Would you be willing to negotiate on reforms to the Affordable Care Act, and what would be your number one priority in terms of changing or protecting healthcare law?

Many of the candidates for this seat have said they support comprehensive immigration reform. If given the opportunity, would you work with President Trump and House Republicans on such a package and if so, name two requirements you’d have for that reform.

Do you support the idea of sanctuary cities and what would you do if the Trump administration or congressional Republicans attempt to retaliate by blocking funds for such cities?

District voters have said opposing Trump is one of their top priorities in this race. Which issues would you fight President Trump on and how would do you plan to do that if you’re fighting the majority party? Please be specific.

What do you believe the role of charter schools should be in public education, and what role should the federal government vs. the states have in oversight and accountability for school districts?

This district is one of the poorest in the state and nationwide. Please name at least one tangible policy solution you would try to implement to improve this and describe how you would work to get it passed in Congress.


Here’s what 23 candidates in L.A.’s congressional race say on the top issues

By Christine Mai-Duc

With two dozen candidates vying to replace Xavier Becerra in L.A.’s 34th Congressional District, it might seem almost impossible to sift through all of their policy positions.

We’ve asked all the candidates to answer six questions on some of the top policy issues: healthcare, immigration, sanctuary cities, Trump, education and poverty. (Their written answers were edited for length and style, but they have not been fact-checked.)

Kenneth Mejia
Sara Hernandez
Angela E. McArdle
Adrienne Nicole Edwards
Sandra Mendoza
Ricardo De La Fuente
Tenaya Wallace
Robert Lee Ahn
Wendy Carrillo
Richard Joseph Sullivan
William "Rodriguez" Morrison
Alejandra Campoverdi
Raymond Meza
Tracy  Van Houten
Jimmy Gomez
Arturo Carmona
Melissa "Sharkie" Garza
Maria Cabildo
Mark Edward Padilla
Yolie Flores
Armando Sotomayor
Vanessa Aramayo
Steven Mac

Additional credits: Development by Evan Wagstaff