With Steve Scalise, Republicans keep fueling their clown car - Los Angeles Times

Letters to the Editor: Republicans nominate an election denier for speaker. They’re refueling the clown car

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington on April 26.
(J. Scott Applewhite / Associated Press)
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To the editor: Why is the House in such a mess? (“Republicans nominate Steve Scalise for House speaker but struggle to unite to elect him,” Oct. 11)

The clown car arrived in Washington on Inauguration Day, Jan. 20, 2017, with bombast and savior-like promises to deliver us from American carnage. Little did we know that the new president was the embodiment of carnage for our democracy.

Instead of running out of gas, the clown car was refueled by Republicans’ weakness and fear of destroyed political careers if they stepped out of line.


Former President Trump weakened the nation’s character. A narcissist with supercharged skills of bullying and lying, he found a supine Republican Party willing to condone his every indiscretion, ultimately leading his followers to an insurrection in 2021.

Now, a coterie of incompetent chaos agents are in the House.

In Congress, 147 Republicans voted to overturn the 2020 election, 139 of which were in the House. Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise, now the Republican nominee for speaker, was among them.

Is this the best they can do? Surely no, but it isn’t the worst either if they are reelected in 2024.


D.H. Sloan, Los Angeles


To the editor: As it stands, Scalise or Rep Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) will need Democratic support to overcome any far-right resistance and win the 217 House votes needed to become speaker.

At a minimum, the Democrats should demand that anyone the Republican caucus puts forward to replace the ousted Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield) should be someone that voted to certify Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential election victory.


Alternatively, moderate House Republicans could show their patriotism and willingness to start doing the nation’s business again by supporting Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) for speaker. Currently, he has more votes for the position than any of the Republican contenders.

John Goodman, Oak Park


To the editor: Well, I guess those in Congress who were fortunate enough to be born with some decent brains and life opportunities did not receive the common-sense gene.

World events what they are, to think these leaders (on both sides) cannot come together for the good of all is distressing. Where’s the character and backbone here?

Linda Howe, Irvine



To the editor: Both Israel and Ukraine have been attacked by terrorists intent on destroying their existence as free nations. Both countries have seen their citizens slaughtered. They have asked for our assistance.

Unfortunately our assistance is delayed because the House, without a speaker, cannot be called to order.

MAGA Republicans in the House believe their pursuit of power is more imperative than assisting Israel and Ukraine. While both countries see their citizens being slaughtered, House Republicans behave like petulant second-graders choosing a class president.

Is this acceptable?

Frank Ferrone, El Cajon
