This new camera app was made especially for food photos - Los Angeles Times

This new camera app was made especially for food photos

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A new smartphone camera app, appropriately named Foodie, is designed to make your food photos look Instagram-worthy.

A company called Line has launched the free app for iPhone and Android, which was specifically made to help food photos look social media ready. The app comes with 24 filters, all assigned to different types of food.

Taking a photo of meat at a Korean BBQ restaurant? There’s a filter for that. Need to make that ice cream cone pop? There’s a filter for that too.


We tested out the app, which seems to give some photos a golden glow, and others a slightly washed-out look, depending on the filter chosen. Users can adjust the brightness of the photo and turn on a flashlight feature.

The app has a “best angle” feature that’s supposed to help users take top shots. When the camera is positioned above the food at the best angle, the app lets you know by changing the photo’s color.

“It’s a snap to take trendy flat lays like you’d see in a gourmet magazine,” says Foodie’s news release.


There’s also a blurring effect that’s designed to “give images the air of SLR photography.” We didn’t really notice a difference, but it’s a nice idea.

Once you’ve taken your food photo, you can share it on all the major social media channels. The app makers are currently trying to develop additional features, including more filters and effects.

Foodie is available to download on the iTunes Store and through Google Play.

My top-shot game is so strong right now. Follow me on Twitter and Instagram @Jenn_Harris_



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