Sanders stokes big San Diego crowd - Los Angeles Times

Sanders stokes big San Diego crowd

Crowds at the San Diego Convention Center.

Crowds at the San Diego Convention Center.

(Hayne Palmour IV / SDUT)
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Bernie Sanders brought his campaign for the White House to San Diego Tuesday, electrifying more than 10,000 supporters who had stood for hours in a line a mile long to hear him speak.

The late-night rally at the bayfront San Diego Convention Center had a rock-concert atmosphere typical of many of Sanders’ events and the crowd exploded when the Vermont senator took the stage more than three hours after the doors opened.

Sanders touched on familiar campaign themes of getting big money out of politics, combating climate change, ensuring universal health care and making public colleges and universities tuition-free.


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He gave shout-out appeals to numerous groups, saying his campaign was listening to young people, disabled veterans, senior citizens, Latinos, African Americans, Native Americans, women, gays, unauthorized immigrants and the economically disadvantaged.

Sanders pledged to make the “rigged economy” fair and redirect much of the spending on wars to address problems at home.


“Together we are going to change the national priorities of this country,” he shouted, his voice going hoarse. “Together we are going to invest in our communities. Together we are gong to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure and create millions of jobs.”

He also lashed out in familiar fashion at various foes, including the billionaire-class, Wall Street, pharmaceutical companies, the Walmart-owning Walton family, vote-suppressing Republican governors, Donald Trump and, on campaign finance, Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

He said the country is “living under a corrupt campaign finance system, which is undermining American democracy” because billionaires spend to elect those “who represent the wealthy and the powerful.”


Sanders said his campaign was about pursuing “an economy that works for all of us, not just the one percent.”

The rally capped a tumultuous day on the international and political stage, following the terrorist attack in Belgium, a primary election in Arizona and caucuses in Idaho and Utah.

Sanders paused well into his speech to address the tragedy in Europe.

“I think I speak for everyone in expressing our condolences for the people of Brussels,” he told the now-hushed audience.

Sanders said the United States will help “crush and destroy ISIS.” He said the U.S. will stand with allies and defeat the terrorist group. He add that the coalition must be “led by the Muslim nations themselves with our support and the support of other powerful nations.”

The fight, he said, is for “control of the soul of Islam”

“We can win that war and destroy Isis without getting the brave men and women of the U.S. armed forces into a perpetual war in the Middle East,” he said. He reminded his supporters he had opposed the war in Iraq, which he called a mistake.


Sanders made no mention of his loss to Clinton in Arizona earlier in the day, but he predicted success in Idaho and Utah, where returns had not yet been tallied.

He also said the June 7 California primary will be important in the weeks ahead of the Democratic convention.

“In early June, California, the largest state in our nation, will have a major role to play in taking this country forward,” he said. “If there is a large voter turnout, we will win California.”

Before Sanders arrived, the party atmosphere of the rally became briefly somber when the results in Arizona flashed up on a video screen tuned to a news channel.

No problem waiting

Otherwise, his backers seemed thrilled to be part of the Sanders movement, even while waiting hours outside the convention center.

Oscar Varela, 26, of Sorrento Valley was roughly in the middle of the line after getting to the convention center about 1:30 p.m. He was in high spirits wearing a blue Sanders shirt and holding a “Love Trumps Hate” sign.


He became an American citizen in September, immigrating from Mexico, and is voting in his first U.S. election for Sanders.

Varela said he appreciates that Sanders does not seek contributions from large donors. “That sends a message of authenticity to the people,” he said.

Sleepless in San Diego

Wearing a bow tie and dancing to amuse his friends, Gavin Smith, 19, said he did not mind he was near the back of the convention center line and remained hopeful he would get in.

“The line is endless ... There is no end to the Bern,” Smith said.

Cynthia Lee, 33 of Lemon Grove, was standing in line outside Joe’s Crab Shack with a pink “Feel the Bern” T-shirt and had pink hair to match.

She said she got to the Convention Center at 4 p.m. but wish she left earlier.

“I’m in love with (Sanders). He’s very honest,” she said. “. . . Since yesterday, I couldn’t sleep.”


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Stumping for Trump

About six supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump held signs and engaged Sanders supporters in conversation at an area west of Embarcadero Marina Park.

They held signs that said “Make American Great Again” and “Bernie Likes Nickelback.”

Gaege Turnbow, 18, of Kensington, said the reactions ranged from respectful debate to people shouting obscenities at them.

“We’ve had several people accuse us of being KKK members,” said Trump supporter Michael Valley, 18, of El Cajon.

Turnbow said they disagreed with Sanders’ economic policy.

“Nothing is for free. His plans aren’t feasible,” he said.

The last word


Patrick Foley was the last person in a line that twisted for approximately a mile through the Embarcadero park.

“Latinos for Bernie,” Foley shouted.

He said he was was drawn by Sanders’ fiscal policies, particularly his plans to reduce the risk banks pose on the economy, and their influence on government. He also said he, like Sanders, wants to see students graduate with less, or no loan debt. But most importantly, Foley said, Sanders’ has been steadfast in his message.

“He’s been consistent all his life and never flip-flopped.” Foley said.

At 68-years-old and one of the oldest in the line to get into the convention center, Foley said he could relate to Sanders.

“We grew up in the 60’s. We’re products of the 60’s,” Foley said, before noting that he was once arrested in South Carolina for protesting.


California’s June primary just became crucial in the race for the White House


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