In Theory - Los Angeles Times

In Theory

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Laws should serve those in need. It is shameful that the homeless must be protected from the shameless who cowardly victimize the vulnerable.

While many of us sometimes say we “are just one paycheck from homelessness ourselves,” these days that seems profoundly possible. Aware of ever-changing conditions in life, I find myself singing Phil Ochs’ 1963 song “There but for fortune may go you or I or I.” Ochs took to heart wisdom from the Rev’d John Bradford, an English Reformer and martyr best remembered for saying when he saw less fortunate souls, “There but for the grace of God goes John Bradford.”

Let’s remember that wisdom from the 16th century and the 1960s when we see others in need and pray for perspective: “There but for the grace of God go you or I.”


Let’s pray for those who hate that God will turn their hearts.

Let’s give thanks for lawmakers in Maryland, that they may be an example to us in California.

The Very Rev’d Canon Peter D. Haynes

Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church

Corona del Mar

We must find a more effective way to help the homeless people in our communities. Hate crime legislation may help by sending a message that harming homeless people will not be condoned or ignored.

But the bigger problem is the lack of social and political will to take better care of them. It is only natural to feel sad and concerned when passing by a homeless person, but too often we find reasons to harden our hearts to homeless people, bag ladies, winos, crack addicts, beggars, and to the suffering of so many needy people.

The recession has caused more Americans than ever to realize that financial security is precarious and that being “on the street” is a possibility.

But it is important for people to become more aware that the reason many people are on the street is because of mental illness, not unemployment. We need to develop programs and services that deal specifically with treatment and support for this vulnerable group of people. I would like to see legislation for this.

The Rev. Dr. Deborah Barrett

Zen Center of Orange County

Costa Mesa

I believe other states should follow Maryland’s lead in this regard.

It is praiseworthy to help those who are unfortunate. This in Hebrew is an act called Tzedakah. It is one of the basic principles of Judaism. It is not charity: It is justice. We are all our brother’s keepers.

The Biblical prophets teach to follow the Golden Rule and to treat another as one would have the other treat us if we were in their position of being in need.

We are and to be our brother’s keeper.

We are all caregivers and caretakers for those who have less than us. There should be laws to protect the homeless. Our relationship with God is judged by our relationship with our fellow man. It takes a strong faith to live with such committed purpose of doing acts of loving kindness for others.

I do not see that anything less would be adequate to what our American style of life requires of us today.

We should help and protect the poor and unfortunate.

Rabbi Marc Rubenstein

Temple Isaiah

Newport Beach
