Mailbag - April 29, 2001 - Los Angeles Times

Mailbag - April 29, 2001

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Length of boat parade could be shortened

The people of Newport Beach are continually obliged to accept the

congested brunt of the Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade. It is a

wonderful event for young and old, everyone loves it, but why does it

have to be seven days long?

The seven days only serves to dilute its importance. I know the local

business looks forward to this event because for many it is of great

financial importance. There are probably only four days of heavy

participation in the parade. Very few participants go out every night. My

point is that a more condensed boat parade would equally serve the

people. If the parade were shortened to five days, we would accomplish

the same thing without loss to commerce or viewers.


Balboa Island

There’s only one reason why Fish Fry has died

Excuse me. Did I miss something? Am I the only one who can see why

there is not going to be a Fish Fry this year? Or am I just the only one

who is willing to comment on it?

Everyone keeps ranting and raving about lack of venue, when in reality

Orange Coast College has more than extended a welcome to the Lions Club

and the Fish Fry. People all gloss over there not being a Fish Fry is due

to a legal dispute, as if that was an act of God, or spontaneously

erupted with no input or direction.

The truth of the matter is a nice lady, I’m sure, tripped on a curb

and hurt herself. Either out of her own volition or advice of a friend,

she secured a lawyer who has somehow now tried to blame a wonderful

organization for this violent curb. This somehow is worth $80,000 in

therapy. I, of course, have no idea how severe the damage is. However,

logic tells me financially to figure about $2,000 to set the ankle and

possibly $1,000 in therapy. The other $77,000 will no doubt go to the

lawyer, minus the court costs. If the lawyer was ethical, he would refuse

to take the case.

If the woman would analyze the issue, she would find that this was not

the Fish Fry’s fault. This was not OCC’s fault. This was not the curb’s

fault. And since you can’t sue gravity, it’s the woman’s own fault. And

who should suffer? About 65,000 residents, kids and the charities that

are desperate for the donations.

Who needs the Fish Fry anyway? This society is a crazy enough ride.


Costa Mesa

Fairgrounds’ Speedway not pleasing to residents

The Fairgrounds have pulled a fast one on the residents of Costa Mesa;

motorcycle racing and its noise has suddenly tripled, and the public was

informed only one week before opening night. This is the mini-equivalent

of suddenly tripling John Wayne Airport flights.

The same neighborhood that put up with the amphitheater will have

blaring motorcycle engines every Saturday night from April through

October. No more Saturday night barbecues allowed -- spring, summer or

fall. Tough luck, TeWinkle softball players.

Residents did not like the noise during the old two-month schedule but

tolerated it. This new escalation is outrageous and insulting.


Costa Mesa

Officials should leave Fairview Park alone

I wish the city officials and ex-officials would come by Fairview Park

and see the incredible beauty of waving sprays of mustard and the array

of happy birds enjoying the wilderness.

The persons wanting to change the ecology by disrupting the food chain

to plant “native plants” and trails of cement would realize why we, who

live in proximity to the park, don’t want it disturbed.

Our little strip of landlocked land -- there has been a “No

Trespassing” sign there since the homes were built in 1966 -- has been maintained by the adjacent owners for all these 35 years. It is not a

part of the park, since there is no access except at Placentia and it is

bisected by the main storm channel.

In my opinion, the only possible reason the city can have to fix that

which is not broken is power wielding, and we could use the state funds

for better purposes.


Costa Mesa
