Day One--The Attack - Los Angeles Times

Day One--The Attack

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3 Lives, 87 Floors
Survival in the North Tower of the World Trade Center. (Flash graphic)
The Attack
Minute-by-minute description of terrorist strike in NY and Washington. (Flash graphic)
World Trade Center
Description of crash and collapse of twin towers. (Flash graphic)
Damage and Destruction
Buildings destroyed at World Trade Center.
Tenants of World Trade Center
North Tower   |   South Tower (PDFS)
By the Numbers

Big Targets, Big Weapons
Structural vulnerabilities of World Trade Center.
Flight Paths
The routes taken by four hijacked planes.
Morning of Terror
Map of attacks in New York and Washington.
Flight Path
Animated graphic of flight paths of two planes that crashed into World Trade Center.
Timeline of attack on World Trade Center
The Pentagon Attack
Timeline of the strike on the Defense building.
Map of the Pentagon
Locator map of Defense building attacked by terrorists.
Attack from the Skies
The planes believed to be involved in attack.
A Nation's Day of Terror
Timeline and information from around the country. (PDF)
Ground Zero
The crashes at the World Trade Center. (PDF)