Opinion: Why is CNN providing Trump with free airtime again? - Los Angeles Times

Letters to the Editor: Opinion: Why is CNN providing Trump with free media exposure once again?

Donald Trump and a TV anchor sitting in chairs against a blue background.
Former President Trump at a CNN town hall moderated by Kaitlan Collins on Wednesday.
(John Nowak / CNN)
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To the editor: Jackie Calmes got it right in asking, “Here we go again?” In the 2016 election, Calmes said, Trump received an estimated $5 billion in free media, which obviously played a huge part in Trump’s win.

So why are we seeing deja vu? CNN held a town hall meeting for Trump; the L.A. Times still shows Trump’s picture frequently in some articles. Even President Biden doesn’t get that kind of attention. It’s time to stop giving free publicity, especially to an incompetent candidate.

I know ratings and ads support the various forms of media, but the media owes the public equal opportunity in their reporting. Trump does not deserve more publicity than other candidates, just because he does things to create attention. No one person should be considered more important than anyone else. At the very least, when newspapers write about him or when TV programs talk about him, they should omit his picture, which only draws more attention to the story.


I hope the current campaign equalizes coverage for all the candidates and stops playing favoritism.

Marlene Bronson, Los Angeles


To the editor: Shame on CNN. Shame for platforming an impeached serial liar, a traitor, a convicted sexual abuser, who just happened to be a former president. CNN, in their quest for ratings and money, has sullied their name and brand forever. Personally, I was never a fan of cable news and watch none of it anyway, but when news would break, CNN was always a trusted source of information. No longer. The new owner obviously has an agenda.


Scott Hughes, Westlake Village


To the editor: For once, I am in rare agreement with former President Trump. “Our country is being destroyed by stupid people,” he said at his CNN town hall meeting on Wednesday.


He’s right. It’s being destroyed by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, who can’t figure out how to honestly complete mandatory federal gift disclosure forms. By serial fabulist Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.), who faces federal fraud charges. By House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield), who is threatening to send our once-great country off a fiscal cliff. By tens of millions of my fellow Americans who watch Fox News and therefore live in a fact-free alternative reality and believe lies about voter fraud and too many other myths and unfounded conspiracy theories. And of course, by Trump himself, who demonstrated at the town hall once again why he is unfit to occupy the Oval Office.

Daniel Fink, Beverly Hills


To the editor: Wednesday night former President Trump was given a prime-time platform to spew out lie, after lie, after lie. Of course, he repeated his longtime incessant claim that the 2020 election was rigged. Also stunning among those lies is that he had the audacity and mendacity to call the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol a “beautiful day” in America. It’s hard to know whether Trump actually believes the grotesque distorted view of reality that he espouses. But we cannot let it become our reality.

Trump is a master media and opinion manipulator. If we allow him to manipulate our reality, via his lies, we may find Trump back in the White House.

Ken Derow, Swarthmore, Pa.


To the editor: I am furious with CNN for holding its inane town hall with Donald Trump. Trump ran roughshod over moderator Kaitlan Collins with his misogynistic, lying, egotistical unfounded braggadocio, which was applauded by an overwhelmingly Republican audience. Why was no Democratic audience member asked to address a question to Trump? How repulsive were the rounds of applause and laughs for Trump’s lies? The audience was completely biased. Heads should roll for the disaster that was the CNN town hall. God help the U.S. if Trump is elected in 2024.


Beth Costanza, Glendora


To the editor: I am appalled to think that, once again, CNN is giving Trump free coverage. Isn’t it bad enough that he received an estimated $5 billion in free media coverage in 2016, and now CNN is doubling down on this for another campaign? Spare me. I get that he is a front-runner, but he is also the candidate who won’t commit to participating in presidential debates. How about telling him that he can have his town hall after all the debates are over and he has participated in all of them?

Barbara Rosen, Fullerton
