'The Voice' live finale: 15 highlights (aside from crowning a winner) - Los Angeles Times

‘The Voice’ live finale: 15 highlights (aside from crowning a winner)

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Yes, Craig Wayne Boyd won “The Voice” on Tuesday night, snatching the crown away from the outstretched hands of all three members of Team Adam: Matt McAndrew, Chris Jamison and Damien. This much you know. But that didn’t happen until the last five minutes of the two-hour live finale. So what else happened on Monday night?

Here are 15 highlights from the Season 7 final results show:

1. Pharrell Williams snapped things into focus straight off by offering some healthy perspective: “Everybody’s going to have to go home at some point,” he mused, noting that what matters most is what the singers do “the day after” and how they use the show “as a platform.” Williams has made that point before, but on the final night of the season, it seemed especially resonant.

2. We were given a glimpse into who was friends with whom backstage, as the finalists introduced their “bring-back song” lineups: DaNica Shirey provided a “shoulder” for Boyd to lean on when he was “down and out”? Taylor John Williams is the fellow contestant Matt McAndrew would be most likely to start a band with? Who knew?


3. Hozier proved that second-place finisher McAndrew wasn’t the only one who could impress watchers of “The Voice” with his breakthrough single/soul cry, “Take Me to Church.”

4. Would Chris Jamison, Luke Wade, Ricky Manning, Taylor Phelan and Ryan Sill, who joined forces on the song “Dedication to My Ex (Miss That)” (the broadcast-appropriate version), make a cute boy band or what?

5. Come to think of it, Bryana Salaz, DeNica Shirey, Jean Kelley, Mia Pfirman and Sugar Joans, who sang “Bang Bang,” would make a pretty potent retro girl group.


6. I’m going to go ahead and say Mark Ronson’s and Bruno Mars’ cookin’ “Uptown Funk” was the musical highlight of the evening. It was so hot that at some point I even forgot to keep wondering why Mars had his hair rolled into gold curlers. (Except, why did he have his hair rolled into gold curlers?)

7. Aw, Craig Wayne Boyd singing “Sweet Home Alabama” with Lynyrd Skynyrd like they were hanging around in a honky tonk and then sharing hugs right afterward. Sweet.

8. Meghan Trainor’s new song, “Lips Are Moving,” may sound an awful lot like her old song, “All About That Bass,” but she and her music are so peppy and appealing, who’s complaining?


9. Blake Shelton quipping that if Adam Levine were to have his own Broadway musical, it would be called “Look at Me! (It’s All About Me)” -- and then watching Taylor Swift and Levine goof around and do a Sharks and Jets/”West Side Story” thing, which was cute.

10. The vocal pyrotechnics that went down between Jennifer Hudson and Damien on “It’s Your World.” Whoa.

11. According to the coaches, Gwen Stefani is like a kitty-cat offstage but turns into “a tiger” when she gets onstage. “She’s literally like a panther hunting down an antelope,” Shelton said.

12. Ed Sheeran’s quietly riveting performance of “Thinking Out Loud,” which felt like a calm little bubble amid the rest of the finale hoopla.

13. Damien described former contestant Elyjuh Rene’s talent as being “ridiculous” and then predicted that, as the 18-year-old singer ages and gets better, he’ll be “ridonculous.” It may have been the wild-card finalist and fourth-place finisher’s finest non-singing moment of the season.

14. How much Jessie J and Jamison seemed to be enjoying each other when he joined her on “Masterpiece.” No doubt about it, the third-place finisher learned a lot and came far.


15. The masterfully spliced-together video footage of MC Blakey Blake rapping “Can’t Touch This.” So great.

And then, after the coaches musically wished us a “Merry Little Christmas,” we had our winner. We’ll see where Boyd and the rest of the contestants head from here.

In the meantime, have yourself some lovely little holidays. See you when “The Voice” returns -- in February!
