'Roseanne' without Roseanne: How everyone else on the show can keep their jobs - Los Angeles Times

Readers React: ‘Roseanne’ without Roseanne: How everyone else on the show can keep their jobs

An episode of "Roseanne" is filmed on April 3.
An episode of “Roseanne” is filmed on April 3.
(Adam Rose / ABC via Getty Images)
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In Hollywood, the fortunes of hundreds of moderately compensated writers, set hands and nameless background actors can depend on the talent and good judgment of a single outsized figure — a lesson that the cast and crew of the rebooted-then-summarily-abandoned TV show “Roseanne” learned this week.

Most L.A. Times letter writers blasted Roseanne Barr for her early morning tweet on Tuesday making a tasteless and racially charged joke about Obama White House advisor Valerie Jarrett. There’s less of a consensus on whether ABC was right to cancel Barr’s “Roseanne,” the concern being that a few hundred people who worked on the show (which had just been renewed for a second season) lost their jobs through no fault of their own.

Among those readers, several suggested ways to keep the show on the air — either with or without Barr.


Irvine resident Ralph Cohen wants one more “Roseanne” episode:

ABC should follow Jarrett’s lead and turn this debacle into a learning experience in the best way it can.

Let’s have one more episode of “Roseanne,” a special if you will, and examine the issue of insensitive and harmful tweets. Jarrett can even appear on the show, if she would agree to, and the Rev. Al Sharpton, who was organizing an advertiser boycott before the show was canceled, can be an advisor.


In one episode during its reboot season, the show did an excellent job laying bare the prejudices against Muslims. This iconic program has also shown what a valuable aid to society it can be in showcasing the lives of ordinary, struggling Americans.

Given “Roseanne’s” enormous audience, one more episode examining vindictiveness on Twitter might be a valuable service.

Claire Weinberg of Granada Hills suggests a way for Roseanne Connor to remain a character on the show:


Good TV shows require good acting — but more important, they need good scripts. Outstanding writing is the reason that many programs are popular.

Barr may have been the star of the revived show that bore her name, but there are many talented actresses who could play the role without controversy or complaints. A clever ruse, a swell excuse, a mystery obtuse and a new female could replace the tarnished star.

It’s been done before, and the results were accepted and approved.

John Zavesky of Riverside thinks up a plot twist:

ABC’s cancellation of “Roseanne” is unfair to the rest of the cast and entire production crew. In an effort to save the show and the few hundred jobs associated with it, the writers should use the tried and true “dream” explanation.

John Goodman’s Dan Connor wakes up next to his wife (who is not Roseanne), rubs his eyes and tells her that he just had a horrible nightmare. He was married for more than 20 years to a loud harridan. The show could be saved, and everyone could win.

Studio City resident Jim Rothman and Evan Puzis of Mar Vista separately submitted a warning:


In Ambien veritas.

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