FOTOS: Una mirada en retrospectiva a las escenas de los ataques del 11 de septiembre
El humo sale de la torre norte del World Trade Center cuando la torre sur explotó tras ser impactada por el vuelo 175 de United Airlines el 11 de septiembre de 2001. Para los neoyorquinos, las imágenes y los sonidos de la vida cotidiana aún pueden desencadenar recuerdos dolorosos y otros reacciones psicológicas a los ataques.
Veinte años después de que los terroristas estrellaron aviones secuestrados en el World Trade Center de Nueva York, el Pentágono y un campo en Pensilvania, Estados Unidos todavía está asimilando el ataque que derribó las torres gemelas, mató a casi 3.000 personas, provocó una ola de mayor seguridad y lanzó un guerra contra el terrorismo..
Former Los Angeles Times photo editor Keith Bedford has spent the majority of his career in journalism as a freelancer, frequently contributing to the New York Times, Reuters, the Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg and covering everything from natural disasters to presidential politics. Bedford moved to Iowa with four colleagues for the better part of 2007 to follow Barack Obama’s campaign. He believed he would be covering the first African American to become president of the United States. Bedford followed that up by spending three and a half years covering India and China. After returning to the States, he joined the staff of the Boston Globe as a photojournalist for three years, producing stories on politics, race and the opioid crisis before resuming his freelance career as both a photojournalist and a producer of short films for the likes of the BBC, CNN’s Great Big Story, Instagram and Yahoo. Bedford grew up in Baltimore and attended the School of Visual Arts in New York.