Readers React: Pull the plug on these blimps - Los Angeles Times

Readers React: Pull the plug on these blimps

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To the editor: The Times investigative article beautifully illustrates the compelling need for independent and continuing exposure of government/corporate mischief of the type that seems to be continually plaguing our nation today. (“$2.7 billion and ‘not operational’” Sept. 24)

While shaking my head in disbelief reading this report, the following questions popped up:

Will someone ensure that we taxpayers get a full and proper refund for this boondoggle? Or will it be determined that lead contractor Raytheon is too big to fail?


Will Pentagon analysts now be compelled to study the threat of terrorist gyrocopters helter skeltering about with impunity, made possible by a government/corporate-generated mega-systems failure/meltdown in the form of a billion-dollar do-nothing tinker toy?

I want my money back.

Paul L. DuNard Jr., Cypress


To the editor: The stunning photograph of the JLENS blimp moored at sunset beautifully depicts the military’s quintessential white elephant.


The revolving door of politicians and military officers going to work for government contractors confirms that the military/industrial complex is alive and well in this country.

The small number of jobs created by this wasteful program should be enough to shame these people into doing the right thing by pulling the plug.

Tom Kirchoff, North Hollywood



To the editor: The awful, continuous waste of billions of dollars on the JLENS blimp system, supported by high-level politicians, is shameful.

For any of them to claim that this system seemed in any way reasonable is impossible to believe.

Just imagine how many of these vulnerable white elephants would be needed to protect the extensive border of our nation.

Dean Blau, Van Nuys

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