Hillary Clinton to turn over private email server and thumb drive to Justice Department - Los Angeles Times

Hillary Clinton to turn over private email server and thumb drive to Justice Department

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Welcome to Trail Guide, your daily tour through the wilds of the 2016 presidential campaign. It's Tuesday, Aug. 11, and this is what we're watching:

  • Hillary Rodham Clinton will give her email server and a thumb drive containing copies of her emails to the Justice Department, her spokesman says.
  • Jeb Bush  attacks  Clinton  on Iraq  in a speech tonight  at the Reagan Library, but his case  leaves out  some key context.
  • Black Lives Matter protesters got stuck outside Clinton 's town hall in Keene, N.H., but met with her privately afterward.
  • Money is tight on the  Rick Perry  campaign. He's reportedly  stopped paying  his staff.
  • More than 27,000 people turned out to hear Bernie Sanders speak in L.A. last night. Here's who they were and why they came . Check out our full coverage here .
  • Donald Trump went on Fox News on Tuesday morning but avoided discussing his controversial remarks slamming the network's Megyn Kelly.

Jeb Bush: 'The terrorists are possessed by the same violent ideology that gave us 9/11'

The Times' Seema Mehta is at the Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley for Jeb Bush's foreign policy speech. Here are some snippets.

The terrorists are possessed by the same violent ideology that gave us 9/11, and they are on the offensive and gaining ground.
Jeb Bush, at the Reagan Presidential Library on Tuesday night
The Islamic State and its followers are an asymmetric threat -- needing just one big strike to inflict devastation.
Bush, at the Reagan library Tuesday night

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Scene inside Reagan Library for Jeb Bush speech

A crowd of 1,000, mostly people who purchased tickets through the library, but also some of Bush's top fundraisers, are gathered in Simi Valley. (Those who raised $27,000 at a Newport Beach breakfast fundraiser Tuesday morning received two tickets.)

The stage is set with four American flags, a lectern that has the seal of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation, and a teleprompter. It's flanked by two screens alternately showing pictures of Reagan and flashcards of Reagan trivia. (Question: What was the name of President Reagan's favorite horse? Answer: El Alamein)

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Hillary Clinton handing over her private email server to Justice Department

Hillary Rodham Clinton will turn over her private email server to the Justice Department, her presidential campaign announced Tuesday.

The decision comes weeks after government investigators said that her use of the server during her tenure as secretary of State led to classified information being breached. Clinton has said she was confident she never sent or received information that was classified at the time.

Clinton's use of a personal email account during her service in President Obama's Cabinet was disclosed early this year as part of an investigation into the attacks that killed four Americans in Benghazi, Libya, in 2012. Her personal office said that more than 62,000 messages were sent or received over four years, and half were later determined to be private and destroyed.

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I cherish women. And I will be great on women's health issues. Believe me.
Donald Trump at a news conference in Michigan on Tuesday. He said Jeb Bush's comments about funding women's healthcare is a gaffe the former Florida governor will not recover from. Trump has faced strong criticism in recent days for his comments about Fox News journalist Megyn Kelly.

At Reagan Library, Jeb Bush to push for more aggressive foreign policy

Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush speaks at the RedState Gathering Saturday in Atlanta.

Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush speaks at the RedState Gathering Saturday in Atlanta.

(David Goldman / AP)

Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush will outline his strategy for fighting Islamic State on Tuesday, laying out a case for greater emphasis on military power and saying Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton bears part of the blame for the radical group's rise in the Middle East.

Islamic State, also known as ISIS, grew because of a hasty troop withdrawal from Iraq and overall American abandonment of the region as a result of the foreign policies of President Obama and Clinton, his then-secretary of State, according to excerpts of Bush's speech released by his campaign.

“That premature withdrawal was the fatal error, creating the void that ISIS moved in to fill -- and that Iran has exploited to the full as well,” Bush is expected to say during an appearance at the Reagan Presidential Library near Simi Valley.

Read more of this report from The Times' Seema Mehta and David Lauter.

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Black Lives Matter activists tried to stage a protest, took a private meeting with Clinton instead

Black Lives Matter protesters arrived too late to get into Hillary Rodham Clinton's town hall in Keene, N.H., her campaign said, stressing that the activists were offered the chance to swap in for other attendees.

But the protesters declined the offer and instead watched the event from an overflow room. When Clinton agreed to meet with them afterward, the protesters told the campaign they didn't want the meeting recorded by the press, the Clinton campaign said.

Black Lives Matter protesters stuck outside Clinton event

The Times' Mike Memoli has some advice for the Black Lives Matter protesters who reportedly planned to disrupt a Hillary Rodham Clinton event today.

Clinton may have a hard time defending herself on Iraq

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks during a campaign stop at River Valley Community College Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2015, in Claremont, N.H. (AP Photo/Jim Cole)

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks during a campaign stop at River Valley Community College Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2015, in Claremont, N.H. (AP Photo/Jim Cole)

(Jim Cole / AP)

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush plans to assail Hillary Rodham Clinton in a speech Tuesday night as neglecting Iraq while she was President Obama's top diplomat, pointing to her single visit there.

But defending that is difficult for Clinton because it shows the limits of her influence as Obama's secretary of State. Clinton only visited the country once because the U.S. policy on Iraq was being directed out of the White House, not the State Department.

Obama's primary point of contact with the Iraqi government has been Vice President Joe Biden, not his secretaries of State.

Biden visited the country three times in 2009 alone and continues to frequently talk with Prime Minister Haider Abadi, as Biden did with Abadi's predecessor, Nouri Maliki. Biden was chairman or ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for more than a decade while serving in the chamber.

A State Department tally of Clinton's trips confirms that she only visited Iraq once, though she did speak out regularly on the administration's Iraq policy while serving as secretary of State during Obama's first term.

“The key issue is not how many times the plane touches down at the airport,” Clinton advisor Jake Sullivan told reporters on a conference call. It’s “how effective” the work is.

Clinton, he said, was “proud” of her record on Iraq, noting that she had “met multiple times” with senior Iraqi leaders, including former Prime Minister Nouri Maliki and had been in charge of a difficult transition from U.S. military occupation to civilian rule in Iraq.

UPDATE 1:05 p.m.: This story has been updated to include response from the Clinton campaign.

L.A. #FeelingtheBern for Bernie Sanders

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks at a rally, Monday, Aug. 10, 2015, at the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Ringo H.W. Chiu)

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks at a rally, Monday, Aug. 10, 2015, at the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Ringo H.W. Chiu)

(Kurtis Lee)

They stood in a line that stretched for blocks around the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena, eager for a glimpse of the star attraction: a sometimes cantankerous 73-year-old with unruly white hair and a populist message.

"Feel the Bern!" they chanted. "Bernie! Bernie!"

The object of their desire was Bernie Sanders, a presidential candidate whom pundits give no chance of winning the nomination but who has touched a nerve in what has otherwise been a low-key Democratic contest.

Read more about the rally, which drew an estimated 27,500 people, from The Times' Kurtis Lee , Sarah Parvini and Kate Linthicum .

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Rick Perry's cash-flow trouble shows the limits of the 'super PAC'

National Journal's Shane Goldmacher had the scoop on former Texas Gov. Rick Perry's cash flow trouble. Perry has stopped paying his staff in both his headquarters in Austin and the early states, his campaign acknowledged to several outlets last night, just two months into his White House bid.

The news is a reminder that even in an age when a few mega-donors can virtually bankroll a candidate's bid, performance on the debate stage and in early contests in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina will still matter.

Perry's campaign let the staff know of the trouble on Friday, shortly after Perry missed the cut for top-tier candidates' debate and failed to stand out in a forum held for the second tier.

While Perry's campaign has told its staff to feel free to look for other jobs, the 'super PAC' backing him is sitting on nearly $17 million, the Washington Post reports. The PAC may jump in and fill the void, but it can't hire Perry campaign staffers immediately.

Perry himself is going to have to start convincing donors to give directly to his campaign if he's to survive for the long haul.

For now, they'll muddle through.

"We'll be able to live off the land for a while," Katon Dawson, Perry's South Carolina state director, told National Journal.

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I certainly will not apologize for doing good journalism, so I'll continue doing my job without fear or favor. ... This is a tough business and it's time now to move forward.
Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, speaking Monday on her show "The Kelly File" about criticism from GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump. Kelly said she does not plan to respond.

Trump on Fox News: 'We've always been friends'

Donald Trump and Fox News appear to be friends again.

The Republican presidential candidate was back on the network Tuesday, after taking a brief hiatus over the weekend as he publicly disparaged one of its leading anchors for her questioning during last week's GOP primary debate.

"Fox and Friends" cohost Steve Doocy didn't ask Trump about his comments about Megyn Kelly. The candidate, who called into the morning show, was asked about polls in Iowa, his plans to run as an independent, taxes and his approach to fighting Islamic State.

Although Doocy tweeted Monday that the two would discuss Trump's relationship with the influential network, the only reference to the fight came as he welcomed Trump back to the show.

“Glad we're friends again,”said Doocy, who conducted the interview alone.

“We've always been friends,” Trump answered.

Trump created a firestorm by calling Kelly a “lightweight” and suggesting she asked him “inappropriate” questions during the Fox-hosted debate because she had her period. “You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever,” he said on CNN on Friday.

Some establishment Republicans hoped the comments would sink the celebrity candidate's presidential bid. Two early polls show his lead in the large GOP field has held firm.

Trump told Doocy he would not promise not to run as an independent. An independent bid would likely harm the GOP nominee.

“I'm going to keep the door open,” he said. “I want to run as a Republican, but I want to leave that door open in case I don't get treated fairly.”

Jeb Bush goes after Hillary Rodham Clinton on Iraq

Jeb Bush will outline his plan for fighting Islamic State in Iraq on Tuesday, and his campaign says he'll blame Hillary Rodham Clinton for the rise of the radical group.

In a speech he's slated to deliver Tuesday evening, Bush will argue that as secretary of State Clinton, along with President Obama, rushed to pull troops out of Iraq and then "ignored" the country as it devolved into violence.

"In all her record-setting travels, she stopped by Iraq exactly once," Bush will say, according to prepared remarks released by his campaign. "So eager to be the history-makers, they failed to be the peacemakers."

"It was a case of blind haste to get out, and to call the tragic consequences somebody else's problem."

The Times' Seema Mehta will be covering Bush's speech. Check Trail Guide later for updates.
