L.A. needs city charter reform. Nury Martinez shows why - Los Angeles Times

Letters to the Editor: L.A. needs city charter reform. Nury Martinez and her colleagues show why

Community members call for resignations of councilmembers at City Hall.
Community members call for the resignations of Councilmembers Nury Martinez, Kevin de León and Gil Cedillo at City Hall on Oct. 12.
(Christina House / Los Angeles Times)
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To the editor: When I ran for the city charter commission in 1997, I produced a graph that showed the ratio of elected representatives to Los Angeles’ population was worse than nearly every other city and many states. Even many countries had better representation. (“Nury Martinez announces resignation from L.A. City Council in wake of audio leak scandal,” Oct. 12)

That was in 1997. The ratio was one councilmember for each 232,000 residents. Now the ratio is even worse.

Our city is run by an oligarchy, a cabal of power-hungry horse traders who undermine equity and fairness. Meanwhile, real problems that face the city just get worse. Backroom dealing, corruption and territorial sovereignty rule the day. Each council district is run as a fiefdom.


Don’t fool yourself into believing that the repulsive audio revealing racist remarks by Councilmembers Nury Martinez, Kevin de León and Gil Cedillo are novel. It is a natural and unavoidable outgrowth of the concentration of power.

We should have tripled the size of the City Council when we had the chance.

Andrew Tilles, Studio City


To the editor: The current behavior of some council members indicates a need to reform the Los Angeles City Charter.


Having served as a member of the 1990 charter reform commission and on the 2019 redistricting commission representing Council District 15, I am not surprised at the tragic behavior displayed by some council members.

Voters need to support charter reform where, first, the council is expanded to 25 seats representing 4 million residents, and second, the next redistricting commission is formed with independently selected members.

L.A. deserves a more transparent and accountable City Council.

Jerry Gaines, San Pedro
