
This is America's state of mind on election day

We talked to people across America as this contentious presidential election comes to a close. So how do they feel? "Hopeful," "anxious," "disappointed" and emotions more complex than one word can capture. We'd love to hear from you too. Submit your own video below.

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Renee Adams
Terrance Allen
Mohammed Alrawi
Michael Ambrose
Meegan  Ashenfalter
Nicholas Askren
Saratoga Ballentine Ballentine

“I'm just glad both my parents are in heaven and not around to see this.”

Taylor Barragan
Brad Baughman
Peggy  Becken
Stan Beiley
Jackie Bell
Edy Bencomo
Gail  Brice

“I am over-the-moon excited ... to vote for a woman for president, and it's about dang time. ”

Morgan Broadhead
William Brock

“I think it's about time we had a female president. ”

Antonio Cao
Laurie Cavin

“Neither candidate is worthy of the presidency.”

April Chaney
Rebecca Christmann
Gerald Clipper
Susan Colangelo
Cody Copeland
Jazzy Craig
Zulma Cruz
Lyrik Cruz
Tony  Cummins

“The exclusion of people just isn't American. ”

Lindsey Curtin
Michael Davidson
Alverta Davis
Kelly DeFilippis
Fred Dee
Carlos Devarona
Jitendra and Saroj Dholakia
Tamara Dia

“I wish Obama could run for a third term.”

Rachel Drew
Emily Dulcan
Patricia Dykes

“It's made me feel afraid – afraid that we will go back to the Jim Crow laws.”

Laurie Eisenberg
Brandie Engleberger

“I think it’s a time when we really, there is an opportunity for things to change.”

Damien Escobar

“The politics this year has been a mess.”

Cynthia Estrada
Joe Feinblatt
Kevin Finn
Lauren Fitzgibbon
Tammie Foltz

“These are the best two candidates out of 300 million people?”

Lindsey Ford

“I think this country is supposed to be the greatest country in the world.”

Adam Foster

“There comes a time for pragmatism.”

Patty Frazier
Calvin Gaskin
Elsa Gerard
Pat Gilbert

“It just felt, feels like there’s risk that everything is going to fall apart.”

Sue Golan
Luis Gonzalez
Felix Gonzalez
Katherine Gonzalez
Marilyn Good
Laila Goring
Bill  Gorman
Pamela Green
Asautt Grid

“It's a little hard to really reconcile on what's really going on. ”

Raqib Hasan
John  Henderson
Helen Hernandez
Jerry Hornstein
Jose Huizar
Carol Johnson
Janna Jones

“I was jumping up and down at the polling place with my kids.”

Kaz Kallai
Karina Kallas

“It makes me very emotional, being the mom of a little girl.”

Caleb Kanegy
Jean Koch
Steve Koteras
Nisa Kove

“I really had to rally with people in my community who were backing Hillary.”

Lacey LaCour
Beth Laue
Sara Lebastchi
Michael Lesa
Pepper Levinson
Danielle Limme

“I feel like she should be in prison. ”

Paul Locke
Howard Lorey
Scott Loube
Cliff Lowe
Christine Maclin
Ryan Maginn
Sierra Marfurt
Graciela Martinez
Amelia McDonald

“I can't believe people have been taking this election seriously. ”

Sadie McFarlane

“I am deeply worried about the future.”

Steve  McGill

“It's like the country went through a civil war.”

Alexander Miese
Nelson Miller
Camilla Millican
Amy Monaghan
Michelle Montgomery
Raul Montoya
Holly Morganelli
Jackson Morton
Tanya Moss
Fernando Nunez
Sharlett O'Connor
Peter O'Neil

“At no time have I ever felt happy or hopeful.”

James Oswell
Anthony Pagnotta
Martha  Pantelakis
Francesca Pappagallo
Mary  Parker
Laura Parker
Michael Paulus
Robert Peete
Rick Peralta
Sriram Peri
Edison  Peterson
Jason Renner

“Freedom isn't free.”

Susan Rennie
Cheryl Revkin
Christian Rhea
Hiroko Robertson

“I couldn't stay home this time.”

Antonio Robertson
Annette  Rojas

“I really needed to push back against that negativity. ”

Debra Rojas
Emmett Ross
Kim Ryberg
Sunanda Sachatrakul
James Samarco
Hugo Sanchez
Gary Schapper

“A lot of things that have been buried and unspoken are getting talked about.”

Jayne Schultz
David Schumann
John  Senour

“We need to somehow get a third party involved in the United States.”

Richard Shaffer

“I don’t think either one represents me.”

Brit  Sharon

“It kind of shows how sexist we are as a country.”

Ava Smith

“As far as I’m concerned, it’s a battle between good and evil.”

William  Soward
Mary Spiker
Mike Spurgeon
Jimmy Stathis
Jackie Stepanian

“I as a voter am actually undecided up to this point right now.”

Alan  Sussman
Neely Swanson
Lily Szabo
Dan Szuhay
Justin Thibault
Delmar Thomas
Gabriel Torpey

“It's the first time I've voted in my lifetime.”

Linda Valdez
Alfred Vanacore
Martha Vega

“I wish there would be this much excitement for all our elections.”

Lynn Vogel
Africa Warrior

“I just feel like I've been pranked.”

Vonne Washington
Joann Wedlaw
David Weinreb
Lolita Westergren
Dawn White

“I would have liked this campaign to be about the actual issues affecting our country today.”

Anjie Whitman
Richard Williams

“The one that has the most gusto is the one that’s going to win.”

Jeffery Williams
Sammie Willis
Chris Wilson
Aeryn Woullard

“This election made me feel like an adult.”

Beautiful X
Kathy Yarrell

“It also makes me happy because history is being made again.”

Donna Young
Erick Zepeda

“This is the first election I've ever been able to vote in. ”

Josh daCosta
Dorothy von Zumwalt
Kurt von Zumwalt

“There's been times I've been concerned, but I've never been afraid. ”

Additional credits: Editing by Maloy Moore and Michelle Maltais | Video editing by Mark Potts and Robert Meeks | Design by Lily Mihalik | Development by Evan Wagstaff

Sources: Times reporting