Trump's Republicans love states' rights. So why the backlash on legalizing marijuana? - Los Angeles Times

Opinion: Trump’s Republicans love states’ rights. So why the backlash on legalizing marijuana?

U.S. Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions has repealed a Department of Justice policy that called for taking a hands-off approach to states that legalize marijuana.
U.S. Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions has repealed a Department of Justice policy that called for taking a hands-off approach to states that legalize marijuana.
(Carolyn Kaster / Associated Press)
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To the editor: President Trump and the Republican Party want states to have more power with less federal government interference — but only as long as the states favor fewer regulations on polluting industries, the banking industry and land-use issues. (“Trump administration targets recreational pot, placing thousands of marijuana businesses in California at risk,” Jan. 4)

Yet they want greater federal enforcement when states want to create regulations for cleaner air and water, marijuana sales and distribution, marriage equality and discrimination in the workplace. They want to build a wall to try to keep out immigrants, but they would rather not enforce regulations on private companies, some of which hire undocumented workers.

I guess it boils down to fewer regulations for corporations and environmental pollution and greater regulations when it comes to individual moral matters.


Daniel Diamond, Santa Barbara


To the editor: After reading about the coming federal crackdown on states that have legalized recreational marijuana, things began to add up.

After the 2016 election, there was talk in California about seceding from the union. Next, California said it’s not going to enforce federal immigration law and became a “sanctuary state.” After that it came up with a plan to avoid new federal income tax limits on deductions.


California has developed its own global warming policies and presents them on the world stage. The number of lawsuits filed by California opposing federal laws shows how out of step this state is with the federal government. The federal government treats marijuana as an illegal substance, and California ignored federal law and passed its own law making the drug legal.

I think California already has left the union.

Bill Gravlin, Rancho Palos Verdes


To the editor: Bring it on. Let’s force the issue.

If the feds begin wholesale arrests and imprisonment of pot dealers and users, it will only enrage everyone who supports legalization.


The cowards in Congress will either have to finally legalize marijuana or face the wrath of the voters.

Rodney Hoffman, Montecito Heights

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