Lady Gaga launches Fame with Champagne bucket, tattoo and a nap - Los Angeles Times

Lady Gaga launches Fame with Champagne bucket, tattoo and a nap

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Lady Gaga launched her new perfume, Fame, with two days of performance art that included sleeping in a giant perfume bottle at a party at the Guggenheim in New York City on Thursday evening, baring her bottom (which was projected on a huge screen), having an angel tattooed on the back of her head and possibly relieving herself in a Champagne bucket. (At least, that’s what it looked like she was doing.) [Vanity Fair Daily]

While she napped in the bottle, party guests -- including Yoko Ono, Lindsay Lohan and Marc Jacobs -- were invited to approach and stroke her hand through a small opening. Jenni Avins of New York magazine’s The Cut blog was among the throng rushing the bottle. Later, she wrote, “I realized Gaga had made us all into those little monsters from her film.”[The Cut]

(The film, shown during the event, was Steven Klein’s promotional video for Fame, portraying a reclining, naked Gaga with tiny men crawling all over her body.) [Styleite]


And all that was just on Day One.

On Day Two, Gaga arrived at Macy’s Herald Square for the official going-on-sale-in-the U.S. launch via a horse-drawn carriage shaped like the perfume bottle, wearing a golden mask and what looks to me like a modern take on black body armor.

The fragrance is a black elixir that turns clear when it touches air. Lady Gaga has said it represents the good and the bad sides of fame. And she was involved in every aspect of its creation (in partnership with Coty). Famously, some of the singer’s own blood was supposedly used to craft it, though the bottle lists the ingredients as “tears of belladonna, crushed heart of tiger orchidea with a black veil of incense, pulverized apricot and the combinative essences of saffron and honey drops.” [ABC]

And so the wait is over. You can buy it now at Macy’s, at prices ranging from $15 for a bar of soap to $79 for a 3.4-ounce eau de parfum.



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