Money worries killing our sex drive? Survey measures our obsessions - Los Angeles Times

Money worries killing our sex drive? Survey measures our obsessions

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Money worries are killing romance right when we need it, on Valentine’s Day.

The holiday means pricey dinners and sparkly gifts, an outlay of cash -- and added financial stress -- for many Americans. For those wanting to add some romantic sizzle, money worries are a cold shower.

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A recent survey shows money-related stress may be snuffing out sexual desire. A majority of Americans surveyed in the Harris poll, conducted for financial data company Yodlee, thought about money more often than sex -- 62% of those 18 and older. And 27% of those in a relationship said financial worries were negatively affecting their libidos.


“Discussing finances is often stigmatized in American culture,” said Caroline McNally, vice president of marketing for Yodlee, in a news release. “This survey shows just how severely financial stress is affecting Americans’ relationships.”

Comparative wealth doesn’t seem to help. Of those making $100,000 or more, 26% said money worries were affecting how often they were intimate with a partner. That’s the same percentage as among households earning $50,000 to $74,900 annually.

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Of those obsessing over money, women are in the majority (surprised?) -- with 77% thinking of money or the lack of it more often than sex. Men are more successful at keeping sex foremost in their thoughts -- a little less than half, 46%, say money worries trump sex.

But when it comes to men in relationships, just as many men as women find their sexual desire affected by finances (28% of women, 27% of men).

When viewed through the lens of geography, the West is the sexiest place to be.

In the South, 66% of people thought more about money than sex, more than any other region in the U.S. In the West it was 57%. The West also had the lowest percentage of people in relationships who said their sex drives were affected by money worries: 24%.


(The survey was conducted online in the U.S. from Dec. 6 to 10 among 2,039 adults 18 and older. Some figures were weighted to reflect actual proportions in the population. The online survey was not based on a probability sample so no estimate of theoretical sampling error was calculated.)

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