
Why I’m marching

People gather in rainy Los Angeles to protest against the inauguration of President Donald Trump. (Jae C. Hong / Associated Press)

More than one million people participated in women's marches in the U.S. and around the world, one day after Donald Trump took the presidential oath of office.

The goal? To send a potent message of defiance to President Trump that promised stiff resistance to any curtailment of rights for women and minorities.

“Trump and what he represents is the antithesis of what makes life worth living.”

“Diversity, in my opinion, is humanity's greatest strength. And I plan to uphold and defend that to whatever end.”

“"The time is always right to do what is right." And today it is right to march.”

Alex Norris
Alexander McCoy, Former Marine Corps Sergeant
Alison Ivy Seligson
Amie Cartwright

“I thought we were closer than we were.”

“Because our country deserves far better.”

“We as patriots all stand in solidarity to protect our country and ALL of its people.”

Andrea Jarrell

“I'm going to bear witness.”

Autumn Carberry

“If they will fight for the rights of others, I can march today to support them.”

Beverly Rose Hopper

“My brothers and I were raised by a single mother. I witnessed her being victimized.”

Caitlyn Schulte
Carolin Shining

“It is important for me to practice my right of free speech.”

Cedar Boschan
Charlotte Agell
Chris Broeker
Christal Garcia
Christina Kristoffersen
Christine Winter
Cindy Rathbun
Corinne Knapp
Cynthia C.
Dana Douglas

“Have put up with ungodly amounts of sexual harassment and assault. ”

“I want to let Congress and Trump and the Supreme Court know that women are going to fight to keep their rights”

Danielle Martinelli

“This will really get under his skin.”

Deb Barnard

“I am not willing to quietly go back.”

Delia Douglas
Devin Kelley

“I'm voicing my concerns.”

Elena Mooney

“I want my child to grow up enjoying freedom, equality, and justice”


“To preserve, protect, and defend Californian principles.”

“Our fundamental sense of justice and decency have been tossed by the wayside.”

“Turning electoral despair into positive action!”

“To show my kids the importance of standing up for your beliefs.”

“We can only be free when we are ALL free.”

“I've never been so afraid for my country.”

“For my 91-yr-old mother and my 30-yr-old daughter, who both taught me how to be a man.”

Heidy Contreras

“I am almost 97... We have made so many gains and I fear we will lose them.”

“Trump's announced policies will hurt people that use safety net programs.”

Holly Sherman
Honeychild Coleman
Jaime Hunt
Janey Wong
Janice Hahn

“Sad that we need to have a women's march”

“Absolute fear of Trump.”

Jonathan Zajdman
Josh Potter
Karen Gordon
Kerry Cox

“Because I would be dead or at best homeless without OBAMACARE”

Kim Wright
Krissy Harris
Lauren Kate
Lee Bridges

“I want my voice to be heard by my fellow countrymen!”

Lisa James
Livia Hooson

“It's high effing time women had true equality.”

Maria Avila Gengenbacher

“Being on the streets IS the message.”

Martha Dodge

“To join my fellow dissenters and stand up for what I think is right.”

Mary Anne Gladyszewski
Mary Sojourner
Megan Teshima

“In the hope that I can be part of the solution.”

“I march because my people should be given an equal opportunity.”

“I refuse to concede my country to hate and exclusion”

“Get loud, stay loud, and stay known.”

“I don't just march for women. I march for us all. Women rights are human rights.”

“I want to be able to look future generations in the eyes and tell them that I tried.”

“A hateful demagogue is now our President.”

“We are stronger in our diversity than hate.”

Pam Meyer

“Trump has never known the struggles of middle class.”

Patricia Daza-Luu

“I'm marching in support of the Muslims and immigrants.”

Raquel Mireles
Reba Herder

“Trump stands for everything I hate about America”

Renata Miller
Ruth Nolan
Sally Taylor

“I am tired of seeing people try to politicize my medicine.”

Sergio Robles

“His brand of Fascism will not be tolerated here.”

Shawna Kenney

“I do not want the hard fought rights of women to be eroded.”

Sonia Smith-Kang

“Greed, racism, sexism, all of the "isms" that we have been dealing with for decades.”


“Cabinet members who serve their agencies without self interest first.”

Susan Miller
Talia Lavin
Tawny Ochoa
Thomas Gapen
Tina Koopersmith
Veronica Hernandez

“Silence is acceptance.”

mary rehwald

Additional credits: Development by Evan Wagstaff