Measures failed, so now what? - Los Angeles Times

Measures failed, so now what?

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EDITOR’S NOTE: Here is how our state lawmakers reacted to the failure of Tuesday’s six propositions to raise taxes to cover some of the state’s budget deficit.

“The voters have sent a clear message to Sacramento: Live within your means. Frankly, I am neither surprised nor disappointed in the election’s outcome. Where we go from here is back to the budget process. Hold hearings and do what we were elected to do — make tough choices based on a realistic assessment of the state’s income. We can’t spend more than we bring in. Pretty simple.

I am not saying this is going to be painless but it is just something we have to do. Without a doubt common-sense budget reforms are also needed or we will see ourselves in this situation again and again.”


Sen. Tom Harman

(R-Huntington Beach)

“We need real reform in Sacramento. We need to reduce costs — for instance, California spends three times the national average on welfare due to our overly loose rules regarding work requirements and aid to illegal immigrant families. We also need to get serious about expanding the state’s economy. We should open up our coast to new oil and gas leases within state waters using slant drilling from the coast, generating thousands of new jobs. We can securitize the royalty value and generate over $5 billion for the budget today.”

Chuck DeVore

Assemblyman (R-Newport Beach)

“Tuesday sent a clear message. Voters will not stand for new taxes in this already struggling economy. They refuse to continue borrowing against our future. We can’t keep losing jobs in California and pushing government’s overspending onto our children and grandchildren.

It’s time to reverse the policies pushing jobs out of California and make our state accountable.

End backroom deals and midnight votes, bring transparency and performance standards to state government, attract jobs and make California more competitive with other states.

It should be simple: Don’t spend more than you take in. Families are making these tough decisions — they deserve a government that is responsible enough to do the same.”

Assemblyman Van Tran
