A key department's being left out at sea - Los Angeles Times

A key department’s being left out at sea

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The seas are getting rough for the California Department of

Boating and Waterways as a new report is viewing the department’s

funding as free money. Presently underway is the state’s

reorganization plan being developed by the California Performance

Review process, and it does not include the department of boating and

waterways. As such, the recreational boaters of California have

issued an urgent call to arms along with the Western Boaters Safety

Group calling to boaters to save the department.

The department of boating and waterways receives its primary

funding directly from a boating fuel tax and none from the state’s

general fund. The boater’s tax is returned to boating projects and

for infrastructure that helps to provide $17 billion a year to

California’s gross state product. So, the short-sightedness by our

liberal-spending legislators can negatively effect our boating,

similar to our road taxes being siphoned away from our highways.

The department of boating and waterways is a self-sustaining state

agency that is directly paid for by the users (boaters), and I find

it very disturbing that now the department might be eliminated only

so others can get to their dedicated funding.

This does affect Newport Harbor and local boating, as the money

will be redirected to other uses. Funding for pump-out stations,

marina grants and loans, law enforcement training, and the very

important boater education are all threatened by the California

Performance Review process. It is difficult for the average boater to

find out what is happening in Sacramento with the approximately 250

people in 14 teams working on the review the process as

recommendations are secretive with the reorganization probably

initiating in January 2005.

I have listed below a sample letter from the Recreational Boaters

of California (https://www.rboc.org) who are asking boaters to send

them a signed copy of this letter. You can send your letter by fax to

(916) 441-3520, e-mail to [email protected], or mail to RBOC, 925 L

Street, Suite 220, Sacramento, CA 95814.

The Honorable Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor

State of California

State Capitol

Sacramento, CA 95814

Re: California Performance Review Request Not to Eliminate Cal


Dear Gov. Schwarzenegger:

As a recreational boater, I urge you not to eliminate the

California Department of Boating and Waterways in the Reorganization

Plan that is being developed by The California Performance Review


It is critical that this state’s more than 3 million boating

enthusiasts, who support a $17 billion per year boating industry,

continue to have the leadership, accountability and dedication that

are ensured by a boating department with a director whose principal

focus is boating. Since becoming a department in 1967, DBW has proven

to be an effective, efficient and model department.

DBW and its vital, boater-funded programs are critical to:

* Safety on the waterways for over 3 million boating enthusiasts.

* Environmental protection for the state waterways.

* Stimulation of the state’s economy through loans and grants for

boating facility construction.

DBW does not receive monies from the state’s General Fund. Rather,

DBW activities are supported by boater-generated fuel tax dollars,

registration fees, federal gas sales tax funds, and interest earned

from loans of those funds.

DBW has a vital role in ensuring that California’s unique

recreational boating environments continue to be supported by a

world-renown recreational boating infrastructure. Indeed, DBW’s

programs are essential for the state to meet the demand for new and

upgraded public-access boating facilities that will total $837

million over the next 16 years.

Recreational boating generates a $17 billion annual economic

statewide impact that represents 1.2% of GDP. Recreational boating

also contributes more than $1.6 billion in state and local taxes,

represents 284,000 California jobs, and supports more than 8,500

California businesses.

Gov. Schwarzenegger, I urge you to ensure that the California

Performance Review does not propose any changes in the departmental

status, efficient structure, or essential programs of Cal Boating.


Don’t forget to include your name, address and telephone number.


Change your weekend radio schedule as my “Boathouse Radio Show” is

moving from Sundays to Saturdays from noon to 1 p.m. on KCBQ-AM

(1170) starting May 15. You can join in during the nation’s No. 1

boating talk radio show by calling the listener line at (888)

344-1170, and you can listen worldwide over the Internet at


Safe Voyages.

* MIKE WHITEHEAD is the Pilot’s boating and harbor columnist. Send

him your harbor and marine-related thoughts and story suggestions by

e-mail to [email protected] or visit https://www.boathousetv.com.
