Everything you need to know about who’s been charged in the Russia case - Los Angeles Times

Everything you need to know about who’s been charged in the Russia case

Key people in the Russia investigation (clockwise from upper left): Robert S. Mueller III, Roger Stone, Michael Cohen, Alex van der Zwaan, George Papadopoulos, Michael Flynn, Richard Gates and Paul Manafort.
(AFP/Getty Images, Associated Press, EPA and Tribune News Service)
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The special counsel investigation into Russian meddling in the presidential campaign has produced a sprawling array of criminal charges so far. With so many different facets to the case, it can be tough to keep everything straight. Here’s a guide to who’s been charged, how they’re connected to President Trump, what they’re accused of doing and who’s cooperating with prosecutors.

We'll continue to update this page as the investigation continues.

MORE: Robert Mueller files report on Russia investigation | Full coverage | Timeline

Plea position:

Not guilty
No plea

The trigger

The FBI started its investigation during the 2016 campaign when it received information about this advisor, who reportedly discussed Russian attempts to share political dirt on Hillary Clinton.

George Papadopoulos

Former campaign foreign policy advisor

Lying to investigators

Cooperating with special counsel’s office.

Sentenced on Sept. 7 to 14 days in prison and $9,500 fine

The Wikileaks connection

The special counsel said Trump campaign officials reached out to Roger Stone to learn what he knew about the upcoming release of hacked Democratic Party emails.

Roger Stone

Longtime Trump advisor

Obstruction of an official proceeding

False statements

Witness tampering

The Trump Organization

Mueller has also scrutinized Trump’s desire to do business in Russia.

Michael Cohen

Former Trump lawyer

Lying to Congress

Tax evasion

Bank fraud

Campaign finance violations

Cohen admitted to lying to Congress about Trump's push for a Moscow real estate deal during the campaign. He's cooperating with special counsel’s office. In a separate investigation by the U.S. attorney's office in Manhattan, Cohen pleaded guilty to several charges including campaign finance violations for arranging hush money to two women who said they had affairs with Trump.

Sentenced on Dec. 12 to three years in prison

The White House link

Only one person charged so far in the case worked in the White House.

Michael T. Flynn

Former national security advisor

Lying to investigators

Cooperating with special counsel’s office.

The Ukrainian connection

All these people worked on behalf of Ukraine’s pro-Russian government. Two of them later went on to work on Trump’s campaign.

Paul Manafort

Former campaign manager

Bank fraud


Money Laundering

Obstruction of justice

Conspiracy to obstruct justice

Failing to register as a foreign agent

Convicted of eight counts of tax evasion and bank fraud on Aug. 21. He later reached a plea deal to avoid a second trial by pleading guilty to two counts of conspiracy.

Sentenced on March 7 and March 13 to a total of 7 1/2 years in prison and ordered to pay up to $25 million in restitution

Rick Gates

Former deputy campaign manager

lying to investigators


He is cooperating with the special counsel's office after initially pleading not guilty. His charges were reduced in a plea deal.

Konstantin Kilimnik

Manafort business partner

Obstruction of justice

Conspiracy to obstruct justice

Allegedly tried to convince witnesses to provide false information about Ukrainian lobbying

Alex van der Zwaan

Former lawyer for Skadden law firm

Lying to investigators

Worked on law firm's report intended to defend Ukraine's pro-Russia government

Sentenced on April 3 to 30 days in prison and $20,000 fine

The Russians

Twenty-five Russians and three Russian entities were charged with crimes involving U.S. political interference. One Californian man also pleaded guilty to selling stolen identities to the Russians.

Internet Research Agency

Kremlin-connected organization


The organization employed online trolls who tried to influence U.S. politics on Moscow's behalf. Two related groups, Concord Management and Concord Catering, were also charged.

Yevgeny Prigozhin

Putin ally


The alleged owner of the Internet Research Agency.

Other Russians

conspiracy, identity theft, money laundering

Twelve Russian intelligence officers indicted in the hacking of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.


Twelve Russians, employees of the Internet Research Agency, were charged.

Richard Pinedo

California resident

Cooperating with special counsel’s office.

Updated Jan. 25, 2019 to include Roger Stone’s arrest

Updated Dec. 12, 2018 to include Michael Cohen’s sentencing

Updated Nov. 30, 2018 to include Michael Cohen’s guilty plea

Updated Oct. 1, 2018 to include George Papadopoulos’ sentence and Paul Manafort’s plea deal

Updated Aug. 21, 2018 to include the guilty verdict in Paul Manafort’s trial

Updated July 13, 2018 to include charges against Russian intelligence officers
