MAILBAG - April 12, 2001 - Los Angeles Times

MAILBAG - April 12, 2001

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Generosity to schools should be encouraged

Regarding the “Generosity should extend districtwide” editorial that

ran April 8, Newport-Mesa Unified School District costs are paid by

collecting taxes from all homeowners in the district. Because of higher

property evaluation, perhaps Newport Beach homeowners pay more of these

costs on a per capita basis.

Newport Harbor High School has made great strides, been named a Blue

Ribbon school, and has showed concern for community issues, especially

encouraging the minority interests who play an ever-increasing role on

the Newport Harbor campus. There are enthusiastic people in Newport who

would like to enhance the program even more.

It sounds like an idea that shouldn’t be discouraged.


Newport Beach

Meetings should not be held on same nights

Recently, the Newport Beach City Council nixed a plan to build a

cultural arts center adjoining the central library. The cultural center

would have utilized a very small portion of the open space, yet would

have created additional much-needed parking for the area. It’s a shame

the tree huggers would rather have dusty bushes and weeds over a center

to celebrate our cultural diversity.

Most parents did not attend the City Council meeting. They were busy

watching the Newport-Mesa Unified School District board trustees adopt a

“no bully” policy for our children.

Why are these public meetings held on the same nights, which are the

second and fourth Tuesdays of each month? The City Council changed its

meeting dates in direct conflict with the only other public meetings in

our city. Couldn’t they have chosen the first and third Tuesdays of the

month, allowing people more opportunity to become active in their

decision making policies?


Newport Beach
