Television, movies can take mind off walking - Los Angeles Times

Television, movies can take mind off walking

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We’re trying to make 2013 the year we stick to our health and fitness resolution. How are we doing that? Well, for one thing, we’re leveraging social media — Twitter and Instagram — to post our daily workouts using the hashtag #LATFit. We invite you to join us.

One of the most devoted members of the #LATFit Nation is Kurtiss Locker, 66, of Lanham, Md.

Locker often works 12-hour night shifts at a cab call center, so he is diligent about getting exercise most days and aims to hit 10,000 steps a day.


Full coverage: #LATFit

He then takes a picture of the step count logged by his pedometer and posts the results on Instagram and Twitter. But Locker’s followers know he often posts a little something extra — mainly, an image of the TV show or movie he watched to take his mind off the exercise.

“I’m a walker,” Locker said. “I walk whenever I can. I prefer to walk outside.”

He walks around his neighborhood on workdays and looks for special places to walk on weekends, such as the zoo. But when weather or something else prevents him from hitting the streets, he turns to his treadmill.


“But it can be boring. So I started watching movies or TV shows.”

“Star Wars,” “Battlestar Galactica,” “South Park” and “The Getaway,” have all helped Locker pass the miles on his treadmill in 2013.

Please let us know what unconventional ideas you use to get in your exercise. Email me at [email protected]. And join us on Twitter and Instagram, using the #LATFit hashtag: We could all use your inspiration.

[email protected]



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