Letters: Kids' chalk drawings inspire; maybe we could reward them one day

Letters: Kids’ chalk drawings inspire; maybe we could reward them one day

A Burbank resident writes to say he appreciates the kindness of local youths who are drawing encouraging messages on sidewalks during the coronavirus crisis.
(Sara Cardine)
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As I take my daily doctor-ordered walks out here in the flatlands, I’m encouraged by the signs and sidewalk chalk markings urging us to stay hopeful and healthy. It’s a reminder that the vast majority of Burbank residents are kind, loving people. The remainder, I figure, are busy online blaming Obama for COVID-19.

From the carefree artfulness of the chalk drawings, I’m guessing that most of these are coming from our young people. How kind of them. Now if we could show our gratitude by passing a school bond one of these days.

Jeff Traintime


As I watch news reports of doctors and scientists who have been pleading in vain with governors and the president, who for so long refused to prepare America to cope with the looming coronavirus pandemic by providing in advance the stockpile of necessary medical testing and patient care equipment, I keep thinking back to the scene in the movie, “Jaws,” where the scientist played by Richard Dreyfuss tried to explain to the clueless mayor of a seaside town that the local beaches must be closed to protect people from a giant killer shark.

U.S. political leaders, from President Trump on down, largely failed over a period of months to protect our country from the plague that will kill an estimated 200,000 to 2 million Americans. They have committed the criminally irresponsible act, like the “Jaws” mayor, of deciding that commerce is their only consideration and saying the equivalent of “these beaches will remain open!” Family members, friends and neighbors all across America are dead or dying soon as a result.

Doug Weiskopf

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