Nuestro altar digital de Día de Muertos celebra a tus seres queridos - Los Angeles Times

Nuestro altar digital de Día de Muertos celebra a tus seres queridos


El Día de Muertos está a la vuelta de la esquina. Esta festividad, que se celebra en México y en algunas partes de América Latina y Estados Unidos, es una fiesta de recuerdos y de la comunidad. Es una oportunidad para dedicar tiempo a los recuerdos de los que nos precedieron. Y aunque la muerte está en primer plano, el Día de Muertos es también una celebración de la vida.

La forma tradicional de celebrarlo es haciendo una ofrenda, que suele incluir una foto de la persona a la que se recuerda, velas, alimentos, bebidas y artículos específicos que le gustaban al difunto, además de flores de cempasúchil, papel picado y calaveras.

Inspirados en los altares que en esta época del año se pueden observar en Grand Park y el cementerio Hollywood Forever, hemos creado nuestro propio altar digital comunitario. Pedimos a nuestros lectores que crearan su propia ofrenda subiendo una foto de un ser querido al que quisieran recordar y que nos compartieran un recuerdo o una anécdota sobre esa persona. Recibimos más de 1,000 propuestas.

Si quieres construir tu propio altar de Día de Muertos, aquí tenemos una guía de cómo hacerlo, con consejos de expertos.


Mantén el cursor sobre las imágenes para leer los mensajes.

Foto de  Ana Raquel dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ana Raquel

You were a cherished friend. The virus took you way too soon. Your love, friendship, tenacity, and commitment to social justice remains with all of us who loved you. Hasta la victoria siempre!

- Brenda Pfahnl


Foto de A mi querida madre dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

A mi querida madre

Mamita, querida, sé que nunca superaré tu pérdida. Gracias por todo lo que me enseñaste. Por tu nobleza y humildad. Siempre te llevo en mi corazón — y quisiera que estuvieras aquí a mi lado pero sé que donde quieras estás. Me cuidas. Te amo.

- Fatima Guerreto

Centerburg, OH

Foto de A mi querida Nonna dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

A mi querida Nonna

Her need to bring out dessert the second dinner ended. Her ritual of standing in the driveway waving & yelling "BYE!!!" until we were around the corner. I'll long for all these things and little memories, but mostly I'm thankful.

- Olivia Stafford

San Diego, CA

Foto de A mis amados padres dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

A mis amados padres

Entre ellos siempre existió un amor inseparable. Por eso se fueron juntos a 5 días de diferencia uno del otro. Gracias Dios por habérmelos prestado por todo este tiempo. Siempre viven en mis pensamientos y en mi corazón. Me hacen mucha falta.

- Maria Morales

Torrance, CA

Foto de Abraham Ramirez dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Abraham Ramirez

Gracias por tu amor y apoyo papá. Me enseñaste a ser fuerte, trabajadora, y tener compasión a los demás. Gracias a ti mis niños y yo tenemos mejor vida. We miss you so much dad y se que me volveré a reunir contigo.

- Paula Ramirez

Los Ángeles

Foto de Abuela Eva dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Abuela Eva

Así mira tu hijo a tu nieta.

- Florencia Rojo

Colorado Springs

Foto de Abuelita dentro de un marco con papel picado.


Pienso en usted muy seguido y extraño su voz. Como quisiera darle otro abrazo. Me acuerdo de la manera que siempre leía los nombres de las tiendas mientras paseábamos en el carro.

- Carmen Chavez

El Paso

Foto de Abuelita dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


The fact my grandma wore heels to church even if she had painful corns she did it because my little brother wanted to see my grandma is her low heels at church. A woman who sacrificed so much for her 11 children+husband. Gracias

- Arlene Vargas

Los Angeles, CA.

Foto de Abuelita Alma dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Abuelita Alma

Our mom was a warm and loving person. She was always looking to help others and she loved cooking. When you talked to her, you felt loved, cherished and understood. Mamá, te extrañamos todos los días. Nos haces mucha falta.

- Cecilia Hierro

Ladera Ranch

Foto de Abuelita Carmelita dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Abuelita Carmelita

Gracias por cuidar de nosotros. Gracias por querernos. Gracias por todo lo que hizo por nuestra familia. La recordamos siempre.

- Andrea Mena


Foto de Abuelita Choco dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Abuelita Choco

Abuelita, our love transcends time and distance, we are more connected than ever since you went to heaven. I will never be able to thank you enough for the love and care you gave me as a child. Thank you for showing me how to be a "guerrera". I miss and love you so much.

- Dulce Castellanos

Glendale, CA

Foto de Abuelita Laura dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Abuelita Laura

Abuelita, le doy gracias a Dios por haberme permitido tenerla en mi vida. Gracias por todo su amor, apoyo y haber sido una persona ejemplar. Usted fue una gran luchadora y anhelo tener su fortaleza. La extraño y quiero mucho!

- Laura Perez


Foto de Abuelita Lucy dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Abuelita Lucy

I remember you showing me how to bake cakes and how to be a strong hermosa.

- Akiya Hobson


Foto de Abuelita Luz dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Abuelita Luz

Abuelita: Pienso en ti muy seguido y extraño tanto tu voz. Como quisiera volver a verte y darte otro abrazo. Gracias por tanto, y por siempre ser un gran pilar en mi vida. Te amo y te extraño. Abue

- Lia Aime

Puerto Rico

Foto de Abuelita Olga Lopez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Abuelita Olga Lopez

Abuelita linda, Te fuiste al cielo antes de poder volverte a dar un abrazo. Siempre tan fuerte, sonriente y con ojitos pispiretos. ¡Eres única abuelita! Tus recuerdos los conservo con mucho amor. Se te extraña demasiado. Un beso.

- Yolanda Reyes

Palm Desert

Foto de Abuelita Rosa dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Abuelita Rosa

Thinking of our mother and grandmother Rosa, especially now knowing how much she would have loved her first great granddaughter. We miss you always.

- Andrea Gonzalez

Los Angeles

Foto de Abuelita Valentina dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Abuelita Valentina

La queremos mucho abuelita. Sabemos que nos sigue cuidando desde el cielo.

- Andrea Mena


Foto de Abuelito dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


De chiquita mi abuelito me llevaba de la mano al parque Edison Trails en Monterey Park y cuando caminábamos yo le apretaba la mano pensando que tenía mucha fuerza. El respondió con más fuerza. La lección: no seas un "big shot".

- Arlene Vargas

Los Angeles

Foto de Abuelitos dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


They were my safe people. I know that I could go their home and always be welcomed. I always gave them a kiss and hug when I would see them and a hug and kiss goodbye when I left. I have no bad memories of them, just pure amor.

- Victor Vega

Lompoc California

Foto de Abuelos Reyes e Inés Echeveste dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Abuelos Reyes e Inés Echeveste

Mis abuelos siempre fueron así de unidos y sonrientes hasta el final de sus días: inseparables y trabajadores, humildes pero sabios. Mi abuelo fue el mejor constructor de casas y mi abuela la mejor costurera del mundo. Los amo. ❤️

- Berenice Morales

Los Angeles

Foto de Abuelos y primas dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Abuelos y primas

The Cariño de la Pobreza

- Richard Yañez

El Paso

Foto de Abundio Nieves dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Abundio Nieves

Querido "Don Bucho", tanta gente que ayudaba. Todo el tiempo con sonrisa y amable a todos. Gracias por su humor, pasión y amor por las plantas. No podría hacer mi carera sin usted. Le daré una Coca y un delicioso burrito de lengua

- Curt Klebaum

Los Angeles

Foto de Adam & Susie dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Adam & Susie

My sister, Susanna Rodriguez, passed in 2015. This past March my bro-in-law, Adán Álvarez, joined her. Their departure left behind a huge void in their two sons, their family & friends. One day we will all be reunited again. Amor Eterno.

- Liliana Sanchez

Los Angeles

Foto de Adan Alvarez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Adan Alvarez

Adan was the greatest impersonator of famous '80s wrestlers, most notably taking place at a fast food restaurant where "matches" would take place mid-dinner. Always funny, always sweet and always will be missed. Love you, brother.

- Oscar Robledo

Fullerton, CA

Foto de Adolfo Toledo dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Adolfo Toledo

Papá, siempre lo recordaremos. Agradezco mucho a Dios por darnos un padre ejemplar. Nunca olvidaré todo el tiempo, la paciencia y sobre todo el cariño que tuvimos de usted durante nuestra niñez y siempre. 🙏🏻

- Leticia Toledo

Los Angeles

Foto de Adrian dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


I think of my brother daily. He was our chispa, had a hunger to thrive, made everyone laugh, lit up every place he went as a kid & a young adult in school, work, made friends right away. Such a kind soul, taken too soon. Love you, nano.

- Meli

San Francisco

Foto de Adrian & Raul Ramirez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Adrian & Raul Ramirez

Adrian was my best friend, the best any girl can have! He was funny and wild! You're so missed, especially your laugh! Mr. Raul, his father, gained his wings this year and I'm sure they are together in heaven. Forever in my heart!

- Loretta Pedroza

Anaheim Hills

Foto de Adrian ("Coco") dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Adrian ("Coco")

Remember his blond curls as a 3-year-old.

- Delfina Riley


Foto de Agapito Cordero dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Agapito Cordero

No te apures.

- Maria Aranda

Los Angeles

Foto de Aiko Schick dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Aiko Schick

Thank you for all the sacrifices you made for me. You taught me how to be kind, compassionate, and a good mother. I miss you every day. Love you forever.

- Andrea Hobson

Santa Clarita

Foto de Al Silva dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Al Silva

I promised my dad I'd be strong. But how? The greatest man I've known was gone. Then came the outpour of love about how he was such a great man, how he inspired people. I am the beneficiary of all the good he put out to the world.

- Endi Silva

El Paso, TX

Foto de Alan Hagman dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Alan Hagman

We love you and miss you every day. You lived so well- and we deeply wish we had more time with you. Going thru your Los Angels Times photography has been emotional. You left us so much to keep you alive in our souls. We felt you with us at The Hollywood Bowl Dead shows.

- Jennifer Hagman

Long Beach

Foto de Alex "Alx" Stojsic dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Alex "Alx" Stojsic

You were the best guitar player & the most fun partner in crime. Kids ran up to you & cats loved you. Your appreciation of sarcasm & the absurd was second to none! We miss you every day.

- Venus Kitagawa-Stojsic

Buena Park, CA

Foto de Alexander Christian Beirne dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Alexander Christian Beirne

Miss you Alex! You left us way too soon. We will be making gumbo (with the eggs) on Nov. 2 for you and pineapple upside down cake for your Uncle Kerry. Hope you two are having a good time. Tell my dad we have a cigar for him.

- Christine Apostolina Beirne

Ojai, California

Foto de Alfonso & Ramona Anzures dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Alfonso & Ramona Anzures

Good, honest people who instilled a pride of hard work and treating people the way you'd like to be treated. Also, be a generous host and help others.

- Alfonso Anzures JR

Los Angeles

Foto de Alfonso Corral dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Alfonso Corral

Dad, you are loved and missed so much. Thank you for always being there for our family, for showing us unconditional love everyday! We were so blessed to have had you in our lives and for all the amazing memories, amor eterno

- Debbie Rose

West Los Angeles, CA

Foto de Alfredo Cortina dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Alfredo Cortina

La parca sabía demasiado, quiso ir por Alfredo para tenerlo a su lado. Llevó su mochila. Llevó su guitarra. Cargó con todo lo que le gustaba. Estuvó de fiesta porque siempre le cantaba.

- Ruben Cortina

Arcadia, Ca

Foto de Alfredo Cortina Navarro dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Alfredo Cortina Navarro

Alfredo, aunque pasen los años tu recuerdo esta siempre presente. Con todo el amor, tu familia.

- Sandra Lopez

Arcadia, CA

Foto de Alfredo LaMont Jr. dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Alfredo LaMont Jr.

A wit on paper and in person. A gentle, elegant and complicated man who to me was above all a loving grandfather. I miss you daily, Abuelito.

- Alfredo LaMont IV


Foto de Alfredo Melton Quiroz dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Alfredo Melton Quiroz

11-12-01 to 01-26-07. No one was ever the same without out you Freddy. Luv, Auntie Irene

- Irene Quiroz

Hollywood, CA

Foto de Alice and Ben Hirano dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Alice and Ben Hirano

Alice and Ben Hirano returned to Los Angeles following their incarceration in World War II Japanese American prisons. Settling in Boyle Heights, Alice worked as a seamstress and Ben as a gardener and raised two daughters

- Thomas Nakanishi

Los Angeles, CA

Foto de Alice and Eddie Peña dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Alice and Eddie Peña

I love you mom and dad. I miss you and I celebrate your lives daily. Your LOVE is my guiding light. Your presence is in the flowers, birds and butterflies.

- Christine Pena

Helena, MT

Foto de Alice Lautzenhiser dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Alice Lautzenhiser

For all the ways you watch over me, Gramma Alice, I love you to the moon and back.

- Laurel Capesius

Claremont, CA

Foto de Alicia Flores dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Alicia Flores

My cousin Alicia was such a smart, strong and courageous woman with a big heart. I miss you so much, "Big Sis." Me enseñaste a soñar en grande y nunca rendirme. Te quiero mucho, prima. 💕

- Vanessa Martínez

Los Angeles

Foto de Alicia Monge dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Alicia Monge

Beloved wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. Cherished in our hearts for her love, laughter, and endless support. Stolen from us by COVID-19. Miss you dearly, Mami.

- Ana Monge

San Diego

Foto de Alicia Perez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Alicia Perez

I can't believe it's 10 years since you've been gone. You are in my life and my heart every single day. Te quiero mucho, mami.

- Cristy Stiles

Cambridge, MA

Foto de All my ancestors dentro de un marco con papel picado.

All my ancestors

I love you. I miss you. Please continue to guide me.

- Gaylon Alcaraz

Chicago, IL

Foto de Amalia Delgado Reyes dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Amalia Delgado Reyes

Mi madre era pobre, humilde, sincera, fuerte, trabajadora, amorosa y temerosa de Dios. Por eso nunca nos faltó ropa, zapatos o comida. Nos llenó de amor, buenos consejos y enseñanzas. Humildemente le debo mi grandeza a mi madre.

- Ernestina Villa

Escondido, CA

Foto de Amber Inez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Amber Inez

Gone too soon, but was such a crazy, loving soul. No one she met could ever forget her! We'll watch over your boy, just try to get some peace now from this hectic life. We love you, Amber! Long live Amber.

- Acero Fam

South Gate

Foto de Amparo Jimenez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Amparo Jimenez

My beautiful sister, Paro. Today I saw a hawk in a tree and felt your presence more than ever. Until we meet again, I will sing your praises and thank God I had you as my sis for 54 years. Love you Amparo!

- Leticia Jimenez

Montebello, CA

Foto de Andres Padilla dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Andres Padilla

You are still loved very much. I feel your presence with us daily. Regardless of the circumstance prior to your death I hope you now understand from a grand perspective and I pray you can now watch us with joy, peace and rest.

- Daniella Padilla

Los Angeles

Foto de Andres Vasconcellos dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Andres Vasconcellos

He is part of the reason why you are all enjoying microwave popcorn.

- Miguel Vasconcellos

Los Angeles

Foto de Andrew Gallo dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Andrew Gallo

Andrew, I miss you tremendously. My most cherished memory is speaking to you about cars, Lowriders and tequila shots! We would get mom mad wouldn't we? I miss you tons little brother. Love, your Princess Jessica

- Jessi Ramirez

Pomona, Ca

Foto de Andrew Ureno dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Andrew Ureno

To my little brother Andrew: I wish you were here to see how much everyone has grown. With each passing day, your memory is still with every single one of us. I'm sure you would be so proud. I miss you so much, little bro.

- Veronica Ureno

Atlanta, Georgia

Foto de Andrew Wilds dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Andrew Wilds

Dad you were a loving person who I never fully appreciated until last year when you developed cholangiocarcinoma. Now, I think back on the years with you and I miss you. I still love you dad. May God rest your soul.

- Forest King-Wilds

Milton, Florida

Foto de Angel Rodriguez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Angel Rodriguez

Thank you for the life lessons you thought us. The love you gave us and the time. For always supporting our wildest dreams and for helping us conocer our dreams. We love you!

- Edith Rodriguez

Los Angeles

Foto de Angelito, el mejor abuelo dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Angelito, el mejor abuelo

Te extraño mucho, te recuerdo comiendo con mucho gusto, llendo por tacos en la noche, viendo el fútbol y gritando emocionado, hoy te celebro y te ofrezco una luz, un vaso de agua, tú comida favorita y un te quiero.

- Cassandra Gonzalez

Ciudad de México.

Foto de Aniceto Molina dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Aniceto Molina

Me gustaría celebrar la vida del hombre que formó mis recuerdos de mi infancia. Contribuyó con sus rimas y ritmos, haciendo que mi infancia pareciera una fiesta navideña todos los días.

- Daniel Aguilar

Bogotá, Colombia

Foto de Ann and Larry Yamaguchi dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ann and Larry Yamaguchi

Kathleen and I were so very blessed to have the best parents two daughters could ever have! You were both always "the wind beneath our wings" and we knew that you loved us unconditionally. Your spirits are forever in our hearts.

- Roxanne Moster


Foto de Anne Gilbert dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Anne Gilbert

Your wisdom and memory remains fervent, dare I admit thriving in your "children". Some Oban for you tonight, Nanoo.

- Ben Levin

Northampton, MA

Foto de Anne Marie O'Riordan dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Anne Marie O'Riordan

Hi Anne Marie - wish you could be with us today to share this holiday. Hopefully you are in a happy place cooking up your favorite dessert: Summer Pudding! Love, Finbarr and the family.

- Finbarr O'Riordan

Los Angeles

Foto de Annie dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


I love this picture of you in Ireland. That was a great trip and I wish we could go on more together. We all miss you so very much and think of you daily. Thanks for sending us signs when we need them.

- Beth Preminger

Los Angeles

Foto de Annie Cribbs dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Annie Cribbs

Sending you gratitude, mom, for making us resilient and paving a path towards the arts that we may not have enjoyed without you. Still making things and thinking of you!

- KeKe Cribbs


Foto de Anthony "Tony" Mannetta dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Anthony "Tony" Mannetta

Good Friend and Brother. Kind, loving soul you are gone from the party way too soon. So many tears the salt burns our eyes. Every day in the garden you will be there with us.

- J P

Brooklyn, NY

Foto de Anthony Tinsley dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Anthony Tinsley

Daddy, you loved and cared for us so deeply. It's been really hard without you. We miss you. We miss your words of comfort and support and all your wisdom.

- Natasha Henderson

North Carolina

Foto de Antonia Romero Diaz dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Antonia Romero Diaz

Siempre estaras en nuestros corazones, bendiciones desde el cielo

- Eduardo Banos

Montebello, CA

Foto de Antonio and Isabel Gonzalez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Antonio and Isabel Gonzalez

My wonderful parents as long as they were on this earth they fostered family, nurtured all of us unconditionally. My mother's positivity and my father's sense of humor is never forgotten. Forever in our hearts. Gonzalez Family.

- Isabel Reyes


Foto de Antonio Bernabé Lule dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Antonio Bernabé Lule

Tony, una comunidad entera te recuerda por el amor con que nos organizaste para luchar por la reforma migratoria. Fuiste ejemplo como padre y amigo. Tú de veras sabías lo que es tener un sueño americano. Abrazamos a tu familia.

- Teresa Borden

Los Angeles

Foto de Antonio Castillo dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Antonio Castillo

Cunis, te extrañamos mucho. Que la estés pasando bien en tu última morada de Yurecuaro, Michoacan, como tú querías.

- Lucy Banos

Tijuana, BC, Mexico

Foto de Antonio Ramos dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Antonio Ramos

I miss my father's selflessness, unlimited generosity, and unmatched kindness. I'm sorry I didn't get to say goodbye and give you one last hug. You leave a great emptiness in my life but your memory will always be with me.

- Marisol Ramos

Bronx, NY

Foto de Apollo dentro de un marco con papel picado.


Forever . . .

- Lisa B

Ventura, CA

Foto de Argus dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


We miss your energy, your empathy, and your bark. We think of you every day.

- Christy S


Foto de Armen Hovanesian dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Armen Hovanesian

Thanks for introducing me to photography and giving me the inspiration to never stop creating.

- Hamlet Nalbandyan


Foto de Arnoldo Del Toro dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Arnoldo Del Toro

To my Grandpa, you are greatly missed by everyone. We miss your great sense of humor, your comfort, and your beautiful stories. Till we meet again nuestro viejo querido

- Lucia Del Toro


Foto de Arthur Torres dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Arthur Torres

Just celebrated your 29th Anniversary in Heaven, We miss you. How I wish you were here with us, to celebrate our children, your grandchildren and great grandchildren, if only they knew your smile and strength. Love you, Daddy.

- Sonya Torres

Yuma, Arizona

Foto de Arturo Olivas dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Arturo Olivas

Committed to my father after he came out, Arturo was my father's last love. When my dad was diagnosed with and died of AIDS in 1986, Arturo became a caretaker and an LGBTQ activist. He loved chisme, travel, and his family and friends.

- Armand Vasquez

Sherman Oaks, CA

Foto de Arturo y George dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Arturo y George

Dos grandes ejemplos — nobles, valientes y entregados a la familia. Sus sonrisas contagiaban y sus consejos daban calma. Se extrañan sus risas y regaños. Quisiera tocar sus manos y sentir el calor de sus abrazos.

- Omar Galicia


Foto de Aurelio Jose Barrera dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Aurelio Jose Barrera

Thank you for showing me how to document and share our community's stories with care and humanity. 📸

- Steve Saldivar

Los Angeles

Foto de Azalea Granados Enriquez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Azalea Granados Enriquez

Te extraño mamá. Más de lo que pudiera imaginar. Cuídanos a todos. Love you! ❤️👯‍♀️👩‍👧‍👦

- Paloma Menéndez

Merida, Yucatán , Mexico

Foto de Barbara dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Love you, mom. We miss you so much!

- Lynda Taylor


Foto de Barbara P Willis dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Barbara P Willis

Nana, I miss you every day! The wedding is so soon. I am excited to gather everyone together and celebrate. I love you.

- Larkin Willis


Foto de Bella dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Bella... you were my very best poodle... you left too soon. You are forever in my heart.

- D Miller


Foto de Bella dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Celebrating our favorite pooch

- Ishobel P


Foto de Belle dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


You've been gone just two months, my sweet Bellie Beans. Your sweetness, gentle presence, playfulness, grace, courage and boundless love made me a better human. You are forever my whole heart. I love you, and we will meet again.

- Lori Nolin


Foto de Benjamin Perez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Benjamin Perez

Our grandpa was someone who would always make us laugh, no matter what else was going on. Though he is no longer with us, we keep those laughs and memories in our hearts, and are grateful for everything he has provided for us.

- Edgar Perez

Los Angeles

Foto de Benny Carrillo and Claudio Martinez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Benny Carrillo and Claudio Martinez

True gentlemen and always here for the family. I'm sorry that you had to endure the pain/suffering of Covid and that you couldn't be surrounded by family in your final hours. I hope you know you were loved and will be missed.

- Leticia Jiménez

Montebello, CA

Foto de Bernardo Leyva dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Bernardo Leyva

Beloved husband, father, grandfather, & great grandfather who felt happiest by the ocean where he was reminded of his home state of Sinaloa. Though his absence is painful for his growing family, his love & lessons live on in them.

- Leyva Family

Alhambra, CA

Foto de Bertha "Birdie" Stoehr dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Bertha "Birdie" Stoehr

To the best mom she could be for her two daughters. always and forever we are proud of you! Love, Christy and Michelle

- Michelle Moen

Torrance, CA

Foto de Best friend. dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Best friend.

Memory: going to Ladera park to practice baseball, and later come home and play Madden. Also, can't forget the basketball games played between Brett Street and 68th.

- Abraham Marquez

Los Angeles

Foto de Betsy Owens dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Betsy Owens

Her joy at life and the love of her sons, Dylan and Ian.

- Margot Bach

Sacramento CA

Foto de Bette and Al Kray dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Bette and Al Kray

I miss you every day. I'm grateful to have your loving spirit with me always.

- Jano Kray

Arroyo Grande, CA

Foto de Betty Alexander Arbuckle dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Betty Alexander Arbuckle

My mom was a strong woman. Survived racism, sexism and domestic violence. Raised me and my brother Darrin mostly on her own. She loved L.A. L.A. loved her. It's been 19 years since God brought her home. I still miss you, mom.

- Ivey McClelland


Foto de Betty Ervin dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Betty Ervin

Today we remembered some of the hilarious things you would say. We miss you so much.

- Margaret Bruder

Asheville, NC

Foto de Betty Ringnell Bock dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Betty Ringnell Bock

My Mom adored Christmas. She would shop all year for it, no kidding! This is a 60's pic of her, surrounded by a complete mess of excitedly decimated wrapping paper on one of our many Christmas Eves surrounded by family, laughs, love & Grandma's cooking.

- Suzanne Vier

Westlake Village

Foto de Bety Arrechea dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Bety Arrechea

Maestra de tantos niños, la mejor tía del mundo y la mamá de Migue.

- Maria Julia Baldor


Foto de Beverly Guerra dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Beverly Guerra

My wonderful mom died on June 29, 2021. She was a beautiful soul who didn't get to be here long enough. I still feel her around me all the time. I don't know what I believe about an afterlife but I still feel her.

- Mequet Hribar

Tennessee USA

Foto de Beverly Trust dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Beverly Trust

My mom truly exemplified what life on earth is about — love, compassion, creativity, education, and helping others. Miss you, mom!!

- Torrey Trust


Foto de Bill dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


My father, Bill, was one of the kindest, most patient, most loving people I've ever known. Dad, your grandchildren are growing up to be amazing people. Thank you for helping me be a good father to them.

- Eric Black

Los Angeles, CA

Foto de Bill O'Brien dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Bill O'Brien

I miss you so much, my Halloween baby. You would have loved the party we just held in your honor. I'll always love you, Blue Eyes, even when my brown eyes are crying.

- Sandy Malloy


Foto de Billa Jean Peters Jones dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Billa Jean Peters Jones

My mother, artist of many talents, painter, once made her own loom to weave a rug for the fun of it. Center of love for the whole family. She is gone now and we miss her dearly, but the love is still there. Love you, Mom!

- Kay Shapero

Los Angeles

Foto de Billie Pat dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Billie Pat

If she were here today I think I would just tell her how much I love her and hug her for a long time.

- Ashley Guerrero


Foto de Blanca Gonzalez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Blanca Gonzalez

I miss you so much. You came here at such a young age and were one of the "invisible" ones who contributed so much to this city. You deserve to be recognized for it. I wish you only peace. Just peace. Love you!!!

- William Ramirez

Los Angeles

Foto de Bo dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


My best friend and loyal companion. We miss you so much sweet girl.

- Sarah Meza

Austin, TX

Foto de Bob and Ed Zukusky dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Bob and Ed Zukusky

For 70 years I had two older brothers. They died this year, within only 4 weeks of each other. It is very sad to lose any sibling, but to lose them both in such a short period of time was unbearable.

- Ruth Donnalley

Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico

Foto de Bob Hardman dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Bob Hardman

Just remembering what a quiet yet solid presence my dad was in the world. He was like a big oak tree that gave shade, shelter and nourishment to anyone who needed it. Missing him and happy to honor him in this space.

- Jesse Hardman


Foto de Bob Jasna dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Bob Jasna

We miss you so much!

- Kirsten Jasna

Los Angeles

Foto de Bob Morrill dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Bob Morrill

Remembering my hero. I remember when I begged my dad to let me ride my bike to school. After relentless begging, he agreed. Little did I know then that he followed behind me the whole way in his car, nearly stopping all traffic along the way.

- Lisa Burrola


Foto de Brady Weaver dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Brady Weaver

Brady and I had many adventures together. With Brady, I tried oysters for the first time, went sky diving, had fantastic elaborate meals, and shot targets with many different types of fire arms. But mostly Brady was my confidante.

- Jim Van Rens

San Diego, CA

Foto de Brewster Arms dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Brewster Arms

1925-2021. We miss you Dad, but cherish our fond memories of family vacations to Fallen Leaf Lake and holiday meals with much merriment. We know that you are heaven with your beloved parents and dear sisters Meri and Maggie. Rest in Peace.

- Emily Arms

Santa Monica

Foto de Brian Rourke dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Brian Rourke

You were taken too soon. We always remember your heart, your laugh and smile. You made us all laugh all the time. We miss you so much, but will be together again. I love you.

- Kelly Rourke

West Los Angeles

Foto de Brian Tatsuno dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Brian Tatsuno

Brian, I miss you so much! You were very kind and thoughtful. You were so creative. It is a tragedy, I couldn't convince you to create artwork. We both love the Latino culture. Through the Alhambra Latino Association, I will fund a scholarship for a Latino artist in your name. "May your light shine on."

- Shirley Tatsuno

Alhambra, CA

Foto de Briana Granny Sillin dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Briana Granny Sillin

We are missing you so much. Your Sweet unconditional Love. Talking with you everyday, saying prayers with You -️ Your delicious home cook meals . Our Family Celebrations and Get-Togethers too. Love You Forever and Always till we meet again.

- Margaret Cortez

Los Angeles, CA.

Foto de Brother-in-law dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Dear brother-in-law, you are missed tremendously! Rest in peace.

- Maria Flores

Los Angeles

Foto de Bruce M. Barack dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Bruce M. Barack

I miss you, Dad, and although 10 months have passed, it feels like no time at all. Thank you for setting an example of the relentless pursuit of excellence and always being a teacher and mentor. And thank you for loving your grandkids so darn much. 💔

- Rachel Barack

Los Angeles, CA

Foto de Bryan dentro de un marco con papel picado.


Bryan was a beautiful human being, very smart, very handsome, very strong and not to mention a heart of gold -️ he always wanted to do the right thing. Bryan's life was taken to soon... remembering him really hurts. We love and miss Bryan very very dearly, we love you forever Bryan. Never forgotten, forever in our hearts. You were such a sweet beautiful child. How we miss you. We love you so much, always will. Mi gordo ermoso presioso.

- Bryan Delatorre


Foto de Bunny and Wilma  dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Bunny and Wilma

Both born on October 25th. My mother Bunny and grandmother Wilma were two amazing, funny, brilliant and beautiful women. Love and miss them along with my Aunt Pussycat.

- Valerie W

City of Angels

Foto de Callie dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


I miss my baby. I wish I could have held you. You didn't have to do it alone. You were the best baby I ever had.

- Kittibun Catlin

Atlanta, Georgia

Foto de Callie Chastain dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Callie Chastain

I hope that you know that your life was our life's best part… You are so loved and missed by so many.

- Kathleen M Chastain

Palm Springs

Foto de Carlos & Enriqueta dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Carlos & Enriqueta

Mom & Dad, Thank you for all the love. The Torres family keeps growing and I wish you could have met all your wonderful great grand kids. We love you always.

- Henry Torres

Los Angeles, CA

Foto de Carlos Aguilar Cuzo dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Carlos Aguilar Cuzo

You always had a BIG HEART. No matter what life had thrown at you. You always had a smile on your face. Always willing to help others. I love you cousin. We miss you so so much. Your voice, your laugh. You're always in our thoughts, True Blue. 💙

- Nancy Aguilar


Foto de Carlos Arguello dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Carlos Arguello

To my friend/brother Carlos who taught us that we must give all of ourselves- our talents, creativity, joy — to make this a kinder and better world for all, especially those less lucky than ourselves! Te extrañamos mucho Carlitos!

- Mario Ceballos

Los Ángeles

Foto de Carlos de la Chesnaye dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Carlos de la Chesnaye

How I have missed this epic human being. It is because of him that I started editing videos.

- Yadira Flores

Los Angeles

Foto de Carlos F. Tamayo dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Carlos F. Tamayo

Always in our hearts.

- Christine Jennie Brenda Tamayo


Foto de Carlos Torres dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Carlos Torres

My father was my best friend and missed him so much I love him so much there's not one day that I don't think about him even after 21 years

- Juan Torres

Eagle Rock

Foto de Carlos Valdez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Carlos Valdez

We miss you tio Carlos. I wish you were still here for your kids. You were doing such big things. 7 years already is so hard to believe. I love you and miss you. I always admired how you were such a great dad! I wished you were mine because you were the best! Sending a huge hug up to heaven!

- Valerie Guardado

Hemet, CA

Foto de Carmen and Peter Castro dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Carmen and Peter Castro

Mom and Dad, love and miss you daily. You raised five sucessful children.

- Victotia Castro

Los Angeles

Foto de Carmen Estrada dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Carmen Estrada

I miss our talks, your beautiful laugh and how we shared the love of music. Our holidays will never be the same. I wish you could come to me in my dreams to say hi. You were the best sister-in-law and are missed beyond measure!

- Debra Roman


Foto de Carmen Gonzales dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Carmen Gonzales

I love you and miss you, mom. I hope and pray you are in eternal peace.

- Evonne Banda

Littleton Colorado

Foto de Carmen Guerrero dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Carmen Guerrero

Let's celebrate!

- Patricia Lopez

Los Angeles

Foto de Carmita y Rubén Darío dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Carmita y Rubén Darío

Fotos de nuestros padres cuando eran novios, 1945 (la de Carmita en México, la de Rubén Darío en La Habana). Su memoria perdura en nosotros y entre nosotros: porque el amor siempre permanece, y renace; y el amor con amor se paga.

- Rubén G. Rumbaut

Irvine, CA

Foto de Carole Hansen dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Carole Hansen

Miss you, Mom. -️ I will never forget the day you were strong enough to be brought out to the living room in your wheelchair and how when you saw your dad you stood up and did the hula. We burst out laughing. Our brightest light.

- Melissa Hansen

Portland, Oregon

Foto de Carolina Torres dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Carolina Torres

Everything I have I owe to this incredible Woman who, like too many others, raised a Kid a child alone. I miss you Mom. Gracias for all you did with this brat of a Kid. Abrazos.

- Eric Jasso


Foto de Carolina Vigil Martinez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Carolina Vigil Martinez

On December 21, 2021 my mother, Carolina Vigil Martinez would be celebrating her 96th birthday. I can hear her singing in the kitchen, smell her tortillas and watch her as she sat to rest with an open bible on her lap. Love you!

- Lydia Martinez


Foto de Caroline dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Mom, there isn't a day that goes by that I don't hear your voice still guiding me in life. You showed me unconditional love, you loved me when I was unloveable. I wish you were here to meet your newest great-granddaughter. Love you.

- Steve Perez

Oxnard, CA

Foto de Carolyn Glover dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Carolyn Glover

Mom - I miss our conversations and your updates on the weather, your most recent PBS episode and what's going on with the neighbors. I want you to know that your dog is ok. I am doing ok. You are missed. I love you.

- Nancy Glover


Foto de Carolyn Janet Dodge McNabb dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Carolyn Janet Dodge McNabb

My mother, a librarian, passed away due to breast cancer this past March, just as I was writing the final draft of my Ph.D. Dissertation (Media Psychology). My Dissertation is dedicated to her. Descansa en Paz, Mommy.

- Patrick McNabb

Chestertown, Maryland

Foto de Carrie Nell Backus dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Carrie Nell Backus

Carrie Nell we all love you and miss you so much. You lived your life so authentically that I often feel like I can hear your responses and your commentary. B & A are doing great. Bill is a really good dad.

- Meredith DeBenedetto

South Carolina

Foto de Cedric dentro de un marco con papel picado.


I love you, son. Forever in my heart and I miss you every minute of every day. You should be here enjoying and experiencing life. I should too but it's hard without you. You're not forgotten, my loving son

- Maureen West


Foto de Celina Real dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Celina Real

Para mi Tía-Madre, Así pase 1 año, 5 o 10 años, la memoria de tu risa, de tus lecciones, el aroma de tí jamas lo olvidaré. Espero con la gracia de Dios volverte a ver. No sólo a mí, pero a tus hijos y hermanas nos haces mucha falta. Te amo y te extraño. ❤️

- Melina Carachure

Los Angeles

Foto de Cerly Simas dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Cerly Simas

Muito obrigada por estar sempre presente, sempre assobiando, e sempre peonto pra ajudar quem tu amava. Saudades.

- Renata Gheller


Foto de Cesar Rodriguez Jr. dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Cesar Rodriguez Jr.

Thinking of my brother today. Wishing he's okay with our abuelitos watching down on us. Love and miss you very much.

- David Rodriguez

Indio, CA

Foto de Charleen Hauser-Mahardy dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Charleen Hauser-Mahardy

Love you and will forever remember the beauty you shared: gardening, art, music. Rest in peace.

- Don, Colin & Heather Mahardy


Foto de Charles "Chuck" Webb dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Charles "Chuck" Webb

The best father and friend anyone could have. I miss you, Daddy, but you will live in my heart forever!

- Callie Webb

Los Angeles

Foto de Charles Thornton dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Charles Thornton

Beloved husband, father, brother and friend. We love and miss you dearly! Thankful for all of the precious memories we've shared. We hold them close to our hearts. We remember you and honor you always. Love you forever! ~Thornton Family

- Teena Thornton

Los Angeles

Foto de Chloe dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Missing my little snuggle bear. Missing her loud snores and her cozying up to me every day.

- Mercedes Smith

Redondo Beach

Foto de Chris Davis dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Chris Davis

Chris, my love, I will always remember your brilliant mind, sensitivity, and desire to help everyone around you. Thank you for being the most supportive and doting partner. I wish you were still here and I love you infinitely.

- Amanda Villegas

Ontario, CA

Foto de Christina McAllister dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Christina McAllister

You died a few years after I was born, but you were always there to help look after me. Thank you.

- Russell McAllister


Foto de Christine Castillo dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Christine Castillo

She was the best mom and nana anyone could ask for. She always took care of us and our kids. We will always remember the good times, the good food and the good music. Love you, mom.

- Toni Castillo

La Puente

Foto de Christopher Micheal Hodge dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Christopher Micheal Hodge

I miss you more than the sun missing the moon. You will always hold the most large place in my heart, for you made me feel complete in myself and happy. You showed me I was normal when I felt so lost you kept me grounded. Te amo, CMH.

- Akiya Hobson


Foto de Christopher Nocerino dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Christopher Nocerino

My dearest, sweetest, Chris, I love & miss you so much. You were such a creative, wise & beautiful child & I'm so glad you were in my life. I know you are soaring around the universe & I count the days until I can you again. - Mom

- Deborah Murphy

Redondo Beach

Foto de Christopher Thompson dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Christopher Thompson

You are still accomplishing great things, your mom has transformed, through you, to someone she really likes.

- Lauren Brown

Minneapolis MN

Foto de Cindy Fellicia Indiarto dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Cindy Fellicia Indiarto

My day 1 right from the start. My guiding force. My partner in crime. My greatest critic. My biggest supporter. My mast through the storm. My go-to person. My tiny big sister. You're gonna live forever in me. Love you.

- Wina A Indiarto

Jakarta, Indonesia

Foto de Cipriano Pedroza dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Cipriano Pedroza

Our Daddy, a COVID victim lost on Jan. 8. Your gentle soul and beautiful heart is so missed. We miss our talks, laughs and date nights. You will always be the Best Father and Popper. We adore you forever, Daddy. - Your loving children.

- Loretta Pedroza

Anaheim Hills

Foto de Claudia Sillas dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Claudia Sillas

It has been three years since my sister's death and not a day goes by that our family doesn't think of her. She was such a strong presence. Hermana, ojalá que te gusten las flores que te llevamos cada dos semanas sin faltar.

- Esmeralda Sillas-Aguilar


Foto de Claudia Trujillo dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Claudia Trujillo

Claudia was always so full of life and happiness. She loved her family and friends and everyone loved her. We all know you are still taking care of us and we will love you forever.

- Eloisa Rios

Sioux City, Iowa

Foto de Clayton Coffey dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Clayton Coffey

Truly a naturally kind, handsome, honest and wonderful friend & brother to me.

- Jack Coffey

Kennebunkport Maine

Foto de Cleody Manalo dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Cleody Manalo

My grandmother was the most caring, kind, and generous person. She touched the lives of many people, whether it was family, friends, or strangers. I miss you so much, Mama. Love, your apo

- Natie Manalo

San Francisco, CA

Foto de Colin dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Remembering the love that Colin my best friend and fiancé brought to my life and everyone he knew. He was a rare person who led his life with love and appreciation and support of people. He was an avid reader of classic writing, a talented writer and storyteller. He was deeply loved

- Olivia Bangert

Bay Area California

Foto de Concepcion Casas dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Concepcion Casas

How she loved life

- Stella Lopez

Los Angeles

Foto de ConCon dentro de un marco con papel picado.


Sweet boy, we love you and miss you so much. Your sister is getting so big. We light a St Miguel candle for you when grandma and grandpa come over. Hope you still laugh as loud and hard as always. We will never ever forget you.

- Ellie Lynch


Foto de Consuelo Guerra dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Consuelo Guerra

My grandma Consuelo (a.k.a. Chelina) was the light & laughter in our worlds. She was always giving and made sure everyone was fed. She told the greatest stories and she called everyone of us every day. We miss her mucho.

- Stephanie Guerra

San Antonio

Foto de Cornelia Hoenig dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Cornelia Hoenig

She always loved to make others happy, loved to laugh, made me learn hoola hoop 5 years ago and probably still can do it better than me in her grave just now 💕

- Neb Aleb


Foto de Creampuff dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


A pesar de que me mordiste varias veces, fue bueno tener tu compañía.

- Katerinne Alfaro

Los Angeles

Foto de Cruz Mauricio dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Cruz Mauricio

Celebrating father's day last year with him. It was the last one we would be able to celebrate with him and we miss him every day.

- Ariella Velez

Aurora, IL

Foto de Curly dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Thank you sweet old man. You brought us such joy, comfort and laughter. You taught me unconditional love and I will be forever grateful. I hope your spirit has all of the apples, watermelon, Costco rotisserie chicken, love and snuggles your tummy & heart desire

- P & J Holliday

San Francisco

Foto de Dad dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


It seems like just yesterday that you left us. I miss your smile, your ability to fix any situation, and ability to love our mom unconditionally. You are forever in my thoughts. You left a huge hole in this family.

- Robin Yuede


Foto de Dad dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


You taught me at a very early age that all humans are our brothers and sisters.

- JJ Harris

Petaluma, CA

Foto de Dad dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Loving husband, father, grandfather

- Steve Dailor

Granada Hills

Foto de Dad and Aunt Roxy dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Dad and Aunt Roxy

Remembering their sense of humor, and summer trips to the OR coast.

- Emily Holm Tobin


Foto de Dale Felice Liebowitz-Neglia dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Dale Felice Liebowitz-Neglia

Dale was as beautiful in person as she was in spirit. Her love and infectious smile embraced all who were fortunate enough to have met her, and she was graciously giving to all of her neighbors. We were blessed by knowing her.

- Sandy Hubbard

Valley Village

Foto de Daniel dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Dad, I miss your incredible intellect, your adherence to ethics, your boundless energy, wit and talent. Your devotion to fairness and standing up for it, even when others wouldn't is your legacy to me. You are with me every day in my mind. I love you.

- Rebecca Adams


Foto de Danny dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Baby Brother … if only my kids could have one day with you. ❤️

- Kris Thompson

Portland, OR

Foto de Danny Hefner dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Danny Hefner

My dad always wanted to have the last word and tell a joke. Kind heart. We miss you

- Karrie Hefner


Foto de Danny Michael Rueda dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Danny Michael Rueda

I love you 3,000, my unstoppable force of a dad. I miss you, but I know you're in heaven living your best eternal life❣️ "Si la vida nos sepera, yo te juro y te prometo, que en mi corazón existes como tu sangre en mi cuerpo" 👨‍👧

- Victoria Rueda

Wasco, CA

Foto de Darrell Albers dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Darrell Albers

Darrell worked at Disneyland as a scheduler and manager in the custodial and maintenance departments where he made many friends. Devoted husband & father — he loved the Beatles, SNL, UCLA, basketball, and Badger Football.

- Stephanie Mikhail

Irvine, California

Foto de Dave dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Happy birthday Dave. You never wanted to get old.

- dani brusius

Oak Park

Foto de David Amescua dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

David Amescua

My darling husband, you are missed more than words could ever convey. You're so much a part of everything we do and say. You would be so proud of Kyle and all the positive changes he's made in his life. We're forever yours.

- Rose Amescua


Foto de David Barron dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

David Barron

It's hard to believe it's been almost a year now since you've been gone. We miss you so much, grandpa. Thank you for showing me that you're still around and I will always make sure my kids know about you.

- Kaitlyn Platt

Cincinnati, OH

Foto de David Negus dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

David Negus

In memory of our father, husband, grandfather and mentor, who showed us the world, explained its history, took us on adventures, and guided us on our chosen paths. We love and miss you.

- Stephen Negus

Claremont CA

Foto de David Zeitlin dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

David Zeitlin

David and his beloved Dobby enjoying the day in Eureka, CA. David was an amazing musician, writer and photographer. He was funny, kind and beloved.

- Vicki Zeitlin

Loleta, CA

Foto de Dear mother dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Dear mother

Dearest mamacita, Always devoted to familia and church. Optimistic and kind to all. Deeply rooted in her faith and garden. As the leaves turn and seasons change your departure is timed to the season. Eternally grateful for your compassion and care for us.

- Anita Fernandez

Eagle Rock

Foto de Decker dentro de un marco con papel picado.


Decker incurred a "fractious cat" surcharge for biting at our vets. He was a fraidy cat with small cat syndrome who lived under our deck one winter before braving the house interior. We loved him with all his tough cat facade.

- Mike Lee

Bellingham, WA

Foto de Delfina Landeros dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Delfina Landeros

My beautiful and loving mamá. Remembering you fondly on this Día de Los Muertos. You always knew how to light up a room and bring a smile to my face, and you always will. Love you siempre!

- Xavier Chapa

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Foto de Derek Emmanuel Trucios dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Derek Emmanuel Trucios

We miss you and love you.

- Karolina Ramirez

Brooklyn New York

Foto de Detroit dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


You were a grumpy, old man for most of your life, and left scratches and bite marks on those who dared approach you, but you loved me, and I loved you. Miss you, Kitty.

- M Pierce


Foto de Deva Overman dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Deva Overman

We never stopped loving you & will continue to love you each moment of each day our darling daughter, Deva. We miss your laugh, your joy, & your passion for living. Your loss is immeasurable. Vaya con dios, mi amor.

- Linda Overman


Foto de Diane Rodriguez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Diane Rodriguez

Mzzz. Rodriguezzz. I miss you more than you can know. I love you beyond the beyond. Are you playing scrabble up in the heavens?

- Debra J.T. Padilla

Los Angeles

Foto de Diego dentro de un marco con papel picado.


Diego came into and left this world with me by his side. Being there to witness the complete cycle of his life, is the greatest honor of mine. Love you for lifetimes, my sweet boy!

- Darice Cadriel

Jamaica Plain, MA

Foto de DJ & Daniel Ruiz dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

DJ & Daniel Ruiz

Always in our hearts, forever & always

- Yvonne Camacho


Foto de Dolores Gallego dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Dolores Gallego

My Auntie Lola passed away on 10/25/2021 at noon in Santa Barbara, Calif. She told me to "keep walking and keep moving" when I saw her last July and we talked about Pastrami sandwiches and good Mexican food. I love you Auntie Lola, you're home.

- Jon Bañuelos

Pittsburgh, PA

Foto de Domingo Fama dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Domingo Fama

De Italia a Argentina y ahora a seguir tu viaje a lugares mejores

- Maria Julia Baldor


Foto de Domino and Scooter dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Domino and Scooter

We love this memory from Thanksgiving 2020. You will always be part of our family. From the moment you met in 2016, you were a pack, so it's not surprising you left this world months apart. RIP Domino and Scooter.

- Roberta DePoppe

North Hollywood

Foto de Don dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


I would tell him I love him.

- Cynthia Hart


Foto de Don and Myrtle Phillips dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Don and Myrtle Phillips

Mommy and Daddy, we all miss you! You left us too soon. Since you've been away, you have a great granddaughter and two beautiful new granddaughter in laws! I thank you for giving us so much.

- Kimberley Boehm

San Diego, CA

Foto de Don Dean Sheffield dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Don Dean Sheffield

Genius, didn't give himself time...

- frank sheffield

San Diego CA

Foto de Don Ezequiel Loza dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Don Ezequiel Loza

Your loss has been hard for us because we are so far away from you and all our family members in Acatlipa, Morelos. Thank you for all the love and wisdom and care you have given us over the years. We miss you. Rest in peace.

- Altha Cravey Cravey

Carrboro NC

Foto de Don J. Salgado dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Don J. Salgado

Our father Don J. Salgado lived a long life despite dying of a terrible illness that he had endured for the last twenty years before his passing in 2020. He was a quiet man that enjoyed watching the LA Dodgers and Muhammad Ali.

- Pat Salgado

Los Angeles

Foto de Don P. Chairez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Don P. Chairez

Don was my first best friend and hero. He was truly the kindest most forgiving person and he is missed every single day by his siblings, wife, daughters, the Patino family and numerous friends. He died of COVID and wanted his loved ones to get vaccinated.

- Dina Schwalbach


Foto de Don Pennington dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Don Pennington

Remembering you today….you left us 4 years ago today! Miss you bunches!

- Pamela Pennington

Plano, Texas

Foto de Donny Hannon dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Donny Hannon

An uncle who was more like a brother, Donny was a cool guy who loved soft heavy metal, popular TV like "Friends," and being strong support for us all. He lived with a code of honor. And he came in 2nd to a famous wheelchair racer.

- Keli Dailey

San Francisco

Foto de Dora & Al Padilla dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Dora & Al Padilla

Dad was a coach and Mom a school board member and together they shaped hundreds, if not thousands, of lives. It's quite the legacy for two who grew up in East L.A. My sister Lisa and I miss them, but so do many, many others.

- Steve Padilla

Los Angeles

Foto de Doroteo Quiroz dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Doroteo Quiroz

In the years after my dad passed away I told my mom this was my favorite photo of him. She responded with, "he was smoking a joint in this picture...". Then I said, " What! No, he wasn't. How do you know?". She said, "... because I was there, stupid, sitting right across from him. We were at a BBQ."

- Irene Quiroz

Hollywood, CA

Foto de Dr. Garon Coriz dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Dr. Garon Coriz

How many lives did you touch with your tireless advocacy, your patient medical care, your luminous smile? We are so lucky to have walked alongside you, Garon.

- Kate Linthicum


Foto de Dr. Kerry English dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Dr. Kerry English

As we near el Dia de los Muertos, my beloved, Kerry, I have you in my heart, as I will always.

- Olga Garay-English

Mt. Washington, LA, CA

Foto de Dr. Maria Elena Gonzalez dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Dr. Maria Elena Gonzalez

Querida Maria Elena, I love you to the end of the Amargosa River and back. I wish I could make you pancakes and pumpkin pie to share with your friends in the afterlife. Viva CUBA my darling.

- Chela Metzger

Westwood LA

Foto de Dr. Michael Bauer dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Dr. Michael Bauer

Mike, we miss you every day and you will be with us always. You made all our lives a grand adventure.

- Linda Bauer

Palm Desert, CA

Foto de Dylan and Napoleon dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Dylan and Napoleon

We love you, Dylan. I hope you and Napoleon are enjoying life up above. Come say hi to us soon.

- Carina & Family

Los Angeles

Foto de Dylan Facente Chin dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Dylan Facente Chin

I'll never forget this hike we took together. All the special places you showed me in the park. The trees you and Miles climbed, the "spirit" rock. But most of all the lizards that we patiently waited for—together. Your ability to experience so many small moments through your noticing. MamaB misses you so much Dyl.

- Brooke Chin

Oakland, California

Foto de Dylan T. Martin dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Dylan T. Martin

Though we lived far apart, thank you for caring about me. You were the best cousin and I miss you more than words can describe. Thank you for your kindness, humor, and love. Thinking of you everyday cousin.

- Abigail Prichett

Lehigh Valley, PA

Foto de Ed dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Ed always treated me like his daughter after we got to know one another. If I sat out a holiday, he made always me a plate and brought it to me. Ed saved lives for years as a firefighter, fixed broken homes, and always had a big spot in his heart for anyone who needed help. He is greatly loved and greatly missed.

- Julie Heath


Foto de Ederlen Casillas dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ederlen Casillas

Ederlen, we remember your love for life, learning, culture, family, and friendships. You consistently showed kindness and strength. You are a true inspiration. You will always hold a special place in our hearts ?

- Nora Casillas

Los Angeles, CA

Foto de Edmund Peterson dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Edmund Peterson

My dad was the life of the party! He liked nothing more than to host a pool party with a beer in hand and tell stories!

- Kari Davis

Austin, TX

Foto de Eduardo Arturo Ramirez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Eduardo Arturo Ramirez

Died on January 10, 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic. He was a great uncle who loved his nieces and nephews. He always called them his princess and princes. His mijos and mijas. He is missed very much by his mom, sisters and brother. Every time the clock shows 11:11 we think of him.

- Hector M Ramirez

Chatsworth, CA

Foto de Edward Goodwin Knowles dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Edward Goodwin Knowles

We miss your sense of humor, love of everyone regardless of their race, gender or ethnicity, your generosity and giving back to our community.

- Scott Knowles

San Francisco, CA

Foto de Edward Jillson dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Edward Jillson

My papá was a great man, a wonderful father, grandfather and business owner with a heart of gold. Love and miss you, papá.

- Crystal Jillson

Highland Park

Foto de Efren Baroway dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Efren Baroway

I love you and miss you.

- Janice Baroway

Novato, California

Foto de Eileen and John Mahon dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Eileen and John Mahon

Thank you for being wonderful and loving parents. We love and miss you!

- Maura Mahon

Morro Bay

Foto de El Señor Enrique Batres dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

El Señor Enrique Batres

Just simply, that I miss and love him. I'm sure that he is looking down on us and protecting us.

- Juan Batres

Claremont, CA

Foto de Eladio Torres dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Eladio Torres

My father was the hardest working person I have ever met. He was caring, loving, and committed to us kids. He always worked and yet still made an effort to take us to family outings every Sunday. He was quiet and shy but he loved us immensely. Thank you dad for giving me 14 amazing years of having you around.

- Silvia Torrez Mendoza

Orange, CA

Foto de Elida Espinoza dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Elida Espinoza

Te extraño demasiado madre. Me haces mucha falta. Que diera yo por sentir tus manos, tus abrazos, escuchar tu voz, tu risa, tus sencillas palabras con las que solucionabas todo. Te recordamos siempre, mom. Cuida de nosotros.

- Daisy Espinoza

Los Angeles, CA

Foto de Elisa dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


I hope you are well. I love you and miss you every day still. I still sing the songs you sang to me as a child and try to imitate your whistle when I need them. I'm grateful to have known, to have been raised, and loved by you.

- Mark Martinez

Los Angeles, CA

Foto de Elisa Dena dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Elisa Dena

Our mother was born in Zacatecas, Mexico. She loved to read and write poetry. She loved to sing and play Mexican folk songs on her guitar. She had a fascination with butterflies and their exquisite nature. She is our butterfly!

- Elisa Dena

Burbank, CA

Foto de Elisa Olivas Frietze dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Elisa Olivas Frietze

She was the best mother in the whole world. I am very blessed to have had her as my mom. I miss you, mom. I love you.

- Gloria Hill

La Crescenta

Foto de Elizabeth dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Her kindness and love.

- Maeve Leung

San Francisco

Foto de Elizabeth Kalifon dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Elizabeth Kalifon

Mom loved the Día de los Muertos tradition and imagery — she can finally participate! Thinking of you. Love, Jeremy

- Jeremy Walker

Malibu, CA

Foto de Elizabeth Sung dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Elizabeth Sung

You were always a class act and a quiet but solid model of integrity and service. Though you are gone, you are never far from my heart as my mentor and teacher. I miss you and hold up your ideals as ones I strive to uphold.

- Joyce Liu-Countryman

Los Angeles

Foto de Elizabeth Victoria Richardson dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Elizabeth Victoria Richardson

We remember our darling sister with love forever.

- David Richardson

Carmel Valley, CA

Foto de Elizabeth Wright dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Elizabeth Wright

She was a woman who loved her family and because of COVID-19 died alone with none of them allowed to visit or be with her. She passed at 102 1/2. She was gentle and kind. She is missed by all.

- Aprille Evans-Wright


Foto de Elsie dentro de un marco con papel picado.


Your spirit of adventure that led you to France, Mexico, and all the Canadian provinces, lives on in your children and theirs and theirs…a long life well lived and lovingly remembered.

- Gerald Doersam

Mexico City

Foto de Elsie Bastrup dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Elsie Bastrup

Elsie Bastrup 1925 - 2021. An original ticket seller at Disneyland in 1955. Goodnight, Mom

- Barbara Bastrup

Santa Ana

Foto de Elva Salgado dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Elva Salgado

Mamá, I miss you and love you. I wish I could have one more conversation with you to share how beautiful your granddaughters are. They are women of great character which must come from you.

- Daniel Armenta

Los Angeles

Foto de Elvira L. Ortiz dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Elvira L. Ortiz

Best Mom and Grandmother anyone could ask for. Very loving and always there for her family! Truly loved and missed.

- Herb Ortiz

Yorba Linda

Foto de Elvira Terry dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Elvira Terry

Auntie Elvie, you were the glue to our family and taken away from us way too soon. I have fond memories of sleeping over your house and your delicious feast you would always make us. I miss your positive presence in our lives.

- Faye Serafin

Sherman Oaks

Foto de Elvis dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


To my love, Elvis, I miss and love you more than you could ever know. Our 16 yrs and 8 months together were the best of my life. I love you little man.

- Amelia Vogt

San Diego

Foto de Emeteria Castillo, AKA "Bueli" dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Emeteria Castillo, AKA "Bueli"

A la mejor bisabuela, nuestra Coco. Todavía pensamos en ti, aunque falleciste en el siglo pasado. Y todavía tenemos tu bastón, el famoso "palo". Te quiero mucho.

- Susan A

San Francisco

Foto de Emi Sagastume dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Emi Sagastume

Emi was kind, driven, thoughtful, vibrant, and had the biggest heart. Her infectious smile and laugh lit up every room. Above all, she was an amazing mom. We miss you and love you, Emi. We'll see you again on the other side.

- Audrey Arbogast

Scottsdale, AZ

Foto de Emilio Robles dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Emilio Robles

Tío Emilio, de todo corazón lo quiero y me duele tanto que tuvo que irse tan pronto ... Dios sabe por que hace las cosas y sé que en su lado tiene a toda nuestra familia querida en el cielo ... cuidándonos a todo nosotros que los estrañamos. Que descanse y los vemos algún día otra ves ... 🌻

- Isabel Robles

Pomona, CA

Foto de Emily dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Emily died when I was very young, so I don't remember much, but I have heard many stories about her being such a loving person, and always wanting to be with me when I was a baby, even when she was at her weakest.

- Lucy RK

Brooklyn, NY

Foto de Enrique Morales dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Enrique Morales

I miss you daily and wish you were still here to hear your voice. Miss talking soccer with you a lot.

- Omar Morales


Foto de Enrique Morales dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Enrique Morales

Mi papá siempre tenía un alma de niño. Comíamos gansitos y chocolates a escondidas de mi mamá. Él siempre jugaba con mis hijos — no como un abuelo, si no como su mejor amigo. Su legado vivirá eternamente. Te amamos Papi. ❤️

- Bere Morales

Torrance, CA

Foto de Enrique y Raul dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Enrique y Raul

Siempre los recordaré. Descansen en paz.

- Lucy Banos

La Puente / Baldwin Park

Foto de Eric Baldizon dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Eric Baldizon

I remember Eric's beautiful smile and enthusiasm for living life. If he were here at this time, I would let him know that his brothers love him always, his mother adores him, and that we would have him a wonderful 22nd birthday.

- Pat Salgado

Cabazon, CA

Foto de Eric Mueller dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Eric Mueller

Eric was a live wire, a generous compadre, a guy with an ever-curious mind and too many passions to fully enumerate (but here are some: Disney, Apple, everything internet, gay community, traveling, trivia, and his husband Claudio). His many friends across the world miss him so much we continue to share thing we would have shared with him. He left way too soon, at age 48.

- Karen Wickre

San Francisco

Foto de Erich Laskowski dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Erich Laskowski

His joy at being at Black Rock City, serving as a Ranger with me and others, his depth of knowledge, his love of fun…gone far too soon, my friend.

- Margot Bach

Sacramento CA

Foto de Erika Rose Littell dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Erika Rose Littell

Beloved daughter, sister, and friend. Taken from us way too soon at age 31. We love you and miss you. You are in our hearts every minute of every day.

- Scott Littell

Hollywood Forever

Foto de Ermo dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Y ahora , ¿quién preparará el café cuándo lleguemos a casa? Como tu nombre, fuiste único. Fuiste siempre tú. Te amo, padre.

- Julio G.

Poza Rica

Foto de Ernest Lee Polk dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Ernest Lee Polk

He loved fishing and traveling in his 1968 Dodge van. My big brother "June" as he was known was always there for me and my siblings. I pray his soul is resting and that he is still fishing and "shaking the leaves" wherever he is! RIP

- Almarie Polk Jackson

Buena Park, CA

Foto de Ernest Luis Garcia dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ernest Luis Garcia

A gentle soul.

- Irene Dominguez


Foto de Ernestina Garcia dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ernestina Garcia

I miss you, mamacita, and wish we could have said goodbye before God gave you your wings. Thank you for being THE most loving woman in my life. I treasure so many amazing adventures together. Always my best friend, forever in my heart!!

- Vikki Schultz

Cathedral City, CA

Foto de Ernesto Maldonado dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ernesto Maldonado

I miss my dad every day. One of my favorite memories is of him taking me and my brother to play pool. He would show us the ropes and we would talk about life for hours.

- Marisel Maldonado

Wasco, CA

Foto de Ernesto Rafael Sebastian Estrada dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ernesto Rafael Sebastian Estrada

Thank you for teaching me how to show-up for people I love and love them unconditionally and without fear. How lucky of me to have loved you. The rest of my life is dedicated to you. QEPD

- Cristina R

Pacoima, CA

Foto de Ernesto Tulabut dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ernesto Tulabut

Our hero and pal, forever.

- Erlina Vasconcellos

Los Angeles

Foto de Ernie Vogt dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ernie Vogt

A man who loved his trees. He is remembered by his family and friends in California and Costa Rica. We miss you.

- Lydia Vogt

Pauma Valley, CA

Foto de Esperanza Gomez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Esperanza Gomez

I lost mi abuelita after a 10-year battle with Alzheimer's disease last year. I miss her so much. I'd do anything to have a taste of her caramelized plátano maduro frito, stuffed with queso fresco and served with a side of crema.

- Alejandra Alarcon

Hawthorne, CA

Foto de Esther Palacios Dumont Donson dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Esther Palacios Dumont Donson

I miss you mom. You always did everything for your family. 6 children. Taught us to be kind to all people. Opened your home to all our friends. Cooked the absolute best food I ever eaten and can't replicate. You were a blessing.

- Kathleen Donson Soots

Alameda, Ca

Foto de Estrella Ramirez dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Estrella Ramirez

Superstar, may you light continue to sunshine. Always…

- Jessi Ramirez


Foto de Ethan Hecht dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ethan Hecht

My beautiful 20 year old boy left us too soon. He left behind the broken hearts of his twin brother, baby sister & Mom & Dad. He was always the life of the party & leader of mischief. We all miss you so much my sweet boy.

- Virginia Hecht

Anaheim Hills, CA

Foto de Ethel dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Missing sweet Ethel! She was the best camping buddy a group could ever have! Say hi to Dakine!

- Kimberly Reinika

Long Beach

Foto de Eugenio "El abuelo" Rodríguez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Eugenio "El abuelo" Rodríguez

Mi abuelo was our everything in our family. Every day we remember his quotes or jokes about life. We miss you so much but I know you're watching over us. Lo extrañamos mucho abuelo pero desde el cielo nos cuida. Lo queremos mucho.

- Guisell Munoz

Fontana, CA

Foto de Eva and Nacho Bustos dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Eva and Nacho Bustos

I pray that I may see you both in Heaven the day I arrive, if I'm allowed in. You both did your best and I now realize just how hard raising children is. I can't wait to see you and all my ancestors.

- Louis Bustos

Rowland Heights

Foto de Eva Cartago Bonfiglio dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Eva Cartago Bonfiglio

Mom, I will always and forever miss you. Until we meet again.

- Diane Taylor

Huntington Beach

Foto de Eva López dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Eva López

My mother was born and raised in Los Angeles. She was a seamstress and a wonderful cook. Friend to everyone she met and the best grandma to my two kids. She was taken from us by Alzheimer's. Mom, I dress up and wear lipstick in your honor. I'm taking good care of Dad until you are reunited. We all miss you very much.

- Jeanine Casillas

Whittier, CA

Foto de Eva Salas Bustos dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Eva Salas Bustos

Mom, you're missed everyday and you were taken much too soon. You're going to be a Great Grandmother soon. Come and visit on November 2, she's arriving Nov. 01.

- Louis Bustos

Rowland Heights

Foto de Fabio Lainez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Fabio Lainez

My father lost his father when he was 11 months old. He overcame many obstacles in his life to include uprooting his family to migrate to the US. Many people were touched by his generosity and how genuine he was. Miss you dad!

- Robert Lainez

Lynwood, CA

Foto de Faridah Freeman dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Faridah Freeman

Dear mom, it's been 15 years since you went to the jazz club in the sky and I think of you always. There's no one like you and with each passing day I realize how blessed I was to have you as my mother. I love you and miss you.

- Rizwati Freeman


Foto de Felipa Arredondo dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Felipa Arredondo

Mom, I love you immensely.

- Angelica Arredondo

Santa Clarita, CA

Foto de Feya dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Dear Feya Bear, Mama Bear, I love and miss you dearly, my sweet fairy girl. With your incandescent spirit, ebullience and adorable chatter, you became everyone's friend and you brightened my life to no end. Thank you.

- Rizwati Freeman


Foto de Fidel Gonzalez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Fidel Gonzalez

A carpenter, a artist, and a musician, who loved life.

- Nova Gonzalez

San Marcos

Foto de Finnick dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


I remember coming home and you froze when we turned the lights on. I wish I couldv'e taken care of you better. I wish I could've spent more time with you. I miss you, always.

- Emma Moreno

DFW, Texas

Foto de Flora Soto dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Flora Soto

She was way ahead of her time, always had the best advice and loved a good time!

- Tania Campos Grim

Venice, CA

Foto de Florence "Flo" Puhara dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Florence "Flo" Puhara

My mother, Florence, was born in 1915. She was a spirited tap dancer, who taught children with the joy she felt when she danced. She was generous, kind, and loving towards all. I miss her every day of my life, and especially at this time of year because her birthday is November 1... I love you Mom…

- Gerry Puhara

La Canada, california

Foto de Forrest Westbrook dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Forrest Westbrook

My father, Forrest Westbrook, was a amazing jazz pianist and a creative, fun and inspiring father who gave me the gift of love of all types of music — from jazz to classical to Latin! I miss him dearly and remember him with great love in my heart! Rest in peace papi — your music and your memory live one!

- Leslie Westbrook

Carpinteria, CA

Foto de Francis dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Muy querida y respetada

- Gabriela Simon-Cereijido

California State University, Los Angeles

Foto de Francisco dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


No hay palabras para describirte o decirte lo tanto que te queremos. - Tu familia que nunca te olvidará.

- Maria A.

New York

Foto de Francisco Javier Sanchez De los Santos dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Francisco Javier Sanchez De los Santos

My brother Paco died on Oct. 15 due to COVID complications. He was an incredible man, kind and generous. He left too soon. Siempre fuiste mi hermano ejemplar, te extraño. Siempre te llevaré en mi corazón.

- Imelda Scott

Beverly Hills, MI

Foto de Francisco Leobardo Lara dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Francisco Leobardo Lara

I miss riding our bikes around the block and listening to all your crazy dreams. I wish you were still here to see my kids growing up. Miss you so much lil brother.

- Ana Lara


Foto de Francisco Rivera dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Francisco Rivera

Dad, I'd like to think that had you lived - you would have learned to love and forgive yourself and be the best father you could be. But the universe had other plans. I love you.

- Marisol Rivera


Foto de Francisco y Delia dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Francisco y Delia

En el cielo ya disfrutan de tu bondad y alegría mientras aqui en la tierra los echamos mucho de menos nos hacen mucha falta. 😭❤️❤️

- Alma Torres

México Sonora

Foto de Francisco y Elva dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Francisco y Elva

Llevo en mí lo mejor de ustedes, mamá y papá.

- Claudia Viegas

Buenos Aires

Foto de Frank Rocca dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Frank Rocca

You made everyone you came into contact with a more patient and understanding person, but you still filled them with an inescapable joy. I'll miss you to the end of time. :)

- Zoe C


Foto de Frank Santos dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Frank Santos

My cousin Frank Santos life was taken a year ago during the pandemic August 22nd in TX, two arrests were made earlier this year. He was 19, he was a son, a brother, and a friend you could count on... I'll always remember his smile.

- Gia Santos


Foto de Fred "Du" Paesel dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Fred "Du" Paesel

My Father, Du passed away May 20th 2021. He loved red wine, the Chicago Cubs and opera. When he was in hospice he told us God wasn't high on his list. He also said he got more than he deserved out of the deal. We love you Du!!

- Erik Paesel

Culver City

Foto de Fátima dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Mi querida hermanita. Espero que estés orgullosa de mí, asi como yo lo estaría de ti. I'll always remember you. I love you, por siempre.

- Angela Morales

Riverside, CA

Foto de Gabriela Baldor dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Gabriela Baldor

Te extrañamos, tía Gabi

- Martina Ibáñez-Baldor

Los Angeles

Foto de Gareth Perry dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Gareth Perry

A loving and caring partner who is missed dearly. You always stood up for those who couldn't, and loved nature in all its forms. Siempre en mi corazón.

- L Soto

New York

Foto de Gary Bradley dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Gary Bradley

Dad was a giant energy. I am so grateful that he was my father. May his memory bring joy to those who knew and loved him. He and my mom had been together since they were 15 and 18. I love and miss him.

- Michelleanne Bradley

Vista, CA

Foto de Genova Nieto-Escobar dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Genova Nieto-Escobar

You were fierce, strong-willed and so funny. I miss our talks and laughing with you. I hate that you are not with us, and although it's been five years, your absence still hurts the same as the day you left. I will be forever heartbroken.

- Cristina Nieto

Los Angeles

Foto de Genoveva Arce dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Genoveva Arce

If my grandma was here I would say, "Thank you for always being there for me."

- Helem Olea


Foto de George Oswell dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

George Oswell

My father loved Mexican folk art and brought his first Día de los Muertos home when I was a child. I have love this celebration since that time.

- Mary Oswell

Denver, CO

Foto de George Silva dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

George Silva

George was my grandfather. He was a proud Navy veteran, husband, brother, father, and friend. He inspired my love for art and drawing. His laughs and smiles were contagious. "Gentle Seas and Steady Breezes"

- Gabby Silva

Boston, MA

Foto de Gerard Widdershoven dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Gerard Widdershoven

Gerard, I'll never forget you. So witty, wise and wickedly funny! Miss our nights out in New York with Nick and Edgar, pre-9/11, booze, smokes, talks, Bongo. Miss your kind, sweet heart. Miss that smile.

- Stephen DeBro

West Hollywood

Foto de Gerry Elizondo dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Gerry Elizondo

I miss you everyday - we all do. I wish we had more time together. I wish we were screaming together when our Dodgers won the World Series last year. We made so many wonderful memories, especially in your last months. You were taken too soon and too fast. Say hi to grandma and grandpa. We love you!

- Lissa Mendoza

Los Angeles, CA

Foto de Gilbert T. Hounddog dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Gilbert T. Hounddog

Miss you, Gil. Best dog in the whole world.

- Stephanie Sierra

Willits, California

Foto de Gilbert Torres dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Gilbert Torres

Thank you for your grace, tireless efforts, and kindness. You've set the tone for the rest of our lives. Love you grandpa!

- Laura Beckman

Chino, CA

Foto de Gilberto Güereca dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Gilberto Güereca

Dad, I remember every bit of advice you've given me throughout my life. It remains close to my heart and I reach for it daily wherever I go and whatever I do. I miss & love you so much. Thank you for making me the man I am today.

- Luis Güereca

Oxnard, California

Foto de Gloria dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Dearest Mom, activist, teacher and artist, thank you for being my role model. Your family misses you so much. We will keep your memory forever.

- Pat Morton

Los Angeles

Foto de Gloria Del Carmen Moreno dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Gloria Del Carmen Moreno

Querida madre, you have been gone so long, but spoken of daily. An educator, a lovely human, spirit of a fighter, a lovely soul, a beautiful parent. You will always be remembered. Con mucho amor, respeto por vida, your children Ellen, Joseph, Omar. Grandchildren Joe,Heaven, and DD

- Ellen Villanueva


Foto de Gloria Guzman dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Gloria Guzman

My Sister, the sweetest, loving, caring, hardworking, selfless person whose life was taken too soon. You were the best mom to your boys who continue to need you as we do too. There isn't a day we don't think of you. We Love You & Miss You Sister.

- Susie Guzman

Rosemead, CA

Foto de Gloria M Garcia dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Gloria M Garcia

Mom we miss n love you please help us with problems that have come up you are gone but never forgotten and you were right about you know who acting shamefully now that you r gone sorry we didn't get to spoil you like my dad love u

- John Garcia


Foto de Gloria McKimmey dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Gloria McKimmey

Mama, I hope you're happy in heaven, and I hope it has a warm, wonderful beach with plenty of drink service! Miss you every day.

- Kate Nelson


Foto de Gracie Rizo dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Gracie Rizo

Mom, you were my best friend. We spoke every day. If it was just to see how my kids were doing or to pick up a prescription. It didn't matter we spoke. I miss you saying shut up lol I catch myself wanting to call you daily still. I know your with me still and always in my memories and heart. Love you

- Louis Rizo

Claremont, CA

Foto de Grammie Liz dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Grammie Liz

She left me with strength. I cook with her old wooden spoons. She's the example I strive to be.

- Chris Leymore

Los Angeles

Foto de Grandma dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


My beautiful gram. May you be at peace, full of love always.

- M CM

Los Angeles

Foto de Grandma Betty "Jonnie" dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Grandma Betty "Jonnie"

She was my best friend and I considered her my true "dad". If it weren't for her I wouldn't be into reading or writing. We saved each other countless times in life. My family says I look just like her and it's an honor.

- Jonna Robertsen

Medford, OR

Foto de Grandma Flora dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Grandma Flora

We miss and love you so much, Grandma! Thank you for teaching me how to make arroz de leche and taking care of me when I needed you. Never forgotten, mi mamá Florita.

- Ruby Vazquez

Roseville, CA

Foto de Grandpa dentro de un marco con papel picado.


Grandpa, You are missed. I still think of the time my dad took you and me to Old Chicago for my 8th birthday. I wish I had had the foresight to learn more about you and your life. I love you!

- Karen K


Foto de Grandpa dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


I always loved visiting your beach house and going on kayak adventures with you. I thought it was the coolest thing in the world to "discover" new islands and collect shells. I miss you a lot and love you.

- Amaya Herrera

New York

Foto de Grandpa Howard dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Grandpa Howard

His intricate train set, the ceramic cheesy snack bowl I made him, his laugh, chasing fireworks on 4th of July, running up the ramp at the airport and wrapping my arms around him.

- Jessica Callahan

Towson, MD

Foto de Grandpa John and Granma Francis dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Grandpa John and Granma Francis

We miss you so much in all of our lives. You brought us all together throughout the year. I'm happy you're still together. We love you and remember your love, words and life lessons. Continue to visit us in our dreams.

- Guadalupe Grijalva

San Fernando Valley

Foto de Guadalupe & Rosa Martinez  dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Guadalupe & Rosa Martinez

To my loving grandparents who left Mexico to build a new life full of opportunities for their children & future generations. Los extraño a los dos más de lo que las palabras pueden expresar. Siempre permanecerás en mi corazón.

- Emily Acevedo

Los Angeles, CA

Foto de Guadalupe Orozco dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Guadalupe Orozco

We miss you grandpa! Will always remember your hard work ethic and teaching me how to milk a cow at the farm.

- Julio Garcia

Arcadia, Ca

Foto de Guillermo Menéndez Granados dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Guillermo Menéndez Granados

You left too soon. I miss you so much, hermanito! 😍👫🪆🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍❤️🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍

- Paloma Menéndez

Merida, Yucatan, Mexico

Foto de Guillermo Reyes dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Guillermo Reyes

Remembering my father Guillermo Reyes. Father of 11 children and husband to Cuca for over 70 years. He was an incredible example of how to be a devoted husband, loyal son, and brother. And a loving father and grandfather. Papa, nunca nos olvidamos de ti.

- Arturo Reyes

Los Angeles

Foto de Gumecindo Vivar Herrera dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Gumecindo Vivar Herrera

Thank you, for the lovely memories. I enjoyed playing dress up with you and abuelita when I was smaller. I will always try to remember you as your youthful self with your bright smile.

- Yvette Rodriguez


Foto de Gustavo Campos dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Gustavo Campos

Gus you're missed by your family. Hope you've found the Porfirios on the other side.

- Yvonne Campos

San Diego

Foto de Guy Leo Ready dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Guy Leo Ready

Teacher for 45+ years, son, brother, husband, friend, father and lover of life and laughter.

- Drew Ready


Foto de H J Sheffield dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

H J Sheffield

One of the truly good guys, one who made the world better for all of us...

- frank sheffield

San Diego CA

Foto de Haley Pilar Vana dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Haley Pilar Vana

Today I choose happiness.

- Kiki Laca

Minden, NV

Foto de Hanna Kim dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Hanna Kim

Thanks for being the kindest, most selfless, and most generous grandmother I could have ever asked for. We are so lucky to have had you in our lives. We miss your smile, laughter, and encouraging words everyday.

- Hur Family

Los Angeles, CA

Foto de Hans Loudermilk dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Hans Loudermilk

My big bro. I miss you so much, Hansie. You'd love this!

- Amelia Komlertkul

Bangkok, Thailand

Foto de Harry W. Lawton dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Harry W. Lawton

Harry wrote "Willie Boy," was a journalist, a respected expert on Southern California, and a passionate supporter of the creative arts and Native American culture. He was a loving and kind man with a hearty laugh and dry wit who loved to entertain and teach all.

- Monty Lawton

Los Angeles / Melrose

Foto de Haruko Tanaka dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Haruko Tanaka

Haruko Tanaka, who I met only very briefly in 2018, left an imprint on so many lives. We were at an artists residency in NH; one day, we played hooky from work and just played in the snow. Her heart was infinite.

- Daniel Hernandez

Los Angeles

Foto de Harvey Oshrin dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Harvey Oshrin

I miss you so much Dad. I wish I could talk with you everyday. I miss your practical advise and wisdom. What would you tell me about my new life?

- Nancie Rodriguez

San Diego

Foto de Heather DeVries Potter dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Heather DeVries Potter

Sister. Warrior. Best friend. I miss you everyday. You would be so proud of the path I have chosen. Mom and dad are doing well, and miss you all most as much as I do.

- Andrew DeVries

Rockford, MI

Foto de Heather Nutting dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Heather Nutting

I miss her greatly. She shined bright for the many people who needed light but she couldn't see that. She left this world too soon, but on her own terms when she couldn't silence her sadness any longer. She is loved and missed!!

- Voula Sepeda

Huber Heights, OH

Foto de Hector (Satya) Vazquez Robles dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Hector (Satya) Vazquez Robles

Hector was a beautiful, sensitive human who fiercely searched for the truth. An ebulliant and loving man, he saw beauty everywhere and taught me to see it everywhere, too. I miss you my bald monk under a kapok in bloom.

- Karen S

Los Angeles

Foto de Helen dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Mom, I miss you so much. I miss your smile, your laughter, your care for everyone that you knew and loved. I miss our phone conversations and all the little ways you showed me you cared for me. I strive to be the kind and loving person you raised me to be. Love you.

- Kathleen Bourgeois

St. Louis

Foto de Helen Bost Ditte dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Helen Bost Ditte

Remembering with love our family's life on 111th Street in LA, Girl Scout Troop 231, camping trips up the coast, holiday gatherings on Nightingale Avenue, and so much more. You are always with us.

- Carolyn Wagner

Ojai, CA

Foto de Helen Johnson dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Helen Johnson

I miss you and your wisdom. I will never forget your spirit and generosity. I will cherish all the puzzles we pieced together and the stories you shared. Your presence is a gift to my life. Thank you for your 98 years of life.

- Tiffany Hunsinger

Dayton, OH

Foto de Helen Mondy dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Helen Mondy

I still miss her more than I can express. She was my particular person, lovely, wise and hilarious. I hear her calling my name in my dreams and see her butterflies (she called them buddyflys) on my daily walks. Her love abides.

- Leslie Mondy

Los Angeles

Foto de Helene dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


I love you Mom, I miss you so much still. And Mark and Nana and Pop. Please visit me, on Día de Muertos, anytime, bring everyone. 🥀

- Deborah Jenkins


Foto de Henry and Patricia Lee dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Henry and Patricia Lee

Dear Mom and Dad, We will remember you always. Thank you for your love, for life, and all you taught us. With loving memory, su hija Pamela

- Pamela Awana Lee

Pullman, WA

Foto de Henry Ong dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Henry Ong

"Do you know Henry Ong? He's famous!" That's always been your catch phrase and I'm sad that I won't hear you utter those words in life again. But you're always in my heart, Henry. All your quirks made you unique and lovable.

- Joyce Liu-Countryman

Los Angeles

Foto de Herminia León dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Herminia León

Mi Abuelita was the matriarch of our family, the strongest, most stubborn but kindest woman I knew. I truly miss her everyday.

- Monica Gomez

Yuma, Arizona

Foto de Hilario and Norma dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Hilario and Norma

Los amo, abuelo y abuela. Nunca entenderán cuánto los amaba y cuánto los extraño a ambos todos los días. Ha sido muy difícil sin ustedes, pero ustedes son mi razón para seguir adelante. Los extraño mucho y nunca los olvidaré.

- Gabriel Ramirez

Los Angeles

Foto de Hilda De La Rosa dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Hilda De La Rosa

My Beautiful Sister, I miss our conversation everyday I miss your laugh. I miss you so mucb.

- Mary McCullah

Santa Ana

Foto de Hilda Fernandez Garza dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Hilda Fernandez Garza

Still cannot believe you left us too soon. You showed us what strength is. But I know you are in peace and happy con mi tio y abuelito. Te quiero, tia.

- Ignacio Cruz

Chicago, IL

Foto de Hildo Della Maggiora y Susana Massaccesi dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Hildo Della Maggiora y Susana Massaccesi

Me encanta recordarlos como en esta foto, contentos y felices, así los recuerdo y llevo en el corazón.

- Patricia Della Maggiora

Buenos Aires

Foto de Holly dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


There is no love like that of a Labrador. I am so thankful that you stayed with me long enough to get me through the death of my mom. You gave so much, asked for so little. It broke my heart when you left, but now LUNA is here.

- Debra Sarver


Foto de Howard Tree dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Howard Tree

I think of you always, Howard. Your constant support and friendship has made a lasting impact on me and so many others. I am so thankful to have met you. Que Dios te bendiga.

- Karen Garcia

San Luis Obispo

Foto de Husband Ron dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Husband Ron

He was funny and sweet

- Gail Trautz

New Jersey

Foto de Huxley dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Your smile lit up the room and my life. I miss your shine so much and if you were here I'd keep telling you how much I love you over and over again.

- Irma Vargas

Los Angeles

Foto de Ida A. dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ida A.

We miss you every day. Thank you for all you gave your family. Hoping you are dancing with dad.

- Dianne A


Foto de Ignacio "Nacho" Molina dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ignacio "Nacho" Molina

Hi, Grampa How is it up there? I think of you often and miss reading the LA Times with you. I tell Saul all the great stories and memories I have of you. I love you grampa and I always will. Nacho & Seabees forever.

- Daniella Molina Padilla

Los Angeles

Foto de Ignacio and Ana Maria Torres dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ignacio and Ana Maria Torres

My parents taught my sisters and I love of family, belief in God and the power of prayer, pride in our Mexican heritage and culture, and helping others and our community. Mom and Dad, I love you.

- Liz Torres


Foto de Irene Cook dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Irene Cook

I will always remember the numerous good advice you gave. "Don't let perfection stand in the way of finishing!"

- Juliet Gifford

Taft, CA

Foto de Isabel Castro Tavarez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Isabel Castro Tavarez

My Grandma was kind, gentle, made great tortillas, and is the mother of 10 and the grandmother of professors, teachers, scientists, lawyers, medical doctors, and many more to come. Not bad Grandma. We are your legacy! The Tavarez Clan

- Cindy Cruz

Tucson, AZ

Foto de Isabel Gonzalez, Sr. dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Isabel Gonzalez, Sr.

My beautiful mother. You left to heaven before I was able to give you a hug or kiss. Your beautiful spirit of love compassion and strength will never be forgotten! We were blessed to have you momma. Love you 'till eternity. RIP Chula.

- Isabel Jr. Gonzalez Reyes


Foto de Isabella McNeely dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Isabella McNeely

Isabella was a kind & gentle person. She loved animals of all kinds, especially her horses. She loved her mother and father so much. Her sudden passing this year has left a hole in all our hearts. We miss you terribly, Bella.

- Jason Oclaray

Los Angeles

Foto de Isaias O. Navarro dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Isaias O. Navarro

Gracias papá por ser tan trabajador. Gracias por tu grande esfuerzo. Siempre vivirás en nuestros corazones. 7/7/1952- 7/12/2020

- Carina Navarro

Los Angeles

Foto de Ismael Rios, Sr. dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ismael Rios, Sr.

My dad was born in San Luis Potosí, Mexico, and came to the U.S. He would take me to Dodger Stadium to see the Dodgers as a kid (he took me to Anaheim Stadium also to see the Angels). Grateful for all the time I spent with you.

- Ismael Rios Jr

Long Beach, CA

Foto de Israel dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


just your smile, it was enough to know how beautiful the world is. An old soul, full of desire to know and help, innocent and funny, every time we remember you we cannot not cry

- Fernanda Viales

Costa Rica

Foto de Israel "Izzy" Acosta dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Israel "Izzy" Acosta

We miss you, Izzy. We will remember you through your beautiful music (Revol Concept, YouTube) that you gifted us while you were here. Thank you for teaching our family gratitude. "Living in Paradise feeling no more pain…" Amor eterno.

- Carmezi Acosta

Palm Springs, CA

Foto de Ivette dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Dear Ivette, I wish we could get out of control just one more time. Another sip, another dance, another drive-thru. You are forever the most incredible person I'll ever know.

- Leo Torres


Foto de Izzy Dale dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Izzy Dale

You were too young kiddo. Love you always little niece.

- Jonna Robertsen

Medford, OR

Foto de Jack dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Jack never lived with me, but he showed me how love between a person an a dog exists. He was sweet, funny and kind. I loved him.

- vincent paterson


Foto de Jack Allen Rosser dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Jack Allen Rosser

My life had only begun as your came crashing to its untimely end. A life cut short by cancer, a chance of life together, adventures awaited to be shared and experienced. In moments of pain and suffering I seek your solace and advice. Forever connected in spirit, miss you always.

- Brian Rosser


Foto de Jack Parrish dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Jack Parrish

Thankyou Jack. Miss you!

- Lloyd Parrish

Los Angeles

Foto de Jackie D dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Jackie D

You were the best companion for 14 years. We had so many adventures and I miss you everyday and thank you for being a girl's best friend. I love you.

- Karen S

San Diego

Foto de Jacques Didier dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Jacques Didier

We love you and miss you, Dad. Thank you for everything!

- Alain Didier


Foto de Jade dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


I miss your cuddles.

- Mary Varter

Laguna Beach

Foto de Jakob Erlichson dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Jakob Erlichson

My biological grandpa wasn't in my life as much as other family members but towards the end we got very close. I will remember every time he beat me in chess and all the love and care he showed towards me.

- Lukas Erlichson-Deliz

New York

Foto de James Henry De La Rosa dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

James Henry De La Rosa

I miss you so much Dad!!

- Mary McCullah

Santa Ana

Foto de James Henry De La Rosa Jr dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

James Henry De La Rosa Jr

I miss you so much Pigger.

- Mary McCullah

Santa Ana

Foto de Janet Benedict-Todd dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Janet Benedict-Todd

Dearest Big Sis, you are gone in body but you are in my heart forever!! Best friend, second mother, confidante; and so kind and always so funny!! You were the wind beneath my wings!

- Karen Benedict

San Diego, CA

Foto de Janice Chin and Beth Woo dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Janice Chin and Beth Woo

These are my sister-in-law and mother-in-law, two of the bravest, wisest, and kindest women I have ever known. They met every challenge with calm, cheer, and determination. I miss them very much.

- Laurie Dowling

Los Angeles

Foto de Javier Torres dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Javier Torres

We all miss you, your energy, and how you anchored the family. We know you hear our messages to you. No one can make guacamole or birria as well as you, or keep the party going! Te amamos!

- Francis Torres

Culver City

Foto de JB dentro de un marco con papel picado.


Life is grand!

- Amanda Brambila

Fresno, CA

Foto de JC dentro de un marco con papel picado.


Laughing, eating, reminiscing, wishing, crying, having fun, fighting, our crazy talks, you're the better twin talk, the "I can't believe we did that talk." Missing you like one can never imagine. My better half, I love you, Jay.

- Vanessa Flores

Santa Monica

Foto de Jean Graves dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Jean Graves

We remember her laugh. Her passion for animals and her love for her horses and her birds. All the cats she saved despite being allergic. Her love of the rain despite living in a dry, warm place most of her adult life. Her love for her family. We miss all her.

- jeanne hammond


Foto de Jeffrey dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Hermano, te quiero y te extraño. I thought I'd stop crying after time passed, but I can't stop and won't stop. You are the fearless leader, the big brother that took care of us, led the way and kept us safe. Rolling deep forever.

- Kya Lê

Garden Grove

Foto de Jennifer Kochman dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Jennifer Kochman

My mom loved parties, this photo is from her 70th birthday, a day filled with friends, flowers, Prosecco, laughter, and cake. I toast to you and your love of fun and words and dogs and growing things in black, fragrant dirt.

- Janice Cable

Stocholm, Sweden

Foto de Jennifer Lenihan dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Jennifer Lenihan

Jen, your smile and laughter is so missed. Your art room was my escape and our talks about Tim Burton were always the best. Your memory continues to live on through your artwork that surrounds us.

- Jessi Ramirez

La Puente, CA

Foto de Jennifer Reyes dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Jennifer Reyes

Jenn, thank you for always making me laugh and loving my children as they were your own. Samuel and Teressa are so very blessed to have felt your love and humor surround them. Your brother & I will forever cherish your waffles.

- Mary Munoz

Whittier, CA

Foto de Jenny Johnson dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Jenny Johnson

Miss you every day! What fun we had on our trips.

- Sherry Kelley


Foto de Jeromino Altamirno dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Jeromino Altamirno

Angel Jeromino Altamirano Cortez was born is Bajos de Chila, Oaxaca. He was a well know bull rider known as "Chomo Altamirno". He dedicated his life to farming and his cattle. This day we remember Chomo with all the love.

- Juan Ramirez

Los Angeles

Foto de Jerry ("Doc", "Jer") Newfield dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Jerry ("Doc", "Jer") Newfield

You were the best husband a girl could ask for. I am beyond grateful for the 40+ years we had together. You left too suddenly and too soon. I think of you constantly and miss your smile, your wise counsel and your good nature. Come visit me on Día de Muertos. I will have all your favorite things waiting! I love you, Jer.

- Terry Scavezze-Newfield

San Diego, CA

Foto de Jesse Manuel Barboza dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Jesse Manuel Barboza

My brother Jesse was a linguistics student who was drawn to outdoor jobs. He was once the singer in a ska-punk band. He had a big vocabulary and wrote poetry, but spoke few words. There was no one I could talk with about more things for longer than Jesse. 14 years later I still miss him every day.

- Tony Barboza

Long Beach

Foto de Jesse Sandoval dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Jesse Sandoval

I'll always remember the scent of chile verde and homemade tortillas you made for us, and the plate on pan dulce on your tiny kitchen table in East L.A. I miss your wicked and mischievous smile and laughter.

- Karen Kirkpatrick


Foto de Jessie Montoya dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Jessie Montoya

To my Aunt Jessie, I miss our summers in Albuquerque, eating sopapillas and making green chile stew, listening to your stories of the bakery and Uncle Pano. You were the first person to say you loved my writing. Gracias por todo 💕

- Amy Wong

Los Angeles

Foto de Jesus Ceja & Socorro Hernandez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Jesus Ceja & Socorro Hernandez

My dad was a classic jokester I think he invented the Dad jokes. Had a personality that everyone wanted to be around. My grandmother was a woman with the heart of gold. Always looking over others before herself. Raised her children & even took in others kids when they needed help.

- Helen Ceja-Gonzalez


Foto de Jesus De León dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Jesus De León

My father was an loving man who was a Marine, a barber, collector of classic mustangs, and loved to golf. He was surrounded by a loving family here in CA and in South TX. We miss you Daddy.

- Celeste Berouty

Redondo Beach, CA

Foto de Jesus Guardado dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Jesus Guardado

I miss you abuelito. It's been 5 years. We would've lived so close to each other now, if you were still here. Your presence is missed at every family gathering. We always display your picture to bring us comfort. I hope you love the altar we have set up this year. Te quiero mucho!

- Valerie Guardado

Hemet, CA

Foto de Jesus Herrera dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Jesus Herrera

Papá, le pedimos a Dios que ya no sufra de sus dolores. Por favor le pedimos que desde el cielo pueda mandarnos su bendición a toda su familia.

- Ruth Rivera


Foto de Jesus L Legaspi dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Jesus L Legaspi

He was a loved and admired teacher in Mexico. He came to the US, his birth country to give a better life for his children.

- Jose de Jesus Legaspi

East Los Angeles

Foto de Jesus Lopez Frausto dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Jesus Lopez Frausto

Mi ‘apa was the life of all the parties. A friend to all and a lover of the outdoors. Even through his battle with Dementia he enjoyed being outside and feeling the sun and the air.

- Yvette Lopez-Ledesma

Arleta, CA

Foto de Jesus Santillan dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Jesus Santillan

Unfortunately, I don't have any memory with my grandpa because I never got to meet him but I heard he was a great man. He passed away when I was three and he was in Mexico. If my grandpa was here I would say "I love you".

- Alexia Santillan

Los Angeles

Foto de Jil dentro de un marco con papel picado.


Hey buddy, I just want to say how proud I am of you. I'm honoring your memory as much as I can and if you were here right now, I'd give you the biggest hug. I miss you so much, Jilus. Everyday I think about us. I know you're happy.

- Juan Moreno

Pueblo, CO

Foto de Jim Cannon dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Jim Cannon

My Dad , storyteller, stylish, what a personality! The life of every party, hard working man who took care of his family, Dodger fan and leader of the pack. I miss you every day.

- Mary Alice McLoughlin

Lakewood, California

Foto de Jim Stebel dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Jim Stebel

This wonderful man was the best husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather and friend anyone could have been blessed with! We love him and miss him so much!

- Joan Stebel


Foto de Joanna Monkey Maya dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Joanna Monkey Maya

I miss you and miss all the funny things you used to do.

- Tina Madrid


Foto de Joe Giron dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Joe Giron

Always the voice of reason and had a laugh that made you happy as soon as you heard it. Your voice was the most soothing to listen to and i wish I could talk to you about my problems today. I'll always remember you.

- JoAnna Raso

Salt Lake City

Foto de Joe Russo dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Joe Russo

Joe! We love you. Santa Ana misses you too heavy. Thank you for your friendship and all you taught me consigliere.

- Mike Gamnig

Santa Ana

Foto de Joe Sharbel dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Joe Sharbel

Joe, I find it a beautiful gesture of love that you gave me and Cathy that last night with you even though you worked late. We will always hold you in our hearts near and dear. Ride on, Bro, and keep those wheels rolling in heaven!

- Cecilia Sharbel

Nashville, TN

Foto de Joe Tullos dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Joe Tullos

I miss you so much. I feel blessed to be your sister in this life. You brought such joy and left us with a beautiful gift of sweet and fun memories and your music with the Vessels album. You are missed every day.

- Sara Graziano

New Orleans, LA

Foto de John dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


You left us unexpectedly but your memories will live on. You were a kind man that loved his family. Now that you are gone, I reflect and have discovered that you always showed up for us kids. You were a great father. I miss you.

- Shawn Fornari

Los Angeles

Foto de John Edward Gannon dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

John Edward Gannon

Remembering my grandfather, love you Johnny

- Hannah Gannon

New York City

Foto de John Edward Mejia dentro de un marco con papel picado.

John Edward Mejia

John was our beloved son, brother, uncle and friend. He loved his San Antonio Spurs and also coming to spend time with us in San Antonio, from Corpus Christi. He is so unbelievably missed! 💔

- Rachel Tilt

San Antonio, TX

Foto de John Jameson dentro de un marco con papel picado.

John Jameson

Memory is music - first memories of you, playing a guitar, the music of laughter brought on by an endless stream of jokes, deep baritone notes wrapping around hymns.

- Juli Jameson

Marshall Texas

Foto de John Joseph Benedict dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

John Joseph Benedict

Daddy, you have been gone over 25 years but it feels like yesterday. I miss your wisdom, your intelligence, your dry sense of humor, and as the PROUD Marine you were forever. We will meet again someday!! Semper Fi.... Love, Karen

- Karen Benedict

San Diego, CA

Foto de John M Garcia dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

John M Garcia

We miss and love you dad forever gone but never forgotten came from small town in Mexico ended up in LA was Korean war veteran 6 months on the front line with 25th infantry. Had 2 daughters and a son ,was funny,cool and fearless

- John Garcia


Foto de John Martinez "Grandpa" dentro de un marco con papel picado.

John Martinez "Grandpa"

Always there to lend a helping hand. The most loving and supportive grandpa and great grandpa. We all miss you so much. Te quiero mucho.

- Victoria Martinez

Van Nuys

Foto de John Newton dentro de un marco con papel picado.

John Newton

He loved me, and The Beach Boys.

- Hayley Stoddard-Wike

North America

Foto de John Pruess dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

John Pruess

You are loved and missed so much!

- Heather Pruess


Foto de John R. Shiban dentro de un marco con papel picado.

John R. Shiban

My father was truly a Renaissance man: Systems analyst. Director & Actor. Avid reader. Photographer. Sculptor. Lover of the arts. World traveler. Political junkie. LA Times letter writer. Husband. Father. Grandfather. Sage.

- Katie Shiban

Pasadena, California

Foto de Johnny Gonzalez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Johnny Gonzalez

There was no finer father, community activist/volunteer, nature lover, inquisitive astronomer, and machine mechanic on this planet. Your influence made me the person I am today and I remain grateful.

- Carmen Gonzalez

Glendale, CA

Foto de Jonathan Irving Kanes dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Jonathan Irving Kanes

Uncle Irving, We were at Sarah's wedding this past weekend and we missed you and Florence so much. You would have been the life of the party as always! I miss your laugh and example to live life fully and positiviely. I love you!

- Olivia Naturman

Los Angeles, CA

Foto de Jorge Juan dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Jorge Juan

Tio Jorge Juan, I am sorry I never got to be reunited with you. I took for granted that you would always be there to receive me when I was able to fly out to Spain to visit you. COVID-19 took you away from this world, but your spirit is still present with me.

- Jorge Juan Vila

Madrid, Spain

Foto de Jorge Mayer dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Jorge Mayer

Extraño nuestras charlas sobre el campo Argentino, amigo querido.

- Maria Julia Baldor


Foto de Jose and Beatriz Hernandez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Jose and Beatriz Hernandez

I am remembering my grandparents for the unconditional love and support they gave to me and their family. They both had a remarkable work ethic and dedication to serving others even when their own means were limited.

- Rebecca Benavides

Kirkland, WA

Foto de Jose Calderon dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Jose Calderon

My Pops worked 6 days a week for a long as I could remember. But, he always made time to take us on the best vacations. Rosarito was his place to relax and it was our place to have him all to ourselves. Te quiero Monkeyface.

- Renee Calderon-Rosales


Foto de Jose Luis Dominguez dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Jose Luis Dominguez

Miss you.

- Irene Dominguez


Foto de Jose Pepe Andrade dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Jose Pepe Andrade

I still miss you tío. With your stories about the past and your love for Chicago sports!

- Christian Andrade

CD. Juarez

Foto de Jose Raul Barragan dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Jose Raul Barragan

I would tell him how much I love him and would want to know everything about him. He was a talented musician who had the honor of performing with great singers. I would ask him about his experiences when he played!

- Diana Rios

Waxahachie, Texas

Foto de Josefina Ylagan Eliseo dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Josefina Ylagan Eliseo

Mom, thank you for all the sacrifices you made. All your prayers, and all the love you gave to our family. We learned so much from you. We miss you very much and we ask you to pray for us in heaven. We love you!

- Jocelyn Joy Eliseo-Nicdao

Los Angeles

Foto de Joseph Andrew Clarke dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Joseph Andrew Clarke

Joey was my college lover. We reconnected and married on 09/09/09. He died 14 months later, of a massive infarct. He was a talented writer, actor, producer, director in his native Jamaica, in Trinidad and in Belize. He was beloved.

- Lisa Shoman


Foto de Joseph D. Ryan II ("Buddy") dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Joseph D. Ryan II ("Buddy")

Buddy Ryan had many careers. He sold cars, served in Korea, worked at GE for 30 years and then became a college professor. The only thing Buddy like more than helping entrepreneurs was to make his five children and wife laugh.

- Julie Ryan Johnsonr

Orange County

Foto de Joseph Ditte dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Joseph Ditte

"The best of the best." We are so grateful to have had such a wonderful and inspiring father, grandfather and great-grandfather. You are always in our hearts.

- Carolyn Wagner

Ojai, CA

Foto de Joseph Rampolla dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Joseph Rampolla

Uncle Joey wanted everyone to be happy and comfortable, drinking some delicious concoction from his bar and enjoying themselves in his home. He loved to be surrounded by his family, especially kids, delighting in their smiles.

- Delia Cosentino

Chicago, IL

Foto de Joseph Skyward dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Joseph Skyward

We all miss you so much. You were a wonderful husband and friend, a great and fun dad and grandfather, a good son and brother. You were my favorite person. We love you and think about you everyday

- Chris Pellegrino

Los Angeles

Foto de Joseph Torres Sr.  dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Joseph Torres Sr.

Gone from this world for almost 10 years. My father was such a loving, peaceful man. He was a Korean War Veteran. He had such a wonderful sense of humor and infectious laugh. This photo, for me, captures those qualities of my father. I love him and miss him dearly.

- Joseph Torres

South Pasadena

Foto de Joshua Sherry dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Joshua Sherry

Miss you and your pumpkin carving delights and love of celebrations on this Halloween. Forever loving you, my very dearest son. A very big hug...the strongest ones that I miss with you, and a punch in the arm for good measure.

- Deana Sherry


Foto de Josie Gilmore, "MomMom G." dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Josie Gilmore, "MomMom G."

Even though you have been gone for a long time, I feel your presence every day. Your jokes, your strength, and your unapologetic authenticity are missed all the time. I will never let anyone put out my spark because of you.

- Kristen Boomer

Gilbert, AZ

Foto de Josie Vazquez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Josie Vazquez

Moms in heaven never stop watching over you. Mi mariposa de barrio, te amo y te extraño en cada momento.

- Daisy Santizo

Los Angeles

Foto de José Antonio González dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

José Antonio González

Forever young!

- Jose Gonzalez

Sherman Oaks

Foto de José Gerardo García Murillo dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

José Gerardo García Murillo

My dad died a year ago in Monterrey, Mexico. If he were here, I would apologize to him because I know he can't possibly rest in peace — for he is always with me. Papiriri, I carry you in my heart. You're forever my angel and protector.

- Marcela Garcia

Boston, MA

Foto de José Isabel Solis Rodarte dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

José Isabel Solis Rodarte

¡Hola Papi! I want to say how much we love and miss you. Even though it is hard to accept you are gone, your familia was lucky to have you for as long as we did. We remember your kindness, love of boleros and enchiladas. RIP Papi.

- Clarissa Rodarte


Foto de Joyce & Gib Clark dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Joyce & Gib Clark

Look at how happy you are on your first trip to Vegas... I'm smiling as I imagine you rolling the dice & getting set in heaven. Miss you both everyday!

- Christina Sleeper

Los Angeles

Foto de Joze dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


I miss, miss, miss you so much. Everyday I am thinking of you and I wish I could hear your voice again. Without you things are not the same. But now you are home in everlasting peace and love. I will see you again…and it will be good!

- Tanja Aguilar

Bad Nauheim

Foto de Juan Antonio Gurrola dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Juan Antonio Gurrola

Querido hermano Antonio, quiero que sepas que te admiro por tu valentía y tu lucha ante la enfermedad que cobró tu vida. Los innumerables días que compartimos me alegran y también me causan tristeza. Tantos y tantos recuerdos que siempre vivirán en mi corazón. No hay ni habrá nadie como tú. Tu humor era único aunque a veces fuera de temporada. Tu alegría la hacías visible bailando con una buena música. Oigo el timbre de tu voz y tu risa. Te quiero y extraño, siempre. Descansa y goza de la paz eterna.

- Graciela Huatuco

Buena Park, CA

Foto de Juan Arredondo ("Shadow") dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Juan Arredondo ("Shadow")

Thank you for always rollin' with me. 🕊 Rest in Peace 🕊

- MeLinda Miller

Los Angeles

Foto de Juan Flores dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Juan Flores

Remembering my father who always supported me and and wanted to do better. I miss him and his belly laughs

- Juan Flores

Santa Ana, CA

Foto de Juan Garcia, Jr. dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Juan Garcia, Jr.

Best family man I could ask for. Taught me to love and respect everyone. Sorry we didn't get to say goodbye. We ALL miss you and love you so much. I hope I can honor you by leading this family and being half the man you were. R.I.P. DAD

- John Garcia

Los Angeles

Foto de Juan Puentes dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Juan Puentes

Always made me smile.

- Tina Madrid


Foto de Juan Valenzuela "TATA" dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Juan Valenzuela "TATA"

Your sense of humor is seen daily in your boys and your grandchildren. We all miss you

- Debra Valenzuela

Pico Rivera, CA

Foto de Judy dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Nobody could ask for a better mom. You never raised your voice or your temper. Even as kids you just needed to give that "look". We have many good memories and thanks for being my mom. We miss you. Love you forever.

- Jessica Loncala

Lake View Terrace

Foto de Judy dentro de un marco con papel picado.


She was so lively and intelligent, full of love and curiosity and imagination. She was as English as can be, and probably would be surprised to find herself here. I'd simply say, "Thank you, I miss you, Come home."

- Caroline G


Foto de Julia Antonia Valladares Cabrera dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Julia Antonia Valladares Cabrera

Madre amada, señora de la sonrisa y paz, pilar de nuestra familia, mi musa, mi flor de la mañana, mi fé en el Creador, mi esperanza cuando todo estaba oscuro, mi palabra de aliento, mi colibrí. La recuerdo tanto todos los días y la quiero. Que el olor y el color de todas las flores la bendigan hoy y siempre.

- Jorge-Mario Cabrera

Rancho Cucamonga

Foto de Julia Palacios dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Julia Palacios

I miss you, Granny. You always gave us so much love and happiness. Your big red leather rocking chair and your warmth made everything alright. I love you and miss you. Love, Katalina

- Kathleen Donson Soots

Alameda, Ca

Foto de Julian dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Julian, my baby boy. It's been 20 years, and I still miss you every day. I just know I would have been so proud of the man you'd have grown into. Love, Mama.

- Petra Deluca


Foto de Julian Ramirez Silva dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Julian Ramirez Silva

Julian Ramirez Silva was born in Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca. His parents were founders of the town. Don Julio, as locals called him, was a fisherman and eventually became a captain of a fishing ship. Today, I celebrate "El Capi"!

- Juan Ramirez

Los Angeles

Foto de Julio Montesino dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Julio Montesino

He taught me about sports and to stick up for myself. But he taught me kindness and that is the most important thing.

- Angel Rodriguez

Los Angeles

Foto de June Den Hartog dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

June Den Hartog

My Mom and Dad raised 4 kids and lived most of their lives in NW Iowa - with a year or so before WWII in Los Angeles while my Dad worked on ships on Terminal Island. Every spring she'd say we're going to pack up and move to California, but we never did. Instead, I did. So she'd come out and visit me and we'd see all the special places unique to the LA area. Back in Iowa, she was an active Democrat and very very proud of this photo of her and Michele Obama when Barack Obama was campaigning for the presidency.

- Pamela (Den Hartog) Haas

San Pedro, CA

Foto de Justin Grell dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Justin Grell

I miss you. I'm sorry I didn't do a better job of staying in touch. Wish I could talk to you one last time.

- Javier Motta-Mena

Austin, TX

Foto de JW Stogner dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

JW Stogner

Not a day goes by that I don't miss you.

- Stormy Medina


Foto de Kai dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Our souls are forever entwined. I know your spirit roams the universe, forever exploring new lands. Although we are in different realms now, I feel your presence when I see the winged creatures soar. Thank you for taking such good care of me. You will always be my boy and I'm so grateful to have had the time we shared together and all our wonderful adventures. You taught me to stay curious and enjoy the adventure of this life.

- Elizabeth Taylor

San Clemente

Foto de Kansas dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


He was a very attentive cat.

- Jennifer Portillo

Denver, CO

Foto de Karan Nevatia dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Karan Nevatia

All it takes is the first guitar strums of "No Scrubs" to automatically hear your off-tune Chilli rendition. It brings a smile to my face every time. You left us way too soon, dude. I miss you every day. Say hi to Left Eye for me.

- Tomás Mier

Los Ángeles, CA

Foto de Katto dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


El día que él me encontró fue en secundaria. Él marcó un antes y un después en mi vida. Llegó cuando más lo necesitaba. En donde quiera que estés, gracias pequeño 🐾

- Raph De cecco


Foto de Ken Ofgang dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ken Ofgang

Every week at services, he would walk in - late - singing the prayers loudly. It made you feel like life was onrushing.

- Bill Fishman

Northeast Los Angeles

Foto de Ken Tullo, Sr. dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ken Tullo, Sr.

Love you always, Papá.

- Kenneth Tullo

Los Angeles

Foto de Klaus Richter dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Klaus Richter

Great friend and coworker. He was one of the smartest people I've ever met.

- Mario Gonzalez


Foto de Kris Gallaga dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Kris Gallaga

I miss you so much brother. I know you're in a better place and that we'll hang out and drink a new together again someday.

- David Reed

Yucaipa, CA

Foto de Kristian Bennett Dean dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Kristian Bennett Dean

Kristian left behind his wife, 3 children, 7 siblings and his mother after his second bout of brain cancer. He was the most loving person I've known. He loved hot sauce, music, Jesus and his family. We will always fiercely miss him.

- Jaycin Dean

Northport Michigan

Foto de Lance Wylie dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Lance Wylie

Mr. Wylie, eras mi maestro favorito. Me duele mucho mi corazón porque nos has dejado. Te extraño mucho y quisiera que estuvieras con nosotros. Ya sé que estás en un lugar mejor, en el cielo, pero no soporto la vida sin ti. Te amo.

- Fredy Sosa

Los Angeles

Foto de Larry Reynosa, Sr. dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Larry Reynosa, Sr.

My hero. The funniest guy I knew. I wish we had more time together. His patience and understanding is sorely missed.

- Larry Reynosa, Jr.


Foto de Larry-Big Dad dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Larry-Big Dad

Dad, I miss you so much. I miss your smile, your laughter, your humor, your stories, the love and protection you provided to your loved ones throughout your long life. I miss watching classic movies and Cardinals baseball with you. Love you.

- Kathleen Bourgeois

St. Louis

Foto de Las familias González Ornelas y Ornelas Rivera. dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Las familias González Ornelas y Ornelas Rivera.

Ofrenda a nuestros muertos de las familias González Ornelas y Ornelas Rivera. Mucho cariño y amor de todos nuestros Santos difuntos.

- Marco Aurelio González Gama


Foto de Laurel Ann dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Laurel Ann

Larger than life, open-hearted and off the wall funny, a daughter. sister, mother, best friend, nurse, manager, fierce advocate of the underdog, always in our thoughts.

- Darleen Pike

San Antonio Tlayacapán, Jalisco

Foto de Lauren Douglass dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Lauren Douglass

I think about that day we went on a walk. How we just talked and listened to one another. It felt like both our worlds came together in the golden silence of our steps. I appreciated our coexistence so much. 💟

- Astrid Arzate

Fresno Fair

Foto de Lauren Mendelson dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Lauren Mendelson

Lauren, I am so sad you are gone, and hope your struggle is now over and you are in a better place. Seeing you at Pandemic Supper Club was one of the very few highlights of early COVID lockdown. I hope you now have all the pretzel bread and sides you want!

- Katherine Den Bleyker

Los Angeles

Foto de Lee Roy dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Lee Roy

Thank you for being my childhood protector. You introduced me to music and theater, which has given me so much pleasure. You gave me a forest, a place to lose my mind and find my soul. I follow your footsteps on a dirt path. You taught me what matters most in life has no monetary value. Rest in nature.

- Yo Mora

Big Bear, CA

Foto de Leo dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


I love you more than ever. Thank you for your gifts.

- M CM

Los Angeles

Foto de Lidia Huapaya Aalazar dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Lidia Huapaya Aalazar

Mi bisabuela era conocida por su paciencia y amabilidad hacia todos. No la conocía personalmente tan bien, pero recuerdo cómo se sentaba en su silla viendo a mi hermano y a mí jugar. Realmente la aprecio y la extraño cada dia.

- Ashley Vargas

Los Angeles

Foto de Lilia dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


An amazing memory I share with my abuelita is coming home to the smell of amazing Mexican baked goods. She would come to our house and make conchas, tamales, empanadas and many other traditional Mexican food. I love you, abuelita.

- Erick Elizalde

Santa Barbara, CA

Foto de Lilia Larriva dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Lilia Larriva

My independent, competitive spirit comes, in part, from my abuela. She was an exceptional cook who took in family from Mexico, but she also cracked blistering jokes and refused to let any of us beat her at Bingo. At age 6, I knew I had to bring it or I was losing to her at Blackjack (my abuelo taught the primos how to play and she won our candy.)

- Iliana Limón Romero

El Paso, Texas

Foto de Lily dentro de un marco con papel picado.


Lily was our family cat, but also my best friend. Though she isn't here right now, I miss having her in my room, sleeping next to me when I was doing my homework. I miss you a lot and love you Lily!

- Nosrat Noha


Foto de Lily Rose dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Lily Rose

You are always in my heart, Lily. I miss you so very much.

- Ann Cooper

SW Florida

Foto de Linda dentro de un marco con papel picado.


My mom was one of the kindest and most loving people I have ever known. She dedicated her life to helping others. I lost her last year to cancer. I'm just thankful I was able to be with her in her last days on Earth.

- Meli Alexander

Los Angeles, CA

Foto de Linda Hsu dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Linda Hsu

To my mom who is greatly missed. This is a photo of her being an amazing grandma and po-po. Your smile warmed our hearts and you were the best po-po to them. Xoxo

- Janice Hsu

San Gabriel

Foto de Linda R dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Linda R

Our San Antonio Spurs are in an exciting rebuilding year, and even your favorite, Manu, is back with the team! I'm learning to make lots of homemade tortillas and I wish you could taste them. They're getting really good. Miss you mucho!

- Melyssa M

San Francisco, CA

Foto de Lois & George Jenkin dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Lois & George Jenkin

I miss sitting with you both in our pajamas, eating breakfast and chatting for hours. I miss our weekly calls, Grandma. You always kept a positive attitude, even when you were slowly dying of a broken heart, missing Grandpa.

- Shannon McCarty-Caplan

Los Angeles

Foto de Lois Jane Swindler dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Lois Jane Swindler

We all love you and miss you, mom.

- Kathy Swindler

Bellingham, WA

Foto de Lola (Mom) dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Lola (Mom)

I love you forever and i'm going to try to knit a stocking for your new great grand little boo! (like you did for all of us!)

- Ricky Alvarez

San Francisco, CA

Foto de Lonnie Abeyta dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Lonnie Abeyta

What's cookin', good-lookin'? We miss you. I know my mom misses you the most. She's still waiting for you to call us and say hi. Wish you could have met the little ones. We'll never forget you!

- Hazelle Martínez

Los Angeles, CA

Foto de Loran Markson dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Loran Markson

Daddy - It is almost Thanksgiving again, and I am thinking about the last time we were all together three years ago. I miss you every day, and feel you in the moon and stars. You remain the gentle, loving light of our family.

- Teri Markson

Los Angeles

Foto de Louie dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Louie, there is not a single day that goes by that we don't think of you and your sweet smile. We miss your kindness, positivity, and resiliency. We love you and you live in our hearts always.

- vanessa minero


Foto de Louise Kimmer dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Louise Kimmer

There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of you, but I know you're with me every step. You'd be so proud of the teacher I've become and I credit you with the generosity and patience I've embraced as I've grown older.

- Elizabeth Bridges


Foto de Lucille Cannon dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Lucille Cannon

My mom died at 54, when I was 14 years old. She was a wonderful mother and a talented seamstress. She was elegant and stylish even though she never had much. I wish I'd had more time with her.

- Mary Alice McLoughlin

Lakewood, CA

Foto de Lucy Marie dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Lucy Marie

You were our perfect Princess for 13 years. We miss your "little bark" and cuddling. We still hear your nails on the wood floors. Keep mama and Bella company, you all left us so close together. We miss you so much. Love, mommy and daddy

- Jessica & Ken Hartnett

Lake view terrace

Foto de Luis dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Luis a son, a father, & a partner to his girlfriend Cruz. He was such a beautiful person. He protected me when we were little. He was never problematic. I'm always going to remember how loving & silly he was. Love you cousin.

- Liz B

Los Angeles

Foto de Luis Eduardo Sierra dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Luis Eduardo Sierra

I miss you every day. You left too soon but I know we will see each other again!

- Juan Sierra


Foto de Luis Enrique Mayorga dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Luis Enrique Mayorga

It's been 7 years since you've passed on pops, but I still hear you when I speak to your nietos or when I'm facing personal challenges and I need your help. Miss you everyday, but I know you're with us. -️ Edwin, Jen, Teo & Juju

- Edwin Mayorga

Whittier, CA

Foto de Luis Figueroa dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Luis Figueroa

We miss you and remember you playing piano and a larger than life personality!

- Carla Figueroa

San Marino, CA

Foto de Luis Isabel Martínez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Luis Isabel Martínez

They say he was a meek man, alguien bien calladito. But I always knew it took great courage to leave everything he'd known to plant the American seeds that have now bore three generations. Te extraño abuelito.

- Fidel Martínez

Los Angeles, California

Foto de Luisa López dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Luisa López

Mi bisabuela — a skilled midwife who delivered countless babies during her long life. ❤️

- Laura Olmos

Los Angeles

Foto de Luisa Pérez Ortega dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Luisa Pérez Ortega

Luisa was a true guerrillera. She was smart, fierce, tenacious, fearless, and the best sister anyone could ask for and the one I desperately needed. She pulled me away from the barrio, showed me the path through education, and taught me to believe anything was possible. She may be gone but she still lives in me.

- Patricia Pérez

Los Angeles

Foto de Lupe and Chayo Padilla dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Lupe and Chayo Padilla

Mom and Dad, honoring your memory today and everyday. My life just isn't the same without you. You were my anchor to the place I called home, either in my heart or my childhood home in Deming, NM. 123 👏🏽🙏🏽💋❣️

- Debra J.T. Padilla

Venice, CA

Foto de Lupe Padilla and Diane Rodriguez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Lupe Padilla and Diane Rodriguez

Two key female anchors in my life, gone within a span of four months. Mom 12/26/19 and my BFF of 30 years Diane 4/10/20 (ironically the same day my dad died in 2002). Always alive in my heart and soul. 2021 Day of the Dead is much more profound than usual.

- Debra J.T. Padilla


Foto de Lupe V. Mendoza dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Lupe V. Mendoza

Tough, spirited, full of ideas and opinions. A believer in family, life long learning and education. A great party giver, cook and baker. A lover of Mariachi music. You touched the lives of many, may your spirt be remembered and carry on for generations.

- Sylvia Mendoza

Pico Tivera

Foto de Luzonica Carteciano Panaligan dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Luzonica Carteciano Panaligan

My favorite memory with my grandmother was when we went to Enchanted Kingdom, a local amusement park in my hometown. She was the one who would go with me when my uncle, dad and grandfather got dizzy on the rides.

- Juan Paulo Panaligan

Los Angeles

Foto de Mabel dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Mabel left us after 16 wonderful years. Run free over the Rainbow Bridge. 🌈

- Janna Braun

San Diego

Foto de Mac, the man dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mac, the man

Mac was a one-of-a-kind kitty with a one-of-a-kind voice. I'll miss his sassy meow when he got caught doing something he knew he shouldn't. And I'll never forgot his head snuggles.

- The Kellys

El Segundo

Foto de Mack Edwards dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mack Edwards

My brother Mack Edwards died a few years ago. Every year I miss him more. He was my 3rd brother, and who knew what a linch pin. He was loving. A great cook. Sober for 38 years. I really miss him

- Jan Pullin


Foto de Madeline dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


My sister was a beautiful person inside and out. We all miss her every day. She was a loving daughter, Tia, mother and grandmother. She made friends wherever she went. May she Rest In Peace, out of pain.

- Marion Crouch


Foto de Madolin Martinec dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Madolin Martinec

You are more important to me than you could ever know. Your intelligence, independence and determination were unparalleled in my life. I love you.

- Chrissy Bodsford

Holmdel, New Jersey

Foto de Malcolm R. Jones dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Malcolm R. Jones

The memory I have of my nephew is how much kindness he had in his heart ... I remember when he was a youngster, that he always led the way for his friends. He looked for those who needed a hand to help ... He loved children. He was electrician who was much in need. We miss him. We feel his spirit.

- Kathleen Orington


Foto de Mama and Richard Mostwoner dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mama and Richard Mostwoner

Precious MOTHER, Dear Brother. So far beloved. -Daddy, Sister Donna and Brother David

- Kathleen Marble


Foto de Mama' Llillia dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mama' Llillia

My foundation and example of motherhood.

- Delfina Riley

Corona, Ca

Foto de Mamacita dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Thank you for taking us to Oaxaca when we were little for Christmas. Thank you for all the ways you introduced us to the world. You would love this altar so much!

- Susie W

Los Angeles

Foto de Mami y Papi dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mami y Papi

The two most giving parents anyone could have. Gracias por todo lo que han hecho por nosotros. Los extrañamos mucho.

- Sayda Desroses

Los Ángeles

Foto de Mamá dentro de un marco con papel picado.


The most important lesson she taught me was when she told me that it was OK that I wanted more for myself. Thank you for knowing I needed more.

- Darice Cadriel

Jamaica Plain, MA

Foto de Mamá y Papá dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mamá y Papá

Juan and Maria Martínez. RIP. Mom died July 2013 and dad August 2015. Their Wedding photo September 1944. 68 years of marriage. Forever in our hearts. Not a day goes by that we don't think of you. En paz descansen.

- Eddie Martinez

Alhambra, CA

Foto de Manuel and Jovita Ortiz dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Manuel and Jovita Ortiz

Los extraño mucho. Pienso en ustedes cada día. Voy a pasar lo más tiempo que pueda con mi mamá, mis tíos y mi tía en memoria de ustedes. Los quiero mucho.

- Leilani Corleto

Montebello, CA

Foto de Manuel Hernandez-Trujillo dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Manuel Hernandez-Trujillo

I wish I could be 10 again … painting nonsense in the garage while watching you work on the Volvo. Thank you for giving us so many beautiful memories to choose from, Papá. ¡Te quiero mucho!

- Xochitl Zuniga

Orange County, CA

Foto de Manuela Ensign-Hackman dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Manuela Ensign-Hackman

Manola was the love of my life. She was born in Spain. We both lost our spouses in 1999. We met in 2005 and spent the next most wonderful 16 years of our lives, loving and traveling the world together. I miss her everyday.

- Ken Hackman

Studio City, California

Foto de Marcelino Cannon dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Marcelino Cannon

I don't have too many memories of my grandfather, but I know that his will lives through me. If I could see him today, I would ask him to share stories about his home and childhood. Love you and wish we could have spent more time.

- Juan Paulo Panaligan

Los Angeles

Foto de Marco A. Landey dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Marco A. Landey

We look for you at every car show and although you are not there your spirit lives on through your family. We will always remember you as you were in this life. May you find blessing in the next life, dear friend.

- Cheli Ahumada-Guerrero

Guadalupe, CA

Foto de Marco A. Padilla dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Marco A. Padilla

Papito, I remember you as an elegant and complicated man, dedicated to this country and work but above all, a loving family man. I miss you daily, old man.

- David Leone

Los Angeles

Foto de Marco Antonio Vasquez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Marco Antonio Vasquez

My brother was killed last year while out celebrating the Dodgers win on Oct. 27, 2020. He was shot and died Oct. 28. My brother was an amazing, outgoing and funny father of six — leaving the youngest one as a 1-year-old. Miss him so much. 😭

- Ana Vasquez

Pacoima, CA

Foto de Marcos Quintero dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Marcos Quintero

Miss spending the weekends at the race track in Santa Anita, or in Tijuana. Se le extraña mucho Jefe. Wish you could've seen my daughter grow a little longer. She kisses your picture everyday. WE ALL MISS U DAD. Love you.

- Fernando Quintero

Huntington Park

Foto de Margaret Kenney McSweeney dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Margaret Kenney McSweeney

My mother was always ready to have fun. She loved to entertain and be the center of attention. She is dearly missed by her six children, eight grandchildren and many friends.

- Meg McSweeney

Los Angeles

Foto de Margaret Rodriguez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Margaret Rodriguez

We love sharing our family occasions with my oldest sister. Margaret was a very loving and caring sister.

- Lawrence Castanon

Fresno, CA

Foto de Margaret Silva Marquez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Margaret Silva Marquez

Mom. Daughter, Sister, Grandma. Unselfish, provider, hard worker, always caring for her own, always there for them. We miss you, Mom. Our talks, your calls, our visits, your laugh, your love, your concern for us. I love you, Mom. Miss you every day. Watch over us 'till we see you again.

- Bertha Perez


Foto de Margarita Luquin Franco dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Margarita Luquin Franco

I miss your loud and contagious laugh! I miss you calling me over and over when I didn't answer the first time. I miss your voice, your hugs and kisses. Always thinking of your beautiful face. Te amo mamá.

- Nayeli Luquin Camacho

Monterey Park

Foto de Margarita Mendoza dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Margarita Mendoza

Margarita was a devout woman of God, whose love radiated among her 8 children, 23 grandchildren, and numerous great-grandchildren. She will never be forgotten and will be carried in our hearts forever.

- Alex Ciprian

Modesto, CA

Foto de Margaro Roldan II dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Margaro Roldan II

My father loved to dance salsa, no matter the place, or space. A joyous memory from my childhood was during our Christmas Eve celebrations in our tiny house. The furniture was pushed aside so the adults could dance the night away, shoulder to shoulder.

- Melissa Roldan

Los Angeles

Foto de Mari and Alfonso Juarez dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Mari and Alfonso Juarez

We miss you both so much. We love you!

- Mary McCullah

Santa Ana

Foto de Maria "Helo" Cruz dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Maria "Helo" Cruz

My beautiful mom Maria "Helo" Cruz. Thank you for giving me life, for loving me and guiding me. Even though you are no longer here with me I still feel your love guiding me. I will always be greatful for always being there for me. I love you and miss you today and always, you will always be in my heart 9/20/52 ~ 02/02/21

- Lola Cruz

Montebello, CA

Foto de Maria Alice Morales dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Maria Alice Morales

Our mother was amazing. A true mama bear. She raised my sister and I on her own and gave us everything we needed to thrive. We are grateful for her love and devotion and we keep her alive sharing memories. We love and miss you, mama!

- Connie Gutierrez

Long Beach, CA

Foto de Maria Angelica Mares dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Maria Angelica Mares

My mother, Maria Angelica Mares, was joyous and positive. She enjoyed life to the fullest. She loved going out to the beach and spending time with family. She loved life and nature and life. I miss her smile and warmth.

- Lionel Mares

Sun Valley

Foto de Maria Antonieta W de S dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Maria Antonieta W de S

Mami, I miss you so much and wish you were here. I finished my dissertation and I'll get my PhD in December. I know you would be so proud of me. Siempre la extrañaré, mami. I love you.

- Toni Loftin


Foto de Maria Barrios dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Maria Barrios

Mom, thank you for all your love. You are missed and in our hearts always. We cherish all the beautiful memories. I wish you could have met your great granddaughter Leilani. When she sees your picture she lovingly says, "grandma."

- Irma Barrios

Los Angeles, CA

Foto de Maria Carrillo and Loria Sabadin dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Maria Carrillo and Loria Sabadin

My mom was called home on her 61st birthday, on 09/14/2000. My Tia Loria joined her in January 2021. I miss your stories, laughter and beautiful hearts, but feel your presence more than ever. Hugs and kisses to you both.

- Leticia Jiménez


Foto de Maria E. Cuevas dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Maria E. Cuevas

Mom, not one day goes by that you are not thought of. A COVID victim that lost her battle on Dec. 10 and gained her wings. Thank you for teaching us strength and the memories you left behind. Amor eterno, madre. Tus hijos. We love you.

- Loretta Pedroza

Anaheim Hills

Foto de Maria Felix Chavira dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Maria Felix Chavira

1940-2020 Thank you for blessing our family with so much love and good food. We miss you dearly.

- Victor Chavira

La Puente

Foto de Maria Fernanda Torres dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Maria Fernanda Torres

Fernanda, you brought so much funny, fearless joy into our lives. You made the world a better place at work, at home, and at play. Your memory is a blessing and we love and miss you so very much.

- SL Fève

San Diego

Foto de Maria Frias dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Maria Frias

Not a day goes by that I don't think of you... I love you beyond words. I feel your presence here with me every single day my beautiful angel. In memory of my mother.

- Marisela Reyes

Victorville CA

Foto de Maria Garcia dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Maria Garcia

Everything our family has accomplished is because of your selflessness and sacrifices. We miss you and wish you could see how far we've come.

- Rachele Gastelum

Long Beach

Foto de Maria Lugones dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Maria Lugones

Maria was all these things: Nuestra reina filosofa feminista, tortillera del barrio y the movement, peregrina, "world"-traveler, tango-dancer, improper linguist, popular educator. We write in your honor, Maria.

- Cindy Cruz

Tucson, AZ

Foto de Maria Paz Misa Herrera dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Maria Paz Misa Herrera

Missing you a lot, Patchut! You left us all too sudden and up to now I can't believe that I wouldn't be able to see you and hear you voice. It consoles me to know that you're reunited with Nanay and Tatay in heaven. Love n miss you!

- Marissa Baylon


Foto de Maria Rodriguez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Maria Rodriguez

Mi querida Madre la extraño muchísimo pero sé que esté descansando en paz y sin dolor al lado de Diosito! Que diosito me la cuide y siempre está en mis pensamientos y corazón. La quiero mucho, mi madre bella! 💕

- Hilda Rodriguez-Guzman

Los Angeles

Foto de Marianna y Tomás dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Marianna y Tomás

Love you always.

- Precious Molina

Pueblo, CO

Foto de Marilyn Leal dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Marilyn Leal

Mom spent her last twenty years in the Castro and loved her life there. I miss her every day since her death at age 92 in 2015 and wish I could tell her how much her activism, sense of justice and humor influenced me. I love you, mama.

- Patty Dark

Desert Hot Springs

Foto de Mario dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


A good memory that I have of my father-in-law Mario is how he would always want to be around family. The holidays were one of his favorite times of the year because we would all get together. Miss you, Mario.

- Dave Ramirez

Los Angeles

Foto de Mario Tenorio dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mario Tenorio

As big as a mountain He swallowed the ocean He was my everything And everything I want to be He gave me love for music, food, and life Showed me how to work with my hands and provide, live for my family I was blessed to have him

- Praxedis Gabriel Tenorio

Boyle Heights

Foto de Marion Standlea dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Marion Standlea

My mom was genuinely a good person. She was kind, caring, loving and full of joy. She was such a positive person and always saw the good in people. She made the world a better place and continues to do so through the lives of the souls she touched in this life. You are terribly missed, mom, and I love you with all of my heart!

- Jan Standlea

Lake Oswego, OR

Foto de Mark dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


We miss you Mark. You were loved by so many. May your memories you gave us live forever.

- Sheri Madden


Foto de Mark Gordillo dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mark Gordillo

Thank you for raising us all as your own. I will never forget riding around in your truck getting free fast food. Ang loves you so much. It's not the same without you around.

- Elena Mateus

Belmont, CA

Foto de Mark Murkar dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mark Murkar

Mark was the love of my life, and was taken from me, much too soon. I love, and miss you, Mark!

- Luanne Murkar

Duarte, California

Foto de Marta Jara Terriquez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Marta Jara Terriquez

My Tia, Marta Jara Terriquez had a wicked sense of humor and a beautiful smile. She instilled in her six children-- my cousins-- the ability to make the best of any situation, take care of each other, and have a good time.

- Veronica Terriquez

El Monte

Foto de Martha Alicia Gutierrez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Martha Alicia Gutierrez

A wife, a mother, a grandma, a sister, an aunt. The root of our love. With her gone, the family tree fell hard. She kept everyone together. We miss her sooo much!!!!

- Jorge Gutierrez

Watts, Los Angeles

Foto de Martin Briones dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Martin Briones

Dad I miss you beyond measure. Your passing has left the biggest hole in our family. Thank you for being a great dad & amazing grandpa. I look forward to the day that we are all together again. I love you, I love you, I love you.

- Marlene Bojorquez

Norwalk, CA

Foto de Martín Sr., & Guadalupe Díaz dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Martín Sr., & Guadalupe Díaz

Ama y Apa... no hay un dia que no los extraño. Seguimos orando, pensando, llorando por ustedes. Tenemos tanto dolor que ya no más esten con nosotros… pero no los olvidamos mis viejitos. Han sido casi 9 meses desde que el virus les afecto y se nos fueron al cielo. Les doy un abrazo infinito, un brindis por ser valientes en la vida y por darnos vida y la magia y maravilla de nuestra cultura. Seguiremos adelante.

- Martín López Díaz, Jr.

Huron, CA

Foto de Mary dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Thank you mom for you creativity and kindness. You are loved and missed by all.

- Patricia Faragher


Foto de Mary Andrew dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mary Andrew

Mother & best friend. Rosie the Riveter during WWII.

- Kathy Smith

Goodyear, AZ

Foto de Mary Ann Fels dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Mary Ann Fels

When Mary Ann Fels, my grandmother, was born in 1929 in Amana, Iowa, it was a different world. The town was a theocratic commune where women covered in black during formal events. She broke that tradition and made news in 1948 as the first Amana bride to wear a white wedding dress.

- Ben Welsh

Downtown Los Angeles

Foto de Mary Anne Chiappetta dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mary Anne Chiappetta

My wonderful, thoughtful, and loving cousin!

- Michele Garza


Foto de Mary Halovorson dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mary Halovorson

I miss laughing with Mom! I just want to pick up the phone and call you Mom! I miss you every day!

- Kimberly Reinika


Foto de Mary Katherine Fleming dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mary Katherine Fleming

I would tell them how much I love them, how after 27 years I still dream of her, how I wish I could have one last time to hold her hand.

- Heather Millward


Foto de Mary Martinez dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Mary Martinez

Celebrating the beautiful life of my mother. A life filled with love for our Lord Jesus, her family, and friends. Always in our hearts with love forever.

- Steve Martinez

Santa Monica

Foto de Mary McKimmey-Catalan dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mary McKimmey-Catalan

My father often said that Mary made you feel good just being around her. My memories of our decades-long friendship confirm this. Her sudden death has left behind many, like me, who struggle to find joy in a world without her.

- Maggie Harada


Foto de Mary Rosado Reyes dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mary Rosado Reyes

My guide in life.

- Anthony Leymore

Los Angeles

Foto de Mary Theresa Hench dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Mary Theresa Hench

For my mom and her kind and beautiful spirit. Our family has so many memories of unconditional love and support. We also miss her sense of humor and ability to make anyone laugh. Turning into my mom is not a bad thing in this case.

- Sarah Hench

Portland, Oregon

Foto de María de Jesús Anaya López dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

María de Jesús Anaya López

"No morirán tus flores y no cesarán tus cantos". Tu recuerdo nos sigue dando la belleza del perfume de las gardenias, la fortaleza y generosidad del árbol de zapote. Gracias por todo. Porque tu fuiste, nosotros somos. Con mucho amor para tí hasta la eternidad, mami querida.

- Antonieta Mercado-Anaya

San Diego

Foto de María de la Luz dentro de un marco con

María de la Luz


- Lidia Velazquez


Foto de María Dolores Molina dentro de un marco con papel picado.

María Dolores Molina

Mi abuelita era una minera maravillosa. Siempre feliz y con una gran paciencia. La recuerdo con mucho cariño y amor.

- Stephanie Reyes

Santa flat

Foto de Matthew John Young dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Matthew John Young

Duchenne will break our hearts, but it will never break our spirit.

- Rae Young

Victoria, Australia

Foto de Maury dentro de un marco con papel picado.


It's been really hard since you left. I miss you everyday. After losing you, I lost a lot more people. At least now I know you'll never leave my side. I love you, my angel.

- Priscilla Turner

Long Beach

Foto de Maya dentro de un marco con papel picado.


Dear Baby Goose, My Russian Blue Angel, I love and miss you dearly. I think of you always and cherish you. You changed my life by teaching me unconditional love, allowing me to care for you and opening my heart. Thank you.

- Rizwati Freeman


Foto de Meagan dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


My momma passed when I was 17 years old. I miss her so much it hurts. She was a beautiful woman and an amazing mother.

- Christina Lutz

Phoenix, AZ

Foto de Melchor Molina dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Melchor Molina

Tus nietos te recuerdan como Papá Melcho, y a nosotros no se nos olvidara lo entregado que eras a tu familia, igual tu presencia en la tiendita — Abarrotes Molina. La familia era todo para ti. Te extrañamos, Melcho. Azul por siempre! — Familia Molina

- Alejandra Molina

Huanímaro, Gto. y Pomona, Calif.

Foto de Melissa A Esquibel dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Melissa A Esquibel

Melissa, life has not been the same without you!! We grieve for you every day!! Our comfort is knowing your are not in pain or alone!! Until we met again!! Love, your family!!

- Berine Esquibel-Tennant

Pueblo CO

Foto de Merilynne Quon dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Merilynne Quon

Merilynne, you are missed. Your activism, love of family, and determination inspired us all.

- Jan Yen

Los Angeles

Foto de Meu amado pai dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Meu amado pai

Tenho saudade de nossas conversas e viagens. Jamais te esquecerei. Sua luta por uma vida melhor foi exemplo e sempre será. Obrigada pelos anos de ensinamentos e de história. Te amo papai.

- Jorgeanne Assunção

Augusta, Maine

Foto de Mi abuelita Lulú dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mi abuelita Lulú

Mi abuelita fue una mujer tan bonita. Mi abuelita fue curandera en su pueblo Zacapu, Michoacán. A memory of my grandma is when she would wait for me to come home with her arms wide open for me to hug me.

- Emmalene Perez Huaste

Goleta CA

Foto de Mi Apá dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Mi Apá

Apá, lo extrañamos muchísimo. ¡¡Arriba Los Doyers!!

- Nancy Vega


Foto de Mi hermana dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mi hermana

Es mi hermana mayor fallecida el 31 de diciembre de 2020. Qué fue una gran mujer y una excelente profesora de educación primaria.

- Marco Aurelio González Gama


Foto de Mi hermanito "Maddog" dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mi hermanito "Maddog"

Your youngest grandson, Luke, was just awarded the nickname Maddog for his tenacity playing peewee football in his first year. Thank you for being with us always in life, in prayer, in memory, God is good!

- Jean Sellars Sellars

Springfield, MO

Foto de Mi hermosa madre dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mi hermosa madre

... Thank you for being you and for showing us the epitome of hard work, for teaching us how to be good people, and to be respectful of others and for all the sacrifices you made to take care of six kids on your own ... I miss you, mom. I would give everything to just have one more conversation with you!

- Fabian Villegas

Van Nuys

Foto de Mi madre linda dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mi madre linda

Mamá, como te extrañamos. Espero que en donde quiera que estés seas muy feliz. No te preocupes por nosotros, estamos bien. Siempre te llevamos en el corazón. Gracias por todo. Te amo.

- Gilberto Minero

Santa Paula, CA

Foto de Mi padre dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Mi padre

I will miss our Zoom exercise get-togethers, our chats about food and travel and your many stories about being in the service. You were always a positive person right up until the very end. You passed with grace. Please know that you are so very missed.

- Jennifer J Weir

El Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain

Foto de Mi Papi dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Mi Papi

Gracias por todo tu amor y apoyo, papá. Siempre estás en mi corazón.

- Leticia Rodriguez

Long Beach, CA

Foto de Mi papá dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mi papá

Papá, recuerdo con mucho cariño y llevo muy dentro de mi corazón tus consejos que me dabas de la vida! Estarías orgulloso de mi al seguir tu buen ejemplo de ser una persona noble, con un buen corazón! Te quiero, te extraño!

- Melisa Jaen


Foto de Mi papá y sobrino dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mi papá y sobrino

Papá, nos haces tanta falta. Te queremos y extrañamos todos los días. Nico, tu arte sigue brillando como tú. Te queremos y extrañamos.

- Elena Mendoza


Foto de Mi querida madre dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mi querida madre

María de Los Ángeles was a strong woman who raised herself from age 8. I lost her when I was 25. Now I'm a mom and I remember even more what you did for us. For all the love and care you gave me, I thank you mami. Te extraño.

- Vicky Mires


Foto de Michael dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


It has been 40 years and your memory is alive. Not a day goes by where we don't think of you or miss you. We are still fighting for justice for you!!

- Roseanne Gonzales


Foto de Michael dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Miss you so much, wish I could hold you once more.

- Pamela Parkington


Foto de Michael Joseph Peter Abatemarco dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Michael Joseph Peter Abatemarco

We love you so much and we miss you, Dad!

- Jill Abatemarco

Valley Village

Foto de Michael Valentine dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Michael Valentine

Best Friends For Life!

- Aaron Cueva

Pico Rivera

Foto de Michelle Llanes dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Michelle Llanes

My beautiful sister. We miss you all the time. One day you were here and the next you were gone. I know you are responsible for a bright, sunny day when we are feeling blue. Don't worry about mom - I'm looking out for her.

- Danielle Llanes

Rancho Mirage, CA

Foto de Michelle Smith dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Michelle Smith

My mom, my friend - I miss you. I love you so much. You always had the right words to fix any situation and showed so much love to everyone. Your generosity and spirit, I hope, continues to show to the world through me.

- Mary Ann Smith

Throop, PA

Foto de Miguel Perez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Miguel Perez

My father, a WWII veteran. Always proud of his service. He instilled in me the concept of service to my country, therefore I joined the Air Force in 1966 and served proudly in his honor.

- Michael Perez

Harbor City

Foto de Miguel Vatana dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Miguel Vatana

My uncle Miguel developed a drug problem that led him to become homeless. Eventually, he was deported and disappeared in Mexico where we believe he died. He was the cool uncle when we were kids. I hope he's found peace.

- Martin Varona

Orange, CA

Foto de Mike "Chuito" Morales dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Mike "Chuito" Morales

Mike, you were the needed glue that kept my wife's family together. You are gone, but my family thinks of you often. Your life's hard work is a model for the next generation to emulate. We will have a smoke and think about you.

- Daniel Armenta

El Sereno, Los Angeles

Foto de Mike & Judy Johnson dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Mike & Judy Johnson

My dear mother and dad, I miss and celebrate you every day. You simply were the best people I've ever met. Cheers to you!

- Amy J

San Francisco

Foto de Mike Fukuyama dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mike Fukuyama

In memory of my husband Mike. The kindest soul and noblest heart I've ever known. You are missed each moment of every day. Thank you for loving me.

- Kenna Fukuyama

Pasadena, CA

Foto de Mike Sanchez dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Mike Sanchez

He was a kind and sweet person, even when he had his own troubles he always thought about other people and tried his best to help them.

- faby caldwell

Los Angeles

Foto de Miles Armstead dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Miles Armstead

Our dad's laughter was big and the memory of his laughter reverberates in our hearts. "I am especially glad of the divine gift of laughter: it has made the world human and lovable, despite all its pain and wrong." -W. E. B. Du Bois

- Chloe/Quinn/Elle Armstead


Foto de Minha mãe dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Minha mãe

Minha mãe me ensinou tudo. Agradeço a Deus por ter convivido com ela. Saudades.

- Ruth Pantoja


Foto de Mis Padres dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mis Padres

I grew up with divorced parents but photos like this, taken before I was born, remind me that at one time they really did love each other. Margaret Timberlake & Steven Shih-min Young.

- Gregory Young

Culver City

Foto de Mis papás dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mis papás

Gracias por todo, your love, unwavering support, & trust.

- Lia Lenggogeni


Foto de Mis profesores  dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mis profesores

Mis profesores de cuarto y sexto año de primaria. Fue en un faro de luz y saber.

- Marco Aurelio González Gama


Foto de Misty Mangus dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Misty Mangus

My daughter. You made the world a better place as a mother, a nurse, a friend, a cousin, and a fiancé. I know you are here beside us but what I would give to hear that amazing, full-throated, laugh again. See you in Heaven my love.

- Sandra del Tiempo


Foto de Mitzi Currie dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mitzi Currie

My mom had the most beautiful, loving smile. She was positive, enthusiastic and loving. She was an incredible nurse, wife and mom. I miss her every day.

- Sally Grauer


Foto de Mizore dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Mizore you were the best poodle mix ever. She graduated to the other side and earned your angel wings. You will be missed. love your mommy Myiuki

- Veronica C.

Victorville, CA.

Foto de Mo dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Mo was the rest of my own self; together we were better than either of us could be on our own - almost entirely due to his innate goodness. Mo died this spring after 9 years of making us a better person. I miss him every day.

- Teeney Hood

Twentynine Palms

Foto de Mocha dentro de un marco con papel picado.


We miss your brilliance, your barking, your snuggly warmth!

- Kim Krasne


Foto de Moises (Moy) Pedroza dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Moises (Moy) Pedroza

Gordito, we miss you and we continue to love you dearly. You are now in heaven, watching over us. You were a son, brother, husband, uncle and now an Angel. Forever in our hearts. Sorry to tell you Dodgers lost the trip to WS.

- Veronica Pedroza

West Covina

Foto de Mojo dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Love you, Mr. Mojo. You were/are the greatest dog ever. :) Tell mom and Cuquita I say hi.

- Miranda Martinez


Foto de Mojo dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


You were the sweetest dog and most loyal and loving companion. Thank you. I miss you.

- Sherril N


Foto de Molly dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Our dog Molly was family, everywhere I went she was always there, protecting and loving us. I miss you everyday and will always have you in my heart...

- Sandy Calderon

West Chicago, IL

Foto de Mom & Dad dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mom & Dad

Their sacrifice to migrate legally to a new country to give us a better future.

- Delfina Riley

Corona, Ca

Foto de Mom & Dad Swenson dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mom & Dad Swenson

My parents — I still miss you so much. 💕

- Jackie Swenson

Sun Valley

Foto de Mom, G.E.M.S. dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mom, G.E.M.S.

Generous with her nurturing skills, under-compensated too often.

- frank sheffield

San Diego CA

Foto de Monkey dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


I miss you! You were with me for many years and many life changes and tragedies. Hope you are in heaven and being scratched under the chin by Rob, who loved you as much as I did.

- Wendy Gates

Long Beach

Foto de Mother dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Mom passed away last year the day after Thanksgiving. We talked every day. She was full of love, very intelligent and had an amazing sense of humor. I miss her.

- Ken Shortall


Foto de Mother dentro de un marco con papel picado.


Not a day goes by, NOT A DAY GOES BY, Love YOU MORE!!

- Diane Aparicio Flores

San Fernando CA

Foto de Ms. Lee dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ms. Lee

Mom, I miss you so much. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you, especially when something funny happens. Your birthday passed and mine is coming up. It's always even different since your not here!!!

- Charles Towns


Foto de Mukul Khurana dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Mukul Khurana

He was such a great writer on film and art. He was an extremely kind and compssionate person. Mukul, you are deeply missed by everyone — even the cat.

- Rebecca M Romani

San Diego

Foto de My abuela Leonor dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My abuela Leonor

I think about my grandma almost everyday, three years and I still imagine she is here with us, she left us with a lot of great memories we cherish. She was the funniest, her personality was the best. Te quiero mucho Abuela.

- Pamela Carreno

Lancaster CA

Foto de My abuelita and abuelito dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My abuelita and abuelito

I didn't really get to meet my abuelito, he had already passed when I was born, but my abuelita was like a second mom to me. It's hasn't been a year since she has been gone and I miss her so much. We got the family together and were looking after everyone.

- Jennifer Ruiz

Bozeman, MT

Foto de My Baba and my big brother dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My Baba and my big brother

You are so very loved and missed. One year ago we bid farewell to one of you and you didn't even know we were there; for the other it has been 40 years. Comforted that you are reunited and left us rich legacies.

- Andrea G

Dallas, Texas

Foto de My beloved Abuelitas dentro de un marco con papel picado.

My beloved Abuelitas

The two most loving women you'll never meet. I miss their hugs, their always kind words, even their regaños. I miss them much. My family wouldn't be what it is today had it not been for these two amazing women. Love you,

- Horacio O.

Austin, TX

Foto de My brother dentro de un marco con papel picado.

My brother

My brother had charisma. He was good looking and he knew it. I miss him.

- Cheryl Scott

Los Angeles

Foto de My brother dentro de un marco con papel picado.

My brother

I miss you brother. I wish you were still here.

- Cheryl Scott

Los Angeles

Foto de My brother dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My brother

Querido hermano estás siempre en nuestras memorias, sigues siendo amado.

- Carmen Atienzo

Del Rey, California

Foto de My brother dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My brother

Always kind, loving and humorous. We miss you so much. Always in our hearts.

- Vikki Kath


Foto de My brother and my dad dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My brother and my dad

My dad took us on legendary road trips. Wind in our hair and the promise of adventure. We laughed, we cried, we fought. What families do. My brother is gone too now. They're both cherished and both missed.

- Karin Madarieta


Foto de My Dad dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My Dad

We spent wonderful vacations at Crystal Cove back in the 1960s with cousins. Dad loved to fish, one day being surprised to reel in a lobster. Thanks for teaching me not to take myself too seriously, dad.

- Andrea Wagner

Honolulu, Hawaii

Foto de My dad dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My dad

My dad had a big heart. He was always helping others when he could. He loved his family tremendously. He would drop what he was doing when I called needing him. I miss you dad. 😇

- Sandra Batres


Foto de My Dad dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My Dad

My Dad was a quiet man who loved his wife, Jennie, to the moon and back. Wish you were here to enjoy your great-grandchildren. Give me strength to take care of mom. We miss you dearly, each and everyday. Until we meet again, Dad. I love you ❤️

- Cathy Reyes

Los Angeles

Foto de My dad dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My dad

My dad always had a very open mind. I never felt judged by him. I never felt he judged anyone. It's one of the best things about him, a rarity these days. I miss him so much, he was a wonderful dad.

- Natasha Pasternak

Los Angeles

Foto de My Dad dentro de un marco con papel picado.

My Dad

Apá, te extraño mucho pero siempre que pienso en tí escucho tu voz muy claramente y sé que nos estás cuidando de donde estás. Gracias por todo lo que hiciste por nosotros. Te mando un fuerte abrazo con mucho cariño.

- Ana Anglin

Fontana, CA

Foto de My daughter dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My daughter

It's almost been a year since your passing, my heart still aches for you, mija.Oh how I wish you were here to share a hearty laugh and see your beautiful smile light up my day! I miss you and I will forever love you. I miss you, mija!

- Fabian Villegas

Van Nuys

Foto de My father dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My father

He loved music and wanted to name me after his favorite Beatles song, so he did.

- Michelle Serrano

Brownsville, TX

Foto de My father dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My father

Dad~ Loving wholeheartedly, your strength never faltered. You filled my life with humor (talk like a duck!), gentleness (a spider as a friend?!) and sense of discovery (where does this road go?) I am…because of you. Missing you.

- Teri Yeager

San Rafael, CA

Foto de My Father dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My Father

My father was a the most loving and light hearted person I have ever met, loved soccer and music, but family was always front and center. I am so fortunate I was raised by such a great, compassionate and loving father. I will always be thankful. Te extrañamos tanto.

- Hector Hernandez

Soledad CA

Foto de My father dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My father

My dad was a hard worker and never not provided for his family. He had a sense of humor and was honest and helped many people and was loved. I would like to be more like my father.

- Jorge Chavez


Foto de My father dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My father

I miss you every day, pa. I am thankful to carry your memory and spirit with me.

- Rich Acosta

Los Angeles, CA

Foto de My Father dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My Father

Remembering my father who I lost in December of 2020. I miss your sense of humor. Watching Dodgers games with you. But most of all I miss your presence papa. I love you always.

- Patricia Castillo


Foto de My father and grandfather dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My father and grandfather

Recordando a mi viejo y mi abuelito que nos dejaron tantos buenos momentos y recuerdos. Los amó.

- Juan Torres

Eagle Rock

Foto de My father and my abuelita dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My father and my abuelita

I miss you both very much! Abuelita, you always were so kind and generous when we'd visit you in Florida and you made the best food. Dad, you are loved beyond measure! Thanks for being there for me and mom when we needed you. Take care of each other up in heaven.

- Jessica Noboa

Manville, NJ

Foto de My father Art dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My father Art

Most Sunday afternoons we'd have lunch. Mussels were his favorite. Simple pleasures, done over and over again.

- Annie Notthoff

Monterey County

Foto de My first born, my son dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My first born, my son

I've been heart broken since you've been gone. I miss you more than words can explain. I love you so much mijo and until we met again. I'll be here keeping you in my heart. I MISS YOU MUCH. - Mom

- jessica gonzalez


Foto de My furry friend dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My furry friend

I remember he used to wait for me outside the restroom so that he could cuddle with me after. I remember we used to play tug of war with his favorite chew toys. His favorite food was tacos de asada. He was kind of crusty and smelled like nachos.

- Karla Garcia

Los Angeles

Foto de My grandfather dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My grandfather

My grandfather bred Alsatians, wrote me letters from Pakistan when we couldn't see each other & always included Pakistani poetry which I loved. There was adventure, swimming in rivers & climbing everything. I miss him every day.

- Ameera Butt

Los Angeles

Foto de My grandma dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My grandma

I would say that I'm sorry I didn't talk to you enough when I was visiting I didn't realize we didn't have much time left and thank you for raising my mother and in turn raising me and thank you for making Mexico special for me.

- Milca Garcia


Foto de My Grandma dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My Grandma

She was always there when I needed her. She was like a second mother to me. Whenever I got in trouble as a kid, I always went to her and she helped me.

- Giliani Bustamante

Los Ángeles, CA

Foto de My grandma and her partner, Don José dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My grandma and her partner, Don José

To my güelita: We still miss you like the first day. You lit up the room with your smile and warmed our hearts with your love. To Don José: Thank you for taking care of her and us, we never forgot about you. I hope you can rest now.

- Daniela Montoya


Foto de My grandma Paula  dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My grandma Paula

This is my grandma Palua. I miss you and I love you.

- Antonio Gonzalez

La Puente

Foto de My grandmother dentro de un marco con papel picado.

My grandmother

I miss your birthday cards, your humor and your smile. Your strength and faith was admirable. Love you, grandma.

- Jessica Dominguez

Whittier, CA

Foto de My grandmother dentro de un marco con papel picado.

My grandmother

Grandma, it's been 7 yrs since you left us and it still hurts today. I miss you very much! Your kindness, voice, laughter and the way you cared for me. They'll never be another like you. You are so loved by the family! Keep my father company up there and continue to make one another laugh and have a good time!

- Jessica Noboa

Bridgewater, NJ

Foto de my grandpa dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

my grandpa

Every Christmas my grandpa would bring together the family with his food. He sadly died on Christmas and my dysfunctional family put their differences aside to honor him each and every Christmas we spend without him there.

- Abigel Szabo

New York

Foto de My great-great-grandma dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My great-great-grandma

Un recuerdo que tengo con mi bisabuela es que siempre que iba a verla me pedía que le cantara una canción ya que cuando era más joven me gustaba mucho cantar. Cada vez que cantaba para ella, me felicitaba.

- Kayla Chavez

Los Angeles

Foto de My Husband Henry dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My Husband Henry

He loved to learn of the Latino culture and was learning Spanish to one day teach our future kids. Te amo mi amor.

- Guadalupe Cervantes

Los Angeles, CA

Foto de My lovely mother dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My lovely mother

Here is mom on her 70th! She loved being surrounded by flowers and butterflies.

- Deana Gullo

San Clemente

Foto de My Mamaw Julie dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My Mamaw Julie

I love you.

- Hayley Stoddard-Wike

Foto de My mom dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My mom

We love you and miss you... so, so much.

- Jennifer Abbott

San Clemente

Foto de My mom dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My mom

She loved singing and playing Lotería. I miss her beautiful smile, good sense of humor and her lovely singing.

- Cathy Rios


Foto de My mom dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My mom

Mom - you forged a new life in America and conquered so many obstacles You taught me resilience, determination and to follow your dreams. When I see a hummingbird I know you're saying hi and watching me from above. Te extraño!

- Margaret Lucyk

Scottsdale, AZ

Foto de My mom dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My mom

Always the glamour girl.

- Rebecca Jurado

Seal Beach

Foto de My mom dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My mom

I would like to tell my mom that I am doing my best to follow in her footsteps. It isn't easy because she was a true badass. She always put others' needs above her own. I struggle everyday, but like my mom, I believe the future is bright.

- Cristi Clough

Aliso Viejo

Foto de My mom dentro de un marco con papel picado.

My mom

Te estraño mucho y te amo más. Que estés con tu mama Chuy y que estés descansando en la casa de Dios.

- Elsa Mendoza


Foto de My Mom dentro de un marco con papel picado.

My Mom

Mom - I miss you and love you - especially finding good, local Mexican restaurants and experimenting with margaritas with me. We will make special tamales for you this year - nice and spicy! - to share with you in spirit.

- Pamela Rosen


Foto de My mom Elia and aunt Rosa dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My mom Elia and aunt Rosa

Día a día es difícil vivir sin ustedes. Gracias por enseñarnos a ser las personas que somos ahora. La vida es difícil sin ustedes y siempre las recordamos con mucho amor y respeto porque eso fue lo que nos demostraron. Celebramos su vida y están en nuestros corazones. Dios las bendiga siempre.

- Patricia Martinez

East Los Angeles

Foto de My mother dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My mother

We love and miss you! Thank you for everything you did!

- Yolanda Mercer

Los Angeles

Foto de My mother dentro de un marco con papel picado.

My mother

She is one of the most beautiful, smart, strong, powerful women I ever knew. She is my mom she showed me and my sisters and brother to stay together because we're all we have. She did everything for her kids and I'm so lost without her. I really love and miss her so much.

- Laura Castillo

La Puente

Foto de My Mother dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My Mother

My Mother, my inspiration. You showed me courage, determination, creativity, and glamour. You were a star, gone too soon. I apprenticed to you and you took me to high places. Gone too soon. RIP

- Fritzi Lareau

San Francisco

Foto de My mother dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My mother

Mi querida madre: Mom no hay un día que pase en el que no te extrañemos a tí y a tu hermosa sonrisa. Gracias por ser una madre fuerte y maravillosa. Quisiera que estuvieras aquí a mi lado. ¡Te amamos hoy, mañana y para siempre!

- Nereida Torres

Bakersfield, CA

Foto de My mother dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My mother

Thank you for all your sacrifices and love you gave to me and my siblings. You were strong and showed your children how to live and give our best to family and friends. We love and miss you everyday mom.

- Violet Lapineg

Stockton, CA

Foto de My Mother and Father dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My Mother and Father

Two wonderful people who I miss dearly. My life has never been the same since you had to leave. I love you both.

- Robert Logan

Waynesburg, PA

Foto de My mother/ Mi amá dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My mother/ Mi amá

Gracia amá por todo lo que me diste en la vida: tu amor incondicional, tu ayuda, y tus sabios consejos. Me haces mucha falta. Espero volvernos a encontrar. Thanks mom for everything you gave me in life: your unconditional love, your support, and your wise advise. I need you so much! I hope we find each other again.

- Maria Santana

South Gate, CA

Foto de My Nonna, Paolina dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My Nonna, Paolina

Ti voglio bene. Arrivederci, bella.

- Carla Caputo


Foto de My older brother, Clinton dentro de un marco con papel picado.

My older brother, Clinton

Big brother, I miss you every day. I appreciate the signs you send, and still feel you with me, especially when I drive too fast or do something a lil' bit risky! Thank you for always loving and protecting me. I love you always.

- Jaclyn Cosgrove

Los Angeles

Foto de My parents dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My parents


- Roger Bultot

New York, NY

Foto de My Paternal Grandmother dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My Paternal Grandmother

Te amo igual que mi abuela que he pasado la vida entera. No te llegué a conocer, ni a pasar tiempo contigo, pero como quiera te quiero igual. Sé que fuiste gran parte en la vida de mi padre y sus hermanos y te lo agradezco mucho!

- Amelia De La Rosa

New York

Foto de My Pop dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My Pop

I'm not Latino, but my birthday is on el Dia de los muertos, so I have taken to taking part in ofrendas. Mi papá era mi roca. Te extraño mucho, Papá

- William O'Dell

San Diego

Foto de My sister dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My sister

We all love you and miss you.

- M.A. Hilterhaus

New Jersey

Foto de My son Leon dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My son Leon

Leon, you were such a shining light. Your laugh, your love, our talks, I miss everything about you. You were a special, bright, strong, caring soul and your love will continue to hold us up. Love you, until we meet again.

- Henny Naumann-Cain

New York

Foto de My sweet brother dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My sweet brother

I miss you dearest brother. Your infinite grace, courage, compassion, kindness, wisdom, passion for life, and soulfulness are siempre en mi corazon. You are with our beloved grandparents now on the other side of that thin blue line, loving and watching over us all as you did in life.

- Vanessa Little

Los Angeles

Foto de My sweet sister Luz dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My sweet sister Luz

Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. Keep shining bright above and lighting the ways for others. Until we meet again.

- Trish Escobedo

Los Angeles

Foto de My uncle dentro de un marco con papel picado.

My uncle

To my wonderful uncle, to all the wonderful memories, patience and love you gave us. One of the most honest human I have ever encountered in my life. Mí tío Ramon misses you so much and all your loved ones too. We love you.

- Peter Gerritson


Foto de My wife dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

My wife

52 years of wonderful experiences. A woman with a great since of humor, generous and loving.

- Gary Null

Southern California

Foto de Myesha Jenkins dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Myesha Jenkins

Born in Los Angeles, Myesha made her way to San Francisco, where we met. She moved to Johannesburg and found love and a supportive audience for her poetry. But most of all, she found her self, and was at peace with her self.

- María Ochoa

Hayward CA

Foto de Nakell Railey dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Nakell Railey

I wish we had more time to get to know each other. You'll always be my big sister. I love you.

- Trevor R.

El Segundo

Foto de Nana dentro de un marco con papel picado.


Nana! I hope you're enjoying seeing your great-grandkids grow-and-grow from above. I miss you and am still trying to be the man you wanted me to be. Love to you, Jude.

- Jude O'Reilley

San Jose, CA

Foto de Nana dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


We love you and miss you Nana. We remember you always. Come visit us soon.

- Carina & Family

Los Angeles

Foto de Nana Matilde dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Nana Matilde

Nos enseñaste a ser fuertes y luchar por nuestros sueños. Nos cuidaste y motivaste a ser únicos y ayudar a los más necesitados. Te extrañamos todos los días. Se que estas disfrutando en el mas allá y un día nos veremos de nuevo.

- Andrea Carrillo-Rhoads


Foto de Nancy Arias dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Nancy Arias

My beautiful wife and best friend, such a loving and caring person whom loved our Heavenly Father even through the toughest of life's challenges. I love you still.

- Jaime Martinez


Foto de Nancy Elizabeth dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Nancy Elizabeth

Mom, I miss hearing about your - I mean, The Coat's - adventures. They really highlighted your sense of humor and brilliant eye for the whimsical and beautiful and thought-provoking in the world.

- Andrea McColl

Los Angeles, California

Foto de Nancy Mertzweiller dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Nancy Mertzweiller

Nancy was my first cousin and we were always close to one another. We were born a month apart. She was a mother with two daughters and one son. She moved to Texas in the last few years and that is where she died this year.

- Tina Ratto

San Francisco, CA

Foto de Nat Soriano dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Nat Soriano

Just think of the good times you've left behind L-O-V-E was all for U, no If U didn't say your goodbyes Don't worry, love will power through, 'Cause you're never coming back down U belong to the stars in the clouds Jorja Smith

- D T

Inland Empire

Foto de Natalie dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


You were one of the most beautiful souls I ever met in my entire life. You lit up whatever room you entered with your beautiful smile and laugh. You were so easy to love and we loved you so much. I miss you every day. ❤️

- Betsy Maldonado

Aurora, IL

Foto de Natalie Provatas dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Natalie Provatas

Natalia beat cancer twice before it finally took her from us. She would introduce herself to people with a joke: "I'm Greek & Puerto Rican so I'm usually a lot hairier than this." We will miss her so much and remember her always!

- GOALS Writers Group

Los Angeles, CA

Foto de Neal W. McKeon dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Neal W. McKeon

It's been 20 days since the last day we saw each other. I miss you so much, and I wish you didn't have to go. I love you, papa bear.

- Jaclyn McKeon

New York

Foto de Neli Arrechea dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Neli Arrechea

Mamá, maestra, abuela, tía. Te extrañamos!

- Maria Julia Baldor


Foto de Nellie Chavez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Nellie Chavez

Miss you and love you still.

- Ecri Gutierrez

Alhambra, CA

Foto de Nerry Borque dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Nerry Borque

I miss you, cousin. You are special in my memory and beloved in my heart. Peace to your soul. May your memory only bring joy.

- Grayson Ybarra

La Mirada

Foto de Nicholas Joseph Bell dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Nicholas Joseph Bell

Nick I know you are at peace. We will continue loving you forever. The Raiders are having a great start to their season. I wish we could have gotten to see them one more time together. Maybe they would have finally won one for us. ;) Give papa a hug from me and kisses to Chloe Marie. I love you, Aunty Colleen

- Colleen Quinn

San Francisco, CA

Foto de Nicholas Joseph Bell dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Nicholas Joseph Bell

My beloved firstborn son, I'll love you forever. You are irreplaceable in our lives and I can't believe you aren't here with us anymore. Rest peacefully, my Nickel Pickle. ❤️

- Kelly Bell Kubica

Gilroy, CA

Foto de Nick Oza dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Nick Oza

I remember my buddy Nick asked for hot peppers at every restaurant we ate at over many years of traveling together as journalists for The Arizona Republic/USA Today Network. Even McDonalds. He loved hot food as much as life.

- Daniel Gonzalez


Foto de Nicky Peralta dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Nicky Peralta

I talk to you every day, I hope you hear me and your watching over your brothers and our family. We love and miss you ❤️

- Denise Tenorio

Monterey park CA

Foto de Nigel Barry-Taylor dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Nigel Barry-Taylor

Dear Daddy, thank you for everything you taught me, and for always encouraging me. You were always so happy to hear from me. I love how you took such interest in life, in even the smallest things. You are always in my heart. xoxox

- Polly Stryker

San Francisco

Foto de Oliver Mosca dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Oliver Mosca

Oliver every day we miss you. I wish you were here starting your teen years.

- Kim Wilson

Fairfax, CA

Foto de Olivia Khoubesserian dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Olivia Khoubesserian

Beloved, sister, mother, daughter and wife. I love and miss your more than words can express. You where so funny and knew how to make everyone laugh even in your worst moments. Life will never be the same with out you. Missing you.

- Eva Yoguez


Foto de Olympia dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Small town girl who was a fearless world traveler who loved life and had many adventures. Worst cook, but best grandma ever. Love you.

- Denise DeGrazia

Long Beach

Foto de Omar Olague dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Omar Olague

Omar, You were so brave and strong. We will love you forever. You were an amazing Son, Brother, Tio, Padrino, Cousin, Nephew, Brother in law, and friend. Our hearts weren't ready but your wings were. Our forever angel. May you rest in peace.

- Erin Olague

South Gate

Foto de Oreo dentro de un marco con papel picado.


You will be missed! Love you.

- Carla Rodriguez

Los Angeles

Foto de Oscar dentro de un marco con papel picado.


May you find the peace that you look for brother. We miss you and are forever grateful to have had you in our lives, God walk with you and continue to guide and show us the way.

- Kris Ramirez

Paramount, CA

Foto de Oscar and Irma Lazos dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Oscar and Irma Lazos

Thank you for shaping me into the person I am. I would give anything to drink a cup of coffee with you again.

- Victoria Kennedy


Foto de Oscar Ramirez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Oscar Ramirez

Ojalá estuvieras todavía con nosotros. Una simple charla o una risa o volver a verte. Estás para siempre con nosotros en este viaje. Gracias papá te amamos

- Kris Ramirez


Foto de Oswaldo Castillo dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Oswaldo Castillo

Hey uncle, its been so long since I've seen and heard you. I miss you and it'll never be the same without you here.

- Elizabeth Castillo


Foto de Our Apá dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Our Apá

Apá, second year without you and it doesn't get easier. We miss your presence, smile, laughter and jokes. You taught us what unconditional love is and how to be strong when we need to be. We miss you soo much and love you. 'Till we meet again.

- Lopez

Whittier, CA

Foto de Our Father dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Our Father

We didn't get a chance to say our goodbyes but know you are loved and missed everyday. You were a great father and family man. I will do my best to follow in your footsteps and keep this family moving forward together. We ALL love you.

- John Garcia

Los Angeles

Foto de Our friend Martin dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Our friend Martin

We miss your daily visits, your memory will forever stay with us. We had so many fun, great times. And we are honored that we had you in our lives. Thank you for the memories.

- Lopez Family


Foto de Our Mom and Dad dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Our Mom and Dad

Mom & Dad, We will always be thankful for the home you provided us, your unconditional love and the faith you shared. So many good memories, too many to write. We miss you so much! Always in our Hearts, Yoli, Rose & Anthony

- Yoli Tatum

Carlsbad, CA

Foto de Our Pop, Angel dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Our Pop, Angel

He was such a kind soul. We know hehas a special spot in heaven. We miss having him here, but we think of him everyday and know he is with us in spirit, especially for all the special occasions from college graduations to winning a softball game. We love you Pop!

- Laura Rivera

Pico Rivera

Foto de Pablo Aceves Presente!  dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Pablo Aceves Presente!

Pablo's love and laughter will always be in our hearts, his love of life & politics was undeniable, everyone felt special in his presence; he was a fierce, humble and gentle soul. Pablo lives on! Somos un pueblo, sin fronteras!

- Kelly Flores

Los Angeles

Foto de Papa Lolo dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Papa Lolo

Everytime I would visit our ranchito he would be there to greet me with open arms and would hold me so tight. I miss you so much

- cindy partida

Duncanville, TX

Foto de Papa Tony dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Papa Tony

I hope you're dancing in the sky. Thank you for sending me my beautiful baby boy that you helped create up there. We miss you endlessly & love you so much. Please continue to watch over us & guide us down the right paths.

- Kristy Lopez

San Pedro

Foto de Parents dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


'¡Vivir es recordar!' Y la muerte no nos separa nunca por que yo soy quien soy por ustedes. ¡Los extraños tanto!

- Aurora Fonseca

Highland Park

Foto de Parker Belle Mayfield dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Parker Belle Mayfield

You were my heart, my blessing, my education, and I think about you every day still. I love you barukatukatukatoots.

- Ashley Mayfield


Foto de Patricia & Henry dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Patricia & Henry

Mom and dad, thank you for forging a path for your kids to live in a multicultural world. You lived the talk, bore the brunt of the times, taught us to stand up for ourselves and others. You are remembered, loved and honored.

- Mike Lee

Bellingham, WA

Foto de Patricia Ann dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Patricia Ann

I wish I could have known you as an adult, shared my life with you, and sought your advice. I miss you more now than when you left us 20 years ago.

- Samatha Greening

Los Angeles

Foto de Patricia Donnelly Rivera dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Patricia Donnelly Rivera

Oh, Mom, a year seems like so much time and no time. Your ofrenda needs pixs of your kids & grandkids & great-grandkids & all the significant others & all the families of the signfiicant others coming for a hug. You were all love.

- Nancy Rivera Brooks

Los Angeles

Foto de Patricia Frausto dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Patricia Frausto

Tía, el COVID-19 nos quitó tu presencia, pero te recordamos siempre. Te extrañamos mucho, en las reuniones familiares extrañamos tu sonrisa, tu buen humor, nos haces falta pero quiero que estés segura que nunca te olvidaremos y algún día nos volveremos a encontrar.

- Gabriela Jorge Rodriguez

Guanajuato, Mexico

Foto de Patricia Herena dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Patricia Herena

She was the most beautiful person...inside and out. A day does not go by that I do not miss her and wish we had just one more day together here on earth. I love you Mama!

- Minnie Kim


Foto de Patrick Devlin dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Patrick Devlin

Love you pal.

- Michael O'Connor


Foto de Paul Hagar dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Paul Hagar

We all miss your beautiful guitar playing, your big hugs, and silly sense of humor. I love you so much baby brother. May the Lord keep you in the palm of His hand.

- Marsha Gulick


Foto de Paul Kellogg  dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Paul Kellogg

I miss you most this time of year. Yesterday would have been your 80th birthday. I wore red and played tennis in your honor. I feel like you are with me most when I do the things that we did together when I was a child. I love you and I miss you.

- Anne Kellogg

Las Vegas

Foto de Paula Scott dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Paula Scott

I hope you're peaceful and fulfilled.

- Leslie Johansen Nack

Oceanside CA

Foto de Paulina Verbera dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Paulina Verbera

I'll never forget when Pau comforted me after a professor told me I wasn't good enough. She was busy and still took time for me. Because that's who she was. I love and miss you Pau, and I think about you all the time. 🕊🤍

- Chloe Jones

Phoenix, AZ

Foto de Pax Kitty dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Pax Kitty

For 13 years, you blessed us with your sweet, playful and welcoming presence. Determined explorer and escape artist, nocturnal snacker, foil ball smacker, snuggler, and the best fur baby we could have asked for. We love you always.

- Michelle Geil

Marina Del Rey, CA

Foto de Pearl Mercado dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Pearl Mercado

Pearl was an amazing woman, a phenomenal teacher and a beautiful person. That giggle and that coy smile are forever a part of us. We are proud to have been a part of your life and that you shared in ours. We miss you very much...

- Rivera Middle School

Pico Rivera, CA

Foto de Pedro Jr. Mendoza dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Pedro Jr. Mendoza

Last Wednesday (Oct. 20), would've been your 55th birthday. I love you so much, dad. I will continue to celebrate you everyday. I miss sitting in the kitchen at night while you drank your beer and we would just talk and laugh.

- Brianna Mendoza

Santa Ana, CA

Foto de Peggy dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Mom, thank you for showing me how to live a life fully alive, embracing the beauty and privilege of being alive. You exuded joy and taught me to do the same. I love you and miss you so much but I know you're next to me always.

- Jill Farrell

Portland, Maine USA

Foto de Pekoe dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Pekoe, I miss you as much as the day I lost you. You died much too young + I so badly wish I could have done more to save you. But Mommy + Daddy were too poor. You represent all the animals we have lost here. Descansa en Paz.

- Patrick McNabb

Chestertown, Maryland

Foto de Penelope Rithner dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Penelope Rithner

Kippy, it's Thelma! Paris, Summer, 2016, the scene of our last g-damned crime!! You were my Louise, my center and my joy and I miss you every day. I'm carrying on here with you in my heart. I love you to the moon and back! Reba xo

- Rebeckah Rithner


Foto de Pete dentro de un marco con papel picado.


Thank you for being my brother. I'm sorry for the way things ended during your last days, if I knew then what I know now things would have been vastly different. I'm sorry you suffered! I'm grateful for you, Matthew & Maycee luv u

- Monica Gee

Los Angeles

Foto de Peter Gerritson dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Peter Gerritson

We miss you so much Pete, thank you so much for all the love and the wonderful childhood memories. My uncle Ramon misses you so much. I hope to make you proud one day. We love you.

- Monica Carrillo

Burbank Ca

Foto de Peter Jackson dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Peter Jackson

Dear little brother, I miss you so much, your unfailing support, kindness, generosity, good humor and wisdom. You were always there to help in whatever needed to be done. Thank you for being my dearest friend and inspiration.

- Martha Jackson

Richmond, CA

Foto de Petra Araujo dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Petra Araujo

My beloved Mom. She was my grandmother but we all called her Mom. Always in my thoughts and dreams and in my prayers. Amor Eterno

- Adriana Cortez

Los Angeles

Foto de Plagg "Artur" dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Plagg "Artur"

El llegó después de una tragedia. Era un gatito muy lindo y tierno. Estaba conmigo siempre. Estuvo conmigo desde que era muy chiquito. Lo ví crecer y él a mí. Dormía todas las noches conmigo. Extraño abrazarte, gracias por todo 🐾

- Raph De cecco


Foto de Porfirio Gonzales dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Porfirio Gonzales

Wish I could have met my papa Gonzales. It is my daily obligation to honor him by making the most of the opportunity he blessed me and our family with. Everyday, in everything I do, I do to make him proud! He crawled, so my mom could walk, and I could run!

- Noe Taylor


Foto de Pretty Papa dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Pretty Papa

We love you and We miss you Pretty Papa. We know you are always with us in spirit. Thank you for everything you have done for our family. Come visit us soon!

- Carina & Family

Los Angeles

Foto de Querido padre, esposo, hermano, amigo dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Querido padre, esposo, hermano, amigo

Dad, te extrañamos y nos haces mucha falta. Baby Vicente está precioso y Ginny piensa que salií mucho a tí. Está gordito y chaparrito. Bueno para comer y no para de moverse. Estamos tristes, pero bien. Cuídanos por favor. We love you.

- Vicente De La Hoya

Montebello, CA

Foto de Quintana Santana Márquez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Quintana Santana Márquez

Tana, beloved son, brother, dad who always had laughter in his voice and unselfishness in his spirit. Happy, giving. Selfless. We miss you. Watch over us. Rest, brother. 'Till we see you again. We love you.

- Bertha Perez


Foto de Quorra Maya Winder dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Quorra Maya Winder

Quorra, you're the best girl and our protector. We're so grateful that you continue to look over us from the heavens. You will always be our fierce Chihuahua warrior. We love and miss you. -Mike, Tally, Cait, and Ems

- Talisen Winder

Glendale, CA

Foto de Rafael Muñoz dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Rafael Muñoz

Ralph, I love and thank you for the life we built and the children we raised together, plus the grandbabies, music and the laughter. You will always be my superman -️ Rest in peace - love you forever.

- Margie Munoz


Foto de Raine Sheffield Hays dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Raine Sheffield Hays

Raine was my cousin's child. After her young mom died tragically, her grandmother gave her a good home. She loved horses, chickens, her kids and second husband. Her dying wish was that people get vaccinated from COVID, as she hadn't.

- Shannon Sasser

Brooklyn, NY

Foto de Ralph Hyatt dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ralph Hyatt

Dad, its been so strange not having you physically with us the past 6 months. You were such a big presence for us all, and you are with us always in our drives, storm watches, delicious meals, and of course, the dogs.

- Laura Hyatt

Topanga, CA

Foto de Ramon Aure Panaligan dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ramon Aure Panaligan

I wasn't able to say goodbye to my grandfather because he passed away after I immigrated to the U.S., but before my family could come back to visit. If he were here today, I would tell him I love him, and that I miss him everyday.

- Juan Paulo Panaligan

Los Angeles

Foto de Ramon Cordova Rivera dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ramon Cordova Rivera

Dad I miss you so much. It's almost been one year since you left us. Life is very different now without you. You were the glue that kept us all together. I love you and promise to keep your memory alive.

- Yvette Ascencio

Canoga Park

Foto de Ramon Puente Raya dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ramon Puente Raya

Mi Querido Padre - You left many great, and honorable stories. Such a courageous, hardworking, honest man with a big heart. We celebrate your life and memories today and forever.

- Yessica Raya

Shafter, CA

Foto de Ramon Rivera dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ramon Rivera

I wish to drink one more 40 with my grandpa.

- Alexis Castro

Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico

Foto de Ramona Anzures dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ramona Anzures

Mom was always a generous, loving and forgiving woman. She was a great cook and welcoming of all the friends of her kids. Full of love and uncomplaining. Miss her a lot.

- Alfonso Anzures JR

Los Angeles

Foto de Ramona Garcia dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Ramona Garcia

Mamita querida, en nuestros corazones siempre estara, bendiciones desde el cielo

- Lucy Banos

La Puente, CA

Foto de Randy Guzman dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Randy Guzman

My big brother, Randy, was a great, funny and kind human. He loved music. Especially going to concerts. Randy, you left us too soon. Your kids and I love and miss you so much.I hope you and Sarah are together! Love you

- Michelle ju

Los Angeles

Foto de Raul "Chino" Piceno dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Raul "Chino" Piceno

Te queremos y te extrañamos, Chino.

- Irma Gonzalez

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Foto de Raul O. Ramirez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Raul O. Ramirez

My father was one of the smartest people I know. He was curious about the world, politics, culture, literature, and most of all, music. I miss my dad. 2/16/47 - 12/31/20. "The half-life of love is forever." - Junot Díaz

- Claudia Ramirez Wiedeman

Los Angeles

Foto de Raymond Nicacio Gonzales dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Raymond Nicacio Gonzales

My father was a beautiful soul taken too soon. Forever will we remember your smile & zest for life. Your wife, children, grandchildren, & great-grandchildren miss you so. You are forever in our hearts.

- Nancy Gallegos

Selma, CA

Foto de Rebequita Ontiveros dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Rebequita Ontiveros

A maverick of a tía. Boisterous, tough. She was old school but also believed in progress, she believed in the youth, she believed in me and my work as an artist, activist. My biggest honor was cooking her signature dish for her.

- Gabriel Tenorio

Boyle Heights

Foto de Regina Rocha dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Regina Rocha

Mom, thanks for the love. Your life was a grand opus and many of us have been so blessed to know you. You were everything. I wish we were walking on the beach together, or shopping, or having lunch!

- Jesse Loren


Foto de Remembering My Dad dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Remembering My Dad

Not a day goes by that we don't think of you dad. We miss you very much and will cherish the memories we had with you. Thank you for being an amazing father to us. Will forever remember when you used to take me to buy sweets!

- Arlene Rodríguez

Los Angeles

Foto de RHB dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


I love you so much. I miss you, but I am very comforted by all of the signs that you send me - thank you so much! Love is eternal, and we will always be connected.

- E TS


Foto de Ricardo Cornejo dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ricardo Cornejo

Viejito, espero que estés disfrutando tu tiempo en paraíso, cerca de la playa tomando agua de coco con la abuela Lita, abuelo Ricardo, tía Gladys y rodeado de chuchos 🐶. Nunca te olvidaremos. Lost to COVID, in our hearts forever.

- Jackie Cornejo

Los Angeles, CA

Foto de Ricardo Fernandez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ricardo Fernandez

I hear you in the motorcycles that zoom by, think of you in each science-related article I come across and cherish every Taco Bell drive thru around town. Thank you for showing me you're still around.

- Gabby Fernandez

San Pedro, CA

Foto de Ricardo Ramirez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ricardo Ramirez

Thank you for being my protector, the jokester, and for fighting to provide for us. I miss your sense of humor, and sitting with you watching a "good movie" and learning about football and baseball. I miss you so much.

- Bibi Lopez


Foto de Richard Abcarian dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Richard Abcarian

Dad, I have missed you every day, and deeply, since you died peacefully of a stroke on Sept. 21, 2020. Afterwards, I heard from dozens of your former CSUN students. You have no idea how many of them you inspired, how many you encouraged with your kind and supportive words, how many you delighted with your sense of humor, your incredible love for literature, film and music. You were loved so much by so many.

- Robin Abcarian

Venice Beach

Foto de Richard Alan Waterman dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Richard Alan Waterman

Daddy-o, I have thought of you every day since you left us 50 years ago. The world knew you as a brilliant anthropologist and ethnomusicologist, but for me you remain an icon of love, support, and good cheer. You lit up the room.

- Christopher Waterman

Marina del Rey

Foto de Richard C Gracia dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Richard C Gracia

Richard was a good man, he lived 1/4/1945 to 12/29/2019. He was a business man, a loving man from his wife to his children to his grandchildren. Richard had his own store it was called Garcia Tienda in Crystal City Texas.

- Michael Gracia

San Marcos, TX

Foto de Richard James Hansen dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Richard James Hansen

Love You Forever Big Daddy. Go Dodgers!

- Christine Hansen

San Clemente, CA

Foto de Rico, "Silly Willy" dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Rico, "Silly Willy"

You are our sweet, brave "handsome man" who as brave and always protected our home and family. You gave us so much love and loyalty. May your spirit live with us and inspire us to be just as courageous as you, just as happy to greet each other at the door and just as enthusiastic to walk thru life side by side.

- Danette Roe

Glendale, CA

Foto de Ringo (Chikis) dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Ringo (Chikis)

El ser más noble y cariñoso, mi mejor amigo Chikis. Fuimos demasiado afortunados de tenerte. Te extrañamos cada día.

- Daniela Mata

Ciudad México

Foto de Ripley Powers-Murray dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ripley Powers-Murray

These past few months without you have been hard, and we look at photos of your smile everyday. You were patient, considerate, and your resilience was inspiring. Your joy brought us so much happiness. We will always love you.

- Shannon Powers

Oakland, California

Foto de Rita Conneely dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Rita Conneely

My mother Rita was a beautiful, gentle lady. She carried out her work as a nurse with love, diligence and pride. She raised her children in tough times, fighting fiercely for them. She lived simply and faithfully. Rest well, Mum.

- Sinead Conneely


Foto de Rita Martinez dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Rita Martinez

I would update her on the progress the organization she built, El Movimiento Sigue. We are keeping her social justice and spirit alive through grass roots activism. We love and miss you Mom! #takeitdownPueblo

- Tomas Martinez Ortega

Pueblo, CO

Foto de Rivi and Nate dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Rivi and Nate

Love my mom and dad. Here they are on a date at Santa Monica Beach and are falling in love. Miss you. Thank you.

- Andrea Massion

Port Hueneme

Foto de Robert and Betsy Reyes dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Robert and Betsy Reyes

Mom and Dad, I worked hard every day to make you proud and be the best daughter I can be, but now that you are gone, I realized that you worked even harder to make me the best person I can be. I love and miss you every day.

- Sarah Reyes

Fresno, CA

Foto de Robert Corless dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Robert Corless

Thank you, dad, for so many good conversations, meals, and experiences. You supported and encouraged me, and taught me how to live intentionally, fully, responsibly, and kindly. And showed how to have some fun along the way.

- Stacy Corless

San Clemente

Foto de Robert Lee Verdugo, Jr. dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Robert Lee Verdugo, Jr.

Robert "Bobby" Lee Verdugo was a character. To most, he is known for being one of the high school leaders of the 1968 East L.A. Walkouts. To us, he was just our funny, loving, always joking around "Pops." We love and miss you Dad!

- Monica Verdugo

La Puente, CA

Foto de Robert Leon dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Robert Leon

I'm sorry we lost you my friend and mourn you everyday.

- Richard Perry

San Francisco

Foto de Robert Stuart Williamson dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Robert Stuart Williamson

Stu died at age 103 in August 2021. Until his last week he was engaged, funny, thoughtful, and inspiring to his family and friends. His long life somewhat surprised him because he didn't feel old. His curiosity about the world and people around him, and ability to keep his opinions to himself kept him open to all, and young at heart. We love you Dad. You will always be in our hearts. I hope you were wrong and you're together with Mom in an afterlife somewhere!

- Ruth Williamson

Shoreline, WA

Foto de Robert V. Mallory, Sr. dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Robert V. Mallory, Sr.

This is the first photo I've seen of my father's father, a man I never met. I'd thank him for his bravery, discipline and decisiveness. I wish he had decided to meet me, no matter how hard it would've been. I would've loved him.

- Beatriz Mallory

Redondo Beach, CA

Foto de Roberto De La O dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Roberto De La O

Gracias amor por todos los momentos hermosos que disfrutamos. Los niños y yo nunca te olvidaremos. Fuiste lo mejor de nuestras vidas. Te mandamos un fuerte abrazo y besitos hasta el cielo. Te amamos Robertito, Vinnie, Hoyito, y yo.

- Sibo, Robertito, Vinnie Goyito De La O


Foto de Roberto Gonzalez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Roberto Gonzalez

Rest in eternal Love Dad Will miss you always. Thank you, For all that you taught me, for all that you sacrificed, for all that you had to endure so we could have a chance for a good life. I Will be forever grateful. Love you always. Until I see you again. Say hi to mom.

- Anthony Gonzalez

Lake Elsinore

Foto de Roberto Ruiz dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Roberto Ruiz

My Dad, the hardest working, most loving father that my three sisters & I were so lucky to have. Miss you so much, I hope you are looking down at us, & that we are making you proud. Take care of Ethan daddy. Love you ❤️

- Virginia Hecht

Anaheim Hills, CA

Foto de Robin and Nonna dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Robin and Nonna

I miss you both so much.

- Susan Roberts


Foto de Rodney George dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Rodney George

Dad served in the US Air Force for 25+ years. He was in Korea and Vietnam. Mom (Helen), I and my brothers traveled to many countries overseas and within the US. We miss him greatly. His wit, charm and the love that he gave us.

- Pamela George

McKinney, Texas

Foto de Rodolfo Valenzuela dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Rodolfo Valenzuela

Rodolfo Valenzuela was my father in law. He was an amazing person who helped everyone at all times. He was a loving father, husband and grandfather. Covid took him away from one day to the other. He is and will always be missed.

- Rudy Castro

Pomona, Ca

Foto de Roger Johnson dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Roger Johnson

The simplest of Saturday's we spent together when I was a kid, dad washing the car while I was in charge of hubcaps, dogs running around the yard, speaking backwards and doing a lot of wonderful nothing.

- Michael Johnson

Laguna beach

Foto de Romeo dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Romeo was my best friend. He was my running partner as I trained for a half marathon. He was beloved by our cats and all the people who met him. He hated vehemently standard poodles. He was a fierce protector of our family.

- Allegra Alessandri


Foto de Ronald Wenderoff dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ronald Wenderoff

Mr. Wenderoff you will forever be my favorite teacher. You changed the life of many & you will always live in our hearts. If heaven had visiting hours I would go in a second just to hear one last life lesson.

- Gabriela Garcia

Eagle Rock

Foto de Rosa & Armando Gabaldón dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Rosa & Armando Gabaldón

L.A. to me is my grandparents. Everything about the City of Angels reminds me of them. They came to L.A. in the '50s to build a better life for their kids & future grandkids. They walk beside me. In my heart, their spirits live. ❤️🕯

- Estrella Tamez-Penney

Los Angeles

Foto de Rosa Josefina Villegas Benitez dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Rosa Josefina Villegas Benitez

My mother was the wisest and most caring person I have ever known. She instilled a strong sense of resilience, strength and empathy for others in my siblings and me. We miss you every day.

- Rodrigo Dominguez-Villegas

Los Angeles

Foto de Rosa Miranda and Gerardo Espinoza dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Rosa Miranda and Gerardo Espinoza

Father and daughter.Family man. Her smile would light up a room.she brought joy and laughter with her sillyself.both huge dodger fans.hard working for animals. He loved his nopales asados and her,tacos dorados de papas.Forever in our hearts

- Hugo M

Los angeles

Foto de Rosa Turner dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Rosa Turner

My Aunt Rosa, no one loved her family more. A godmother who always loved me, who even in her elder years, was there for me in my time of crisis when I had no where to go. I always was met with such joy when I knocked on your door. Now the door is quiet and there is no sound to greet me as I enter. It's the sound of a quiet peace that you're resting and a piece of my life is empty. I hear you now only in my memory, which will loop endlessly in love.

- Julie Acosta

Los Angeles

Foto de Rosalie dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Dearest Mom, the model of strength & perseverance. You influenced so many in our family with your example of hard work, patience, style and charm. You were a wonderful mother, grandmother, sister & aunt. You're always in my heart.

- Dan Yracheta


Foto de Rose Marie Dillon dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Rose Marie Dillon

Life has never been the same since you left us, grandma. I love and miss you everyday. I hope you can still see me, I have so much more to show you and make you proud.

- Precious Molina

Pueblo, CO

Foto de Rosemary Graves dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Rosemary Graves

She was a living example of The Saint Francis Prayer. Always with others in mind, she lived her life full of the principles of her Savior, Jesus Christ. A tireless servant to those in The Alanon and those struggling with and survivors of breast cancer, she remained willing to put others first.

- Michael Graves

Lexington, Kentucky

Foto de Rosita y Mingo dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Rosita y Mingo

Todavia están conmigo.

- Graciela Iritano

Buenos Aires

Foto de Ruben Avalos dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ruben Avalos

The pillar of our family. The source of our strong bond; el responsable de tanta felicidad. You always held us close even when we were far. We continue your legacy of helping others, being kind, and staying true to who we are. TQM

- Daniel Avalos

Oakland, CA

Foto de Ruben Poplawski dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ruben Poplawski

Mi querido abuelo who passed on his love for molé, poppyseed hamantaschen and fresh grapefruits. He taught me about life in Mexico, about life in Los Angeles, and about how to love your family. Te extrañamos.

- Margaret Boyle

Brunswick, Maine

Foto de Ruben V. Ozuna dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ruben V. Ozuna

I miss you very much. It's been 5 years since you've gone but it's still difficult to accept. I see so much of you in my son. You really would have gotten along well with him. It breaks my heart that you didn't get to meet him. Rest in peace.

- Sara Ozuna

West Covina, CA

Foto de Ruben Ybarra dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Ruben Ybarra

Thank you for getting me into backpacking and the mountains. Being out in nature is what keeps me grounded. I miss you.

- Linda Paloma

Inland Empire

Foto de Ruby Solorzano dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ruby Solorzano

My Mother, who spent her life helping my classmates and Alumni of Garfield High achieve their college potentials. Gone too soon, but never forgotten. Miss you, Mom ... Picture taken at Specca Farms Corn Stop, Pemberton NJ, 2016

- Antonio Solorzano

Delran, NJ via East LA

Foto de Rubén and Vera Cobos dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Rubén and Vera Cobos

Mom and Dad, we miss you! Your exemplary life and values greatly influenced our kids. You would be so proud of the people that they have become. You are always in our hearts, now and forever.

- Renee Cobos

Fullerton, Ca

Foto de Rudy De La Loza dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Rudy De La Loza

You taught me how to enjoy life and shoulder great responsibility while doing so.

- Yvonne Rivera

Pasadena, CA

Foto de Ruthie dentro de un marco con papel picado.


We shared laughs, tears, dreams, births, deaths - a true Sister of Spirit. Missing you, our telephone calls and our knowing glances that bonded us in an instant.

- Paula Masterman

Trinity County

Foto de Ryder dentro de un marco con papel picado.


I miss you so much, and so does your sister Nixon. You were always at my side and I believe you still are… I loved watching you chase the dragonfly that seemed to tease you, you would jump so high I thought you’d catch it and the way you threw your ball in the air and your squeaky toy…

- Jeanette Belch

Torrance, CA

Foto de Salomon dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


He was a hardworking family man with 12 children (one deceased) and a wonderful Mayan wife. We grew up in a very Christian, non-traditional Mexican family (meaning sans machismo). Together they modeled respect one to the other.

- Guillermina Silva Neal

Kansas City, MO

Foto de Salvador Arellano dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Salvador Arellano

My dearest father, It's been four years since you're passing and I miss you more and more every day. If you only knew how much I love and miss you. I hope that you are rejoicing in heaven with your mother and father.

- Griselda Gonzalez

Huntington Park

Foto de Salvador Mena dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Salvador Mena

Thank you for always bringing us 'borrachitos' when you would visit from Guadalajara. I will never forget your laughter and your smile. Lo recordamos siempre.

- Andrea Mena


Foto de Sam Lopez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Sam Lopez

I remember when I went to Peru and met him. He was one of my dad's best buddies and I would see him every time I went. He was like an uncle to me. He taught me how to surf, and I just want to let him know that when I go to the beach I always want to surf as a tribute to him.

- Ryan Paul

New York

Foto de Sam Smith dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Sam Smith

Pearl Harbor survivor and beloved father-in-law. Miss him.

- Kathy Smith

Goodyear, AZ

Foto de Samantha Hanzy dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Samantha Hanzy

We don't die, we multiply.

- Rachel Meraz

Seattle, WA

Foto de Samuel Giron dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Samuel Giron

My Papa was the strongest man I have ever known, and he fought till the very end. Him and my grandma would've celebrated 64 years of marriage on Oct. 28. I will miss him forever. ❤️

- Angelene Pollard

Bend, OR

Foto de Sandra Serrano Sewell dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Sandra Serrano Sewell

Every year on our birthdays, she would set the table beautifully and make a special breakfast. She took the time to make you feel special. That was her power. She gave us the gift of time and the gift of herself.

- Nicole Rabaudi


Foto de Sandy & Freddie Malfabon dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Sandy & Freddie Malfabon

My beautiful mother and father. Thank you for giving my life & being my guardian angels. I miss you now and forever. Love you

- Jesse Malfabon

Los Angeles, California

Foto de Sara Lorber dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Sara Lorber

The persimmons are blooming, Treasured Friend. Miss you much.

- Laura Sullivan

Orange, CA

Foto de Sasy dentro de un marco con papel picado.


I miss her so much. I would like to hug her again. Hear her excitement when I came home from work. She was always waiting for me. Every day she woke me up with kisses and slept very close to me.

- Katy Garcia

Plano, Texas

Foto de Saul Salvador De La Rosa dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Saul Salvador De La Rosa

We know you're loving paradise with grandma and grandpa but we miss you being physically here with us. There is not one second that we aren't thinking about you. Please keep sending us your signs. They bring us so much comfort.

- Yesenia De La Rosa

Avalon, CA

Foto de Seferino Salas dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Seferino Salas

I miss you, papá, but your sacrifice for our family is never forgotten and we live a better life because of you. Te quiero for siempre.

- Angelica Salas

Los Angeles

Foto de Selina dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


My beautiful sister Selina is the joy we will always miss. Generous, thoughtful with others, and her wittiness brought laughter into our lives. Her departure is surreal to us, but her love remains in our hearts. We love you, sis!

- Lorena Elebee

Los Angeles

Foto de Sesar C. Armas dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Sesar C. Armas

Hey Dad, we all miss the laughs, your guidance, the debates and all the silliness you brought to our lives everyday. You left us too soon, but you are always in our hearts. We love you!

- Maria Dominguez

Whittier, CA

Foto de Shep dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


I love you, dear brother.

- Zan Dubin-Scott

Santa Monica

Foto de Sidna Marie Gonzalez Ubach dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Sidna Marie Gonzalez Ubach

Our dear SIDNA, the one and only. Mamá, hermana, esposa, tía, abuela, suegra. ¡FUERZA! Your incredible power, light and energy was indescribable and a gift to us all. Through your memories, may it carry on it all of us. Brava, Sid.

- Thom Russo

Los Angeles, CA

Foto de Simba dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Simba was the best doggo in the whole wide world. ¡Te extraño!

- Natyelhi Aguirre


Foto de Sister Vera Marie dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Sister Vera Marie

Headmistress, Provinciate Head, Mother Superior, Sister, Aunt, and so much more to so many. Born in Germany, raised in Egypt, India, USA, and from there serving the world, most recently from her seat in Salzburg, Austria. Requiescat in pace.

- Nicholas de W


Foto de Skip Tucker dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Skip Tucker

Oh buddy, I miss you terribly, but I am also relieved you don't have to witness how crazy and violent the world down here has become. I think of you all the time, especially now at Halloween - your favorite time of year! Love ya.

- Erin Shull

Los Angeles

Foto de Slim Gaillard dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Slim Gaillard

Miss you, gramps. Your music continues to inspire me and so many people. Love you.

- Christina Gaillard

Los Angeles

Foto de Socorro and Jose Vega dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Socorro and Jose Vega

My abuelitos would take turns making my café con leche with my desayuno. Without seeing them, I knew exactly who made it. My grandma Coco used more coffee w/ minimal sugar. My grandpa poured more milk w/ two spoonful's of sugar. I miss them and those little details.

- Priscella Vega

Long Beach, CA

Foto de Sondra Alexander dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Sondra Alexander

I wish you were here, I wish we could have one more family dinner, one more long talk on the phone, one more birthday party, one more museum visit. I miss you so much. You showed me how to be a mom to my kids and you were a mother and a friend to me. That was your art, the gift you gave us. I love you Sondra. You're the best.

- Dolores Flanagan

San Francisco CA

Foto de Sonny Osborne dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Sonny Osborne

Bluegrass Banjo Master

- K A

Long Beach

Foto de SpunkyAMena dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Thank you for giving us so much happiness in your short two years. In the time you were alive, you learned how to fetch and you learned how to ride a skateboard. We miss you always. Love, Josh, Andrea and Queezy.

- Andrea Mena


Foto de Sr. Refugio Holguin dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Sr. Refugio Holguin

Para Sussy.

- Andrea Gonzalez

Los Angeles

Foto de Stan Quintana dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Stan Quintana

A loving and patient father, I miss and still talk to him daily. Knowing he is still with and watching over me gives me strength.

- Sara Quintana

Las Vegas, NV

Foto de Stanley Robert Perry dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Stanley Robert Perry

I will forever miss the times spent with you when life was simpler; You were my guiding light, and the ache in my heart I feel each time I remember you are gone will never subside. Love you so much Nupapa, I will never forget you. ❤️

- Hailee Perry


Foto de Steve Aragon dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Steve Aragon

Dad, thank you so much for everything you have done for our family. You will always be my hero. I will always be grateful we rocked out at that concert at The Wiltern. Every time I drive past, I think of you. I miss and love you. 💙

- Mitchell Aragon

Los Angeles

Foto de Steve Burrell dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Steve Burrell

Dad, it's been more than a year and we miss you so very much. The grandkids talk about you and wish you could be here to share in their lives! We laugh remembering you- the greatest, kindest dad and grandpa. You are so loved!

- Erin Fillion

Redondo Beach

Foto de Steve Heber dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Steve Heber

I miss you and your big, bouncing belly laughs, Dad.

- Molly Ford

Torrance, CA

Foto de Steve Jeffers dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Steve Jeffers

He was an aerospace engineer and would wake us up in the middle of the night to watch the space station cruise by in the sky. We all love and miss you so much! We'll see you again some day.

- David Jeffers

Los Angeles

Foto de Steve Linkchorst dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Steve Linkchorst

My best friend and all around best person died on March 15, 2020. The next day the world turned upside down. So grateful for the wonderful memories and I consider myself lucky to have been his BFF. Te extraño hoy y siempre.

- Lucien Cota

Van Nuys

Foto de Sumi Afuso dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Sumi Afuso

You were sassy, sweet, and always there when I needed you. You brought love and joy to all who knew you. We are all a little sad without you. Love you forever and ever.

- Carrie Afuso

Los Angeles

Foto de Sunny ("Sunshine") dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Sunny ("Sunshine")

Sunny, losing you in March of this year was so difficult. You brought everyone of us uncontional love and peace. We miss you. Heaven has you now. You are probably loving every one there, no doubt. Rest in peace, Sunny boy. Love you!

- Isabel Reyes


Foto de Susan Miratti dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Susan Miratti

We miss you very much, after all these years.

- Victoria Cook

Lancaster, California

Foto de Suz Montgomery dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Suz Montgomery

It is impossible to describe in words how much you are missed by me, your family, your friends and the Ventura community you served tirelessly for so many years. I will always hold you close to my heart.

- Susan Jordan

Santa Barbara

Foto de Sydney Donson dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Sydney Donson

I had the best dad. He was so loving and caring. He raised 6 children and took care of my mom for eight years as she battled Alzheimers. After she passed, he left this world, 2 months later. Died from a broken heart.

- Kathleen Donson Soots

Alameda, Ca

Foto de Sylvia dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


You are loved more than I think you knew. Thank you for believing in us all and thank you for all the work you did to keep us in experiences, music, extended family, and lifelong friendships. I miss you every day.

- Andrea Otáñez


Foto de Tasha dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Thank you for being my best friend for 16 years. I miss you more and more each day.

- Becky


Foto de Tawanna dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Ma, I miss you. More than I think you thought that I would. I think of you every single day and I hope you help me find the answers I need. Dean is growing up every day and it kills me that you're not here for that. Please watch over Kyle. He really needs you. He needs guidance.

- Nicholle Raymond

Palm Springs, CA

Foto de Ted and Theone Davis dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Ted and Theone Davis

To the loveliest couple and the patriarch & matriarch of our family, Ted and Theone. We love you forever. We will always advocate and seek justice for you. And we carry on the beautiful traditions and the dignified legacy you have left for us, with pride, with love, with eternal gratitude.

- Janelle Frese

La Palma, CA

Foto de Teodora Marquez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Teodora Marquez

Lola, you were the rock to our family and were taken away from us way too soon. I have fond memories of your beautiful singing voice and spending the holidays with you every year. I love and miss you so much!

- Faye Serafin

Sherman Oaks

Foto de Teresa Wegner dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Teresa Wegner

My sister, Teresa, died of a broken heart after our father passed and, a year later, her husband. I didn't know until she was gone how much good she did in this world. She will always be loved and missed.

- Victoria Camron Camron

Westminster, CO

Foto de Terrel and Carolina Jackson dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Terrel and Carolina Jackson

Thank you for raising me right and helping me discover my talents. I miss you everyday, especially when I photograph, draw, cook or bake. I see you both in my daughters, especially when they use their talents. Love always.

- carolyn rhea drapes

El Paso, Texas

Foto de Terri Edwards dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Terri Edwards

Me & The Pea's miss you!

- Darla McKinney


Foto de Thelma Zulueta dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Thelma Zulueta

A beloved aunt to my sister and I; a beloved sister to my mom; and, a beloved mother to my cousin, Carmela.

- Michael Salazar

Los Angeles

Foto de Theodore dentro de un marco con papel picado.


Thank you for teaching me so very much. I will always love you.

- TL Lipner

Berkeley, CA

Foto de Third grade class' loved ones dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Third grade class' loved ones

Many loved ones of my third grade students in San Francisco. So many memories of grandparents and pets!

- Amy Whitcomb

San Francisco

Foto de Thomas and Guadalupe dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Thomas and Guadalupe

My parents were married for 59 1/2 years. They were Mexican migrant farm workers during the Great Depression. They were my Rocks of Gibraltar, unshakeable in their Catholic faith, and firm in their beliefs. They will be forever missed.

- George Meza

El Centro, CA

Foto de Thomas Ewart dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Thomas Ewart

I love you, Paw Paw. I will always be your gal, your doodlebug. I love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck.

- Alexa Shipes

Atlanta, Georgia

Foto de Thomas Jefferson Andre 2nd & Elois Jenssen Andre dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Thomas Jefferson Andre 2nd & Elois Jenssen Andre

Thank you, beloved grandparents, art worked beauty in love. Hollywood movie expert Thomas Jefferson Andre 2nd -- Production Manager GIANT Marfa set with James Dean & Elizabeth Taylor.

- M. Andre


Foto de Tia Luisa dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Tia Luisa

Unselfish, loving, and independent.

- Delfina Riley

Corona, Ca

Foto de Tia Lupe dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Tia Lupe

Remember her love and care, called me "Gogo or Goguito"

- Delfina Riley


Foto de Tiffany "Suki" Martino, Suki Wuki dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Tiffany "Suki" Martino, Suki Wuki

To my sister, Hellooo(Mrs. Doubtfire voice) I miss you every day. I miss our phone calls, our text messages, and our get togethers. I hope you know I'm trying my best. We all love you very much. Wishing you were still here.

- Francine Betancourt

Atwater Village, Whittier

Foto de Tim Fabian dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Tim Fabian

We had love, laughs, fun and tenderness together. Your generosity, intelligence, compassion, energy, passion, and wisdom will always be a part of my life. And the lives of your stepdaughters.

- Gabrielle Fabian


Foto de Timothy dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Querido Timothy: Esperamos tu llegada con tanta emoción y aunque viviste sólo unas pocas horas, dejaste tu huella en toda nuestra familia. Gracias por tu permanente presencia en nuestras vidas. Te queremos mucho, Tía Becky.

- Rebecca Levis

Cleveland, OH

Foto de Tina dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


I've known my friend, Sashenka, for 5 years. She had a dog named Tina that was 4 years old. I used to walk Tina with Sashenka and we grew close through that. I will always the fun memories we had growing up together.

- Hannah Mauricio

New York

Foto de Tio Mateo dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Tio Mateo

We miss your love, smile and energy. Thank you for bringing joy and life to our family.

- Jeffrey Wooton

Walnut, CA

Foto de TITAN! dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Mi corazón es papel picado en tu forma. Te extrañamos, puppy-chulo!

- Jeannie Haak


Foto de To the strongest woman I know dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

To the strongest woman I know

You give me so much strength and power! thank you for looking after me always

- abigail torres

el monte

Foto de Tom and Rickey Turbeville dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Tom and Rickey Turbeville

I am so grateful for your hard work, and for how you instilled a love of life, long learning and travel as a means to connect with others.

- Torin Moray

Santa Barbara, CA

Foto de Tom Kalhorn dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Tom Kalhorn

Tom had the spirit of adventure and a wicked sense of humor. He was kind to all.

- Vicky Seewaldt

Altadena, CA

Foto de Tom LaBonge dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Tom LaBonge

I long for the joyous wind in which you lived. Your intense spirit is present in those who loved, admired, and miss you. MC, Chas and I wish you were here, but we are happy you are finally resting. Love you, Daddy.

- Brigid LaBonge

Los Angeles

Foto de Tom McKimmey dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Tom McKimmey

My dad taught me the joy and heartbreak of Dodger baseball. He loved working at the stadium under the O'Malleys. Miss you every day, Daddy.

- Kate Nelson


Foto de Tom Roney dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Tom Roney

I am my father's daughter, golly I miss you

- Cynthia Roney

Long Beach, California

Foto de Tomás García dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Tomás García

Abuelito, nunca nada podrá llenar el vacío que dejaste en nuestras vidas. Fuiste el mejor y espero que en el cielo sigas con esa alegría que nos contagiabas a todos, incluso en los malos momentos. Te amamos y te extrañamos siempre.

- Lisandrid Florián


Foto de Too many family members dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Too many family members

Every day brings to the front another one of the lessons you have taught us. There isn't a day that goes by that we don't draw some measure of strength from that love you showed. Words can't express how much we miss you.

- Chris K

New Mexico

Foto de Tío Allan dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Tío Allan

Mi tío Allan siempre estaba alegre. Lleno de chistes y cuentos divertidos. Siempre lo vamos a recordar y estranar con mucho carino.

- Jennifer Torres

Buena Park

Foto de Tío Edwin dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Tío Edwin

A mi querido Tío Edwin, quien nos enseñó cómo cortar un pino en el portero ... cómo arrastrarlo para llevarlo a casa y decorarlo en la sala para navidad ... Nos enseñó a nadar en las piscinas de Chamche, Tactic, Alta Verapaz ... Se esmero cada día conmigo en hacer la tarea mientras mamá estaba en el Norte ...

- Claudia D. Hernández

East L.A.

Foto de Tío Memo y Tio Raul dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Tío Memo y Tio Raul

El Chespirito y El Pingüin: Los eternos amigos. Mis tíos enseñaron como tener un matrimonio de honor. Cada uno demostraron amor, paciencia, y respeto a su esposa y familia. Gracias por los Jueves con el Buki y el disfrutar bailar.

- Arlene Vargas

Los Angeles

Foto de Tío Meño dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Tío Meño

Sigue descansando en paz, tío. We miss you so much! Thanks for all the life lessons and stories about the good ol' days in Mexico. RIP

- Paul Moreno

Santa Ana, CA

Foto de Valerie Meyer dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Valerie Meyer

Miss you and love you, Mommie!

- Kendra Meyer

New York

Foto de Vanessa Rosalia Marquez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Vanessa Rosalia Marquez

Vanessa was a well known actress, but for me she was a dear friend. She loved Star Wars and classic movies, She was a sweet, loving, intelligent, and beautiful woman who cared deeply about her friends. I miss her so very much.

- Terence Towles Canote

Huntsville, Missouri

Foto de Vangie dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


You will forever be missed! We all know you are no longer in pain and in a peaceful place. Your presence and beautiful soul is missed everyday! We love you, Vangie! Rest in peace! Keep dancing, singing and smiling for us! We love you!

- Jessica Cardenas

Los Angeles

Foto de Verna Lee and Rich dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Verna Lee and Rich

My gosh, I miss you two. I am grateful for our summer breakfasts on your patio and the memories of our mini adventures. Xoxo

- Kaarina Demers

Longmont, Colorado

Foto de Vicente Guerrero dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Vicente Guerrero

Let's Celebrate!!

- Patricia Lopez

Los Angeles

Foto de Vicente Guerrero dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Vicente Guerrero

The father figure I wish I had growing up.

- Paul Lopez

Rowland Heights

Foto de Victor dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


We grew up together!

- Cecilia Davis

Las Vegas, NV

Foto de Victoria Flores dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Victoria Flores

To my dearest aunt, who was more like my mother — I won't be making Tamales with you for the holidays, but I will be helping tío make them. I know how special the holidays were for you and I am grateful I learned that from you.

- Evangelina Sanchez

Los Angeles

Foto de Victoria Munro de Williams dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Victoria Munro de Williams

Querida madre, abuela, tía, hija, y hermana. La mayor de 9 hermanos, Victoria Munro Palacio de Williams, originaria de Sonora, Mexico se casó con Dale Williams y residieron en Lubbock, TX donde residió hasta que falleció en el 2020. Madre de 5 bellas y bondadosas hijas, que le siguieron el ejemplo a su santa madre Vicky. Dios la bendiga, se le extraña infinitamente.

- Victoria Munro Williams

Lubbock, TX

Foto de Violet Serafin dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Violet Serafin

Auntie Violet, I have fond memories of spending the holidays with you and the rest of the family every year. One of the last memories I have of seeing you was when we went to Napa together. I miss you and you calling me "sabat."

- Faye Serafin

Sherman Oaks

Foto de Virgil Garcia dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Virgil Garcia

Your love and guidance continue to make me the best person I can be. I miss you, Daddy.

- Mary-E Garcia


Foto de Virginia Espeleta Cannon dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Virginia Espeleta Cannon

My most fond memories were when Lola would babysit us. After we immigrated, I was happy she was able to visit us for a while. If I could see her today, I would tell her thank you and I love you for teaching me the value of family.

- Juan Paulo Panaligan

Los Angeles

Foto de Virginia Quesenberry dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Virginia Quesenberry

Mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, wife. Wonderful actress, teacher, friend, and loving parent. Virginia was a warm and welcoming person, with a deep and loving attachment to her family. Born to a cattle rancher and a mother who was well-known for her 'Home Bakery', she was the first in her family to earn a college degree. Many blessings and much love to you, Mom...

- Shane Reinhart

Berkeley, CA

Foto de Viviane Ixtupe dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Viviane Ixtupe

Your heart overflowed with generosity. I wish I would've had the chance to hug you one last time. I love you, mamita. Thank you for being the greatest example of selflessness, for showing me its always better to give. ❤️

- Dilma Membreno


Foto de Vivienne Bassin dentro de un marco con papel picado.

Vivienne Bassin

My sweetest girl, you have changed my life in ways you could never imagine. You left us far too soon. We all miss you more than you know. I miss the way we used to cuddle on the couch together. Remember me and the time we shared.

- Norene Bassin

East Lansing, MI

Foto de Warren & Roz Steinhauser dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Warren & Roz Steinhauser

You two still continue to inspire me! Not only as a devoted loving couple but also as amazing individuals-such style, such generosity, always giving, always loving, always laughing! I feel your love from above everyday! Keep shining!

- Branwen Steinhauser

Los Angeles

Foto de Wendy dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


My Mom was such a genuinely wonderful person. Her laugh was infectious and I loved talking to her. If my mom were here I would want to talk to her about her own views of about life and mortality.

- Kelly Monroy

McAllen, TX

Foto de Willard Nelson Doersam and Elsie May dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Willard Nelson Doersam and Elsie May

Dad and Mom were loving and encouraging parents to their five children. They loved to travel and explore the world. Lots of love to you both!

- Maureen Hasbrouck

Long Beach, CA

Foto de William dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


Our sons and I will always honor your memories. Your legacy lives on. I miss you always and look forward to the time we are together again. I pray that you are at peace, without illness, and enjoying your loved ones with you.

- Carol Mannion

Covina, CA

Foto de William Alvarez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

William Alvarez

My father, born in September 1926 passed away in 2020, a few days before his 94th birthday. The son of immigrants, Dad was proud of his service in WWII as the first crew of the Midway and his 40+ years as an LAFD firefighter, one of the first Mexican Americans on the force. I There was always so much to say, so much to care about, so much to hope for. See you in my dreams Dad.

- Lisa Alvarez

Silverado, CA

Foto de William E. Hill dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

William E. Hill

You are always with me. Thanks Pops!

- Remee Hill

Harlem NYC

Foto de Yogiraj Sri Swami Satchidananda dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Yogiraj Sri Swami Satchidananda

St. Patrick's Day 1979 old days CT Yogaville. Such fun and real love, ten years after Woodstock Music and Art Festival 15 August 1969, Yoga watershed opening blessing with Sanskrit OM Shanthi/admonishment to be peace ourselves.

- M. Andre


Foto de Yuki dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.


We miss you, Yuki.

- Justin Leong

Oakland, CA

Foto de Zanzara dentro de un marco con papel picado.


Zara was the most patient and loving doggo. We miss her!

- Dianna Buck

Los Angeles

Foto de Zee Edgell and Al Edgell dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Zee Edgell and Al Edgell

My parents were married on Sept. 14, 1968 in Belize City, British Honduras (today, Belize). They showed my brother and me the world and raised us with boundless love. In 2020, My father died from COVID and mother died of cancer.

- Holly Edgell

St. Louis, Missouri

Foto de Zelvin Reyes dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Zelvin Reyes

I would say I've missed you. I've missed you at graduations, births, moves, good times and bad. I always think about you and how I wish we could share everything Ive experienced since you've been gone. I'd give it all up for you.

- Jennifer Reyes

South Central Los Angeles

Foto de Zigifredo Hernandez dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Zigifredo Hernandez

Grpa Z, Thank you for being the amazing person you were, for loving me and Jackson. I miss going to the meat market and sitting in the back watching you work. It's been 6 years since you left this world and I miss you all the time.

- Ziggy Hernandez


Foto de Zoila Pauta dentro de un marco con cempasúchiles, flores, alebrijes y mariposas.

Zoila Pauta

Mami, te extraño cada minuto de cada día. I miss your smile, your laugh, your cooking- everything about you. I can't wait for the day I can see you and hug you again. Your love, su amor eterno, keeps me going every day. I love you.

- Diana Barreto

New York