Marlins rally to beat the Cardinals, 4-2 - Los Angeles Times

Marlins rally to beat the Cardinals, 4-2

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In a battle between two of the Majors Division top teams, the Marlins

got the best of the Cardinals, 4-2, in Fountain Valley Little League

weekend action at Mile Square Park.

The Marlins secured the victory by getting seven hits in the game,

including an RBI double in the third inning from Zach Moore, and a triple

by John Spirk in the fifth inning, which drove home the final two runs.

Spirk also pitched a complete game, getting 12 strikeouts.

For the Cardinals, Ricky Rea singled and scored both runs, Brian Faust

doubled, and Andrew Bender had a single.

Grant Furuya matched Spirk with a complete game performance, and

recorded nine strikeouts.


* Yankees 9, Dodgers 2

Trailing 2-1 through four innings of play, the Yankees exploded for

eight runs on five singles in a decisive fifth inning to win going away.

Hits by Geoff Feltman, Matt Fink, Matt James, Robert Johnson and Josh

Miller powered the outburst. Joel Stanton singled and scored both runs

for the Dodgers, and Dave Jensen and Erik Rhoten also singled.

* Devil Rays 6, Mariners 3

Augie Greutmann, who earlier had singled, doubled home two runs in the

top of the sixth inning to clinch the win for the Devil Rays, who also

got timely hits from Les Obie, Billy Bintner and Kyle Yoakum. Obie and

Alex Monero shared pitching duties, and combined for 13 strikeouts. For

the Mariners, Ryan Buckles singled twice.


* Mariners 7, Dodgers 6

Ray Strazzula and Niles Marquez both singled and Robert Reynolds

scored twice for the Mariners; and Joshua Troche doubled and singled and

Jakob Landmon scored twice for the Dodgers.

* Yankees 8, Cardinals 2

Elton Stolze, Joe Invidiata and Craig Sirois each had two hits,

Garrett Kacsuta tripled, Mike Delicce doubled, and pitcher Sara

Mitchell’s complete game, seven strikeout effort led the Yanks; Taylor

Stanton and Tayler James both scored for the Cards.

* Mets 2, Mariners 1

A triple by Trevor Calhoon and singles by Jerry Lewis and Chris Kane

lifted the Mets; Brenton McCarthy scored for the Mariners.

* Dodgers 5, Diamondbacks 1

The Dodgers won behind a two-RBI double by Kevin Osaki, and singles by

Gabriel Rubio (three runs scored), Doug Hanson, Magic Lucio, Farzan

Namvari and Eric Toso; Greg Soudres scored the lone run for the



* Brewers 20, Cardinals 5

Nick Loukides doubled and singled, Matt Brown, Michael Coelho and

Julius Zarasate each singled, and 12 players scored as the Brewers won

their first game of the regular season; for the Cards, Sean Pitoniak

doubled and scored, Alan Jones singled and scored twice, and James Hong


* Dodgers 14, Devil Rays 4 The Dodgers got a triple from Joseph Cordero, a double by Branden

Hale, Michael Ackel scored three runs, and Skyler Yap scored twice; Joe

Castillo, Jared Williams and Nick Carrigan all singled for the Devil


* Mariners 14, Yankees 13

Kaz Nishikawa went 3 for 3, Tyler Smith doubled twice, and Blake Smith

and Jason Schwartz each doubled as the Mariners outlasted the Yankees,

who received a double and single from Mike Percaccio, a double by James

Williams, with Eric Nash scoring three runs.
