Trump hits an embarrassing new low in attacking London's mayor - Los Angeles Times

Opinion: Trump hits an embarrassing new low in attacking London’s mayor

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To the editor: It didn’t seem possible, but President Trump’s Twitter bullying of London Mayor Sadiq Khan in the wake of another horrific terrorist attack marked a new low for his rampant indecency. (“Another terror attack, another thoughtless Trump tweetstorm,” Opinion, June 4)

The White House’s attempt to blame the debacle on mainstream media spin is just another example of this administration’s credo: Don’t believe your lyin’ eyes. This president is conducting a daily and embarrassing assault on all that Americans hold dear: goodness, honesty, decency and generosity. He possesses none of these qualities, and America’s reputation is being tarnished as a result.

How much longer will he drag this nation through the mud before congressional Republicans decide that enough is enough?


Wendy Blais, North Hills


To the editor: Trump got it wrong when he said that London’s mayor told his citizens not to be alarmed by terrorism. In fact, the mayor was encouraging the people of London not to be alarmed by an increased police presence.

Our president’s behavior comes laughingly close to that of the hard-of-hearing character played by Gilda Radner on “Saturday Night Live.”


On the show, Radner’s Emily Litella would deliver a strident reaction to a news story she’d completely misunderstood but spoke about with absolute authority. She indignantly complained, for example, “What’s all this fuss I keep hearing about endangered feces?” After working herself into a lather and when told the real issue was endangered species, Emily smiled, looked into the camera, acknowledged her mistake and said, “Never mind.”

If only Trump could admit erring.

Richard Tuch, Los Angeles

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