CITY COUNCIL WRAP - Los Angeles Times


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The following is from the Jan. 6 Laguna Beach City Council meeting.


City joins Prop 8 suit

City Atty. Philip Kohn reported that the California Supreme Court granted Laguna’s request to join San Francisco City and County, and other jurisdictions in a challenge to the passage of Proposition 8, which added restrictions on marriage to the state constitution. Oral arguments are expected to be heard within a few months.


‘Heroic Rendezvous’ accepted

The council approved a donation by the Academy of Fine Art Foundation of Tuan’s “Heroic Rendezvous” to the city’s permanent public art collection, as recommended by the Arts Commission.

Tuan’s 7-foot-tall sculpture has been exhibited in Heisler Park near the sidewalk at Cliff Drive and Myrtle Street since October.

It is valued at $250,000, one of 25 editions of the same piece.

The commission conditioned its recommendation with a prohibition that no other edition be displayed within a 200-mile radius of Laguna.

South Laguna Commercial Zone 5-0

The council approved on the second reading an ordinance reflecting modifications to the South Laguna Village Commercial Zone/Local Coastal Program required by the California Coastal Commission.


Short-term lodging was added to the list of permitted uses, subject to a conditional-use permit. Language was added to the parking incentives to encourage alternate modes of transportation. The ordinance will take effect 30 days after the council approval.

Underground Utility District 07-2

The hearing was an opportunity for public comment by the property owners in the proposed district, which includes Mar Vista Avenue, Eagle Rock Way and Third Avenue in South Laguna. No comments were made.


Another public hearing is scheduled for Feb. 3, at which time assessment ballots will be counted and if a majority of the weighted votes are opposed to the proposed district, the council will be precluded from proceeding with the formation.

Review waived for Agate parking 5-0

The council waived the design review requirement for additional parking in the 100 block of Agate Street.


The owner of 125 Agate St. agreed to the deadline, a trade-off for a completion date of June 15 of the public improvements by a private property owner.

Seacliff appeal denied 3-2

Neighbors appealed the Design Review Board approval of plans and the Coastal Development Permit for a single-family residence at 31696 Seacliff Drive. The council upheld the board, with conditions, including notification to the council if the conditions are not met. Verna Rollinger and Toni Iseman voted against the denial.


The applicant was instructed to work closely with opponents of the project on geotechnical, landscaping and staging issues, including video monitoring of the geological conditions of the neighboring properties.

“” Barbara Diamond
