Police arrest teen from security tape - Los Angeles Times

Police arrest teen from security tape

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Deepa Bharath

Police arrested a 16-year-old boy on Thursday who was among a group

of young men caught on a convenience store surveillance tape when a

woman was being groped, officials said.

Officials did not release the teen’s name because he is a minor.

He was arrested and later released to his parents, Costa Mesa Police

Lt. John FitzPatrick said.

Police released a copy of the surveillance tape, which showed a

man reaching under a woman’s skirt and touching her, to local media

on Wednesday. Thursday’s arrest was a result of tipsters calling

police with information, FitzPatrick said.

Officials believe that the man who was groping the woman on tape

is one of the men wanted in connection with a series of assaults on

Victoria Street. So far, 11 women have reported being grabbed from

behind when they were walking alone on Victoria Street since

December. The latest incident was reported on Wednesday.

FitzPatrick said investigators haven’t found evidence that the

assaults are gang-related.

“But we’re not ruling out that possibility,” he said.

An investigation is continuing, FitzPatrick said.

Last month, police released composite sketches of two men wanted

in connection with the assaults. The Costa Mesa Police Department is

also conducting rape awareness seminars, one of which went unattended

on Tuesday at the Westside police substation.

Janice Davidson, a longtime Westside resident, said she has been

trying to get the word out about the seminars in the community, which

has a large Latino population.

“The assaults are just sick,” she said. “So far it’s happened on

Victoria Street. But they could happen anywhere in the city and women

need to be aware of how to better protect themselves.”

The next seminar will be held at 7 p.m. on May 13 in the Costa

Mesa Police Department’s auditorium. The department is at 99 Fair

Drive. Spanish translators will be available.

Anyone with more information about the incidents is asked to call

(714) 754-5281.

* DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be

reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharath@ latimes.com.
