.

Wasting resources to attract a small sector of the local (or visiting) population with screaming jets and out-of-control fireworks does not reflect well on the overall values nor fiscal judgment of our civic decision-makers.

Patricia Bril
Huntington Beach

Newport library doesn’t need to build a lecture hall

Our Newport Beach Library Board of Trustees are wonderful community-minded individuals. They support the Central Library and sponsor the Witte Lecture Series of six or seven annual high-profile speakers events through the Newport Public Library Foundation.

They are floating an idea to build their own Library Lecture Hall next to the in the Civic Center adjacent to the Central Library.

But there’s a problem: They “want” taxpayers to pay for it. They think they “need” it.

The early cost is $7 to $8 million, according to an article in the Newport Beach Independent.

I’ve seen this movie before. The early cost estimate for City Hall was $50 million. It ballooned to $140 million, costing us $8 million per year to pay off the $228 million long-term debt.

The City Hall construction included a multi-million dollar breezeway connecting it to the Central Library.

Instead of building a Library Lecture Hall, why don’t they simply use the ornate City Council chambers or the new Community Room?

Newport has many needs, including harbor dredging, properly funded public safety and top-notch city services.

Do we really need another lecture hall because someone wants it?

Bob McCaffrey
Newport Beach

Homeless ‘navigation center’ warrants disccussion

While I agree wholeheartedly with the views of interim Huntington Beach city manager Dave Kiff and Police Chief Rob Handy (“Commentary: ‘Navigation center’ for the homeless can provide the shelter and security Huntington Beach needs,” Sept. 24), I feel that the city needs to do more to promote navigation centers and other solutions to our homelessness problem and to address equally needed solutions to tackle our affordable housing shortage, especially for low-income and senior citizen populations.

The Huntington Beach City Council voted Monday night to direct city staff to explore more site options after the location eyed most recently was put on hold and as the city also considers a pivot toward a more regional solution.

Oct. 8, 2019

I propose a public information campaign using all forms of printed and broadcast media options to bring attention to what needs to be done and what can be done to turn problems into solutions.

I propose that this citywide public information effort be developed and launched during the beginning of next year and that a focus for 2020 be the widespread understanding of our housing situation by next summer. We owe it to our residents and visitors to make sure everyone in the city sees the big picture and is both informed and aware of the issues.

Tim Geddes
Huntington Beach

Students who walked out know the science

Re “Mailbag: Student walkout for climate” (Sept. 23): Juli Hayden’s letter is a good example of the confusion surrounding climate change. Climate change is actually the most serious problem we’ve ever faced and the longer we ignore it the bigger the problem becomes.

Hayden hasn’t studied what’s happening. It’s a complicated problem that we don’t want to deal with and instead of learning the science many invent their own.

Climate change activists from all over south Orange County gathered Friday at Main Beach Park for a Global Climate Strike rally coinciding with similar demonstrations around the world.

Sept. 20, 2019

The youth who marched recently are educated young people who have been exposed to actual science and can read the writing on the wall; their futures are at risk compared to the future we enjoyed when we were their age.

Hayden mistakenly sees climate change as a political issue. There has been a divide on the issue, but it’s changing. Twenty-two Republican members of Congress are now working with Democrats on the House Climate Solution Caucus.

The Energy Innovation Act, House Resolution 763, is one solution. It now has 66 sponsors, including five from O.C.: Reps. Harley Rouda (D-Laguna Beach), Katie Porter (D-Irvine), Gil Cisneros (D-, (Fullerton), Mike Levin (D-San Juan Capistrano) and Lou Correa (D-Anaheim). We all need to bone up on the science. The issue is not going away.

Mark Tabbert
Newport Beach

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