The beauty, danger and mystery of the Central Valley’s tule fog - Los Angeles Times

Long description for Wayne Schwabecher's illustrated story

Panel one: The scene is the shoulder of Highway 99 in thick tule fog outside of Madera in about 1982. Two guys, Schwabecher and Leon, have pulled to the side of the road and clamber out of their car. The driver says, “Run for it!”

Panel two: The two guys jog down the embankment from their abandoned car, as the sound of screeching tires come to them from the highway they just scrambled away from.

Panel three: The two guys sprint across a field as sounds of collisions on the highway fill the air: “Blam! Bang! Slam! Bam!! Bang! Wham! Blam! Crash!!”

Panel four: They ran until they realiz