JIM DE BOOM -- Community & Clubs - Los Angeles Times

JIM DE BOOM -- Community & Clubs

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TODAY’S PEACE WALK TAKES ON NEW MEANING: With the tragic events of

Sept. 11, the Orange County Peace Walk/Peace Jam 2001, which will take

place today at the Triangle Square shopping center in Costa Mesa, takes

on new meaning as the governments of the world unite to bring to justice

the terrorists involved in the attack. Hundreds of people are expected to

walk today as they seek peace among all religions, all races and all

people. It will be a time for healing and bringing the community together

as they sing, “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.”

Walkers of all ages and a variety of religions, nationalities and

ethnic backgrounds will gather on the upper level of Triangle Square

today at 11:30 a.m. for opening festivities, featuring remarks by Costa

Mesa Mayor Libby Cowan and Mayor Pro Tem Linda Dixon. Native American

Geeta Sacred Song of Orange County, who is an international Peace Shaman

known as the “Peace Mother,” will lead participants in a ceremony to

officially begin the Peace Walk. Doves will be released into the air and

rose petals will be scattered as walkers begin circling Triangle Square,

carrying banners, chanting, singing and playing musical instruments. The

walk, held in celebration of the United Nations’ International Day of

Peace, will conclude with a community drum circle led by Geeta Sacred


Following the Peace Walk, local musicians will provide live

entertainment throughout the afternoon until 4 p.m. In addition to the

musical entertainment, the local Orange County United Nations will give

out free UNICEF trick-or-treat boxes, participating nonprofit groups will

host displays and a raffle will be held for prizes. It’s all free of


SERVICE CLUBS RESPOND: Local service clubs are beginning to respond

to the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon with

offers of support. E-mails and phone calls between club members assessing

the situation and needs have gone from coast to coast and around the


The Kiwanis Club of Costa Mesa made a $1,000 contribution last week to

the American Red Cross while the Rotary Club of Newport-Irvine donated

$10,000 to the Rotary Club New York Foundation and are planning a blood

drive for this coming week.

The Rotary Club of Okazaki South, sister club to the Rotary Club of

Newport-Balboa, has offered to match the contributions from the local

club and its members, up to $500.

Worldwide and locally, members of Lions, Kiwanis, Exchange,

Soroptimist and Rotary Clubs are making contributions to the Red Cross,

Salvation Army and to their National/International Foundations for the

purpose of disaster relief for the citizens of both cities.

“In the past, American service clubs have responded to disasters

around the world and what we are finding now are clubs from around the

world providing assistance to New York and Washington, D.C.,” said Mike

Scheafer, past district governor and current president of the Costa

Mesa-Newport Harbor Lions Club.

READING BY 9 UPDATE: Members of the Newport-Balboa Rotary Club

spent a couple of hours this past week at Pomona Elementary School

preparing student library cards and will be back again this coming week

to unpack 20 some cases of new books to be placed in an expanded school

library as part of the Club’s Reading by 9 program. “If children are

going to learn how to read, they need to have the books readily

available,” said club President Elmer Biggerstaff.

Laura Johnson of the Shalimar Learning Center notes that in the past

week since they opened after school Learning Centers at Pomona, Whittier

and Wilson elementary schools and are looking for volunteers to serve as

mentors to the students.

“Mentoring for an hour a week can make a difference in the life of a

child forever,” Johnson said.

For more information on the Shalimar sponsored program or to

volunteer, call Johnson at (949) 646-5797.

Pomona, Whittier and Wilson elementary schools are looking for mentors

to start Oct. 1 by donating one hour a week between the hours of 8:30

a.m. and 5 p.m. Mentors will need to have a current Tuberculosis test,

which is provided free of charge. To volunteer at Pomona School, call

Nancy Bammer at (949) 515-6980; at Whittier School, call Sarah Markel at

(949) 515-6898; and at Wilson School, call Diane Clemensen at (949)

515-6995, Ext. 3209.


joined the Newport Beach-Corona del Mar Kiwanis Club.

Worth Repeating: From “Thought for the Day,” provided by Greg

Kelley of the Newport Mesa Irvine Interfaith Council -- “For a better

world... for a better life... you must give something to your fellow man.

Even if it’s a little thing. Do something for others -- something for

which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.” -- Albert



Sept. 11? Want to make a difference in the world and our community? Try

helping your community and the world through a service club. You are

invited to attend a club meeting this coming week. Many clubs will buy

your first guest meal for you.


6:30 p.m.: The Harbor Mesa Lions Club will meet at the Costa Mesa

Chamber of Commerce.


7:30 a.m.: The Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary Club will meet at Five

Crowns Restaurant.

Noon: The Costa Mesa Newport-Harbor Lions Club will meet at the Costa

Mesa Golf and Country Club for golf tournament with dinner following at

Jim Wahner’s home.


7:15 a.m.: The South Coast Metro Rotary Club will meet at the Center

Club (o7 https://www.southcoastmetrorotary.orgf7 ) and the Newport

Harbor Kiwanis Club will meet at the University Athletic Club.

Noon: The Exchange Club of the Orange Coast will meet at the Bahia

Corinthian Yacht Club.

6:00 p.m.: The Rotary Club of Newport-Balboa will meet at the Bahia

Corinthian Yacht for the official visit by District Governor Rod Eide

(o7 https://www.newportbalboa.orgf7 ).


7 a.m.: The Costa Mesa-Orange Costa Breakfast Lions Club will meet at

Mimi’s Cafe for a business meeting.

Noon: The Newport Beach-Corona del Mar Kiwanis Club will meet at the

Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club for a program by Lt. John Kidwell, commanding

officer for the Coast Guard Cutter Narwahl; the Exchange Club of Newport

Harbor will meet at the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum to hear from Lori

de Carlo, warden at the Chino Men’s Prison; and the Newport Irvine Rotary

Club will meet the Irvine Marriott for a program a program by George

Grupe, historian (o7 https://www.nirotary.orgf7 ).

6 p.m.: The Costa Mesa Kiwanis Club will meet at the Mesa Verde County

Club for the Installation Dinner.

* COMMUNITY & CLUBS is published Saturdays in the Daily Pilot. Send

your service club’s meeting information by fax to (949) 660-8667; e-mail

to o7 [email protected] or by mail to 2082 S.E. Bristol, Suite 201,

Newport Beach, CA 92660-1740.
