With Texas' abortion ban, who are we to judge the Taliban? - Los Angeles Times

Letters to the Editor: With Texas’ abortion ban, who are Americans to judge the Taliban?

Abortion rights opponents protest inside the state Capitol in Austin
Antiabortion activists rally inside the state Capitol in Austin as Texas legislators debate bills on reproductive rights on March 30.
(Associated Press)
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To the editor: I am a 75-year-old Vietnam War veteran with two daughters and two granddaughters. I followed the war in Afghanistan for the past 20 years. I support the end of U.S. military involvement in that country and am gravely concerned for Afghan women and girls as the Taliban regains control.

But consider the United States. Texas passed a law that effectively bans abortion after six weeks of pregnancy, taking away the right of women to control their own bodies. The U.S. Supreme Court declined to block the law, gutting the longstanding rights of women guaranteed by Roe vs. Wade.

Who are we to judge the Taliban when governments in our own country can take control of a woman’s body? A world apart from Afghanistan, the United States must take a good look at itself and ask the hard question: Are we so different when it comes to how we treat women and girls?


Robert L. Graham, Manhattan Beach


To the editor: Although The Times has made a brave effort in its editorial to negate the legitimacy of the Texas law denying abortions after six weeks, you fail to see the justice of this issue.

As an independent voter, I believe the U.S. Supreme Court made a gross error of justice with Roe vs. Wade, for it failed to apply justice for all. True justice demands that there be humane treatment of all human beings, including pre-born children.


Texas is merely promoting those children’s legal rights and defending the dignity and personhood of all human life. The principle of the 14th Amendment is being followed by not denying “to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

Wesley Stalnaker, Valencia


To the editor: Many who oppose vaccination and mask mandates like to claim, “My body, my choice.” The same standard should be applied to women and their right to abortion.


Many people are ignorant of the late communist Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu. He outlawed all access to abortion and contraception, which resulted in orphanages filled with unwanted, neglected children. Many women died of unsafe procedures, and sexuality became something to fear, not be enjoyed.

Is this what Texas wants?

Women should have the right to an abortion without these stupid restrictions. Of course, wealthy Texans won’t have a problem, as they can fly anywhere to get a legal abortion. I don’t see these holier-than-thou people offering financial help to women and families who can’t afford another mouth to feed. Men must take more responsibility as well in preventing unwanted pregnancies.

So to those in Texas, be careful what you wish for, because the next unwanted child born might be yours. Then what?

P.S. Hayes, Long Beach
