CBS may have Comcast headache. Seth Meyers gets ready. - Los Angeles Times

CBS may have Comcast headache. Seth Meyers gets ready.

Seth Meyers new show starts next week.
(AFP / Getty Images)
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After the coffee. Before creating my own $20-billion app.

The Skinny: My cat likes Popsicles. Just thought I’d share that with you all today. I’m still plowing through “House of Cards,” which is definitely a little slower this season. I should be done by early next week, as I’m an anti-binge viewer. Today’s roundup includes the broadcasters scoring a legal win against Aereo, the FCC plans to re-craft its net neutrality rules after a court tossed them, and a look at new late-night host Seth Meyers because, well, I needed to include something that would let me use a picture of someone famous.

Daily Dose: WWE fans who are Dish Network subscribers may have to think about switching pay-TV distributors. The WWE says Dish is not planning to offer WWE pay-per-view events anymore. The move, WWE, said, is in retaliation for WWE’s plans to launch a digital channel that would be delivered to consumers via the Internet and will have much of the same product.


So what was all that for? Remember that big fight last summer between CBS and Time Warner Cable? Remember how CBS went dark on TWC for about a month until it got the distribution contract it wanted? If Comcast succeeds in acquiring Time Warner Cable it could undermine that CBS deal. That’s because a lot of the terms of the TWC pact are not protected in the event of a sale. More on what this means for CBS from the Los Angeles Times.

ON LOCATION: Where the cameras roll

Big win. The broadcasters finally scored a legal victory against Aereo, the start-up service that streams local TV signals to consumers via the Internet. A federal court in Utah sided with broadcasters and granted their request for a preliminary injunction, forcing Aereo to stop offering its service in Utah and Colorado. Broadcasters charge that Aereo, which charges consumers $8 to $12 a month for its service, which includes a cloud-based digital video recorder, violates copyright law. The win comes about two months before the Supreme Court is set to hear arguments from both sides. Coverage of the Utah ruling from the Los Angeles Times and Reuters.


Taking another shot. The Federal Communications Commission will try again to craft rules to regulate the Internet after its previous effort was tossed by a federal court. The so-called net neutrality rules are aimed at making it difficult for Internet service providers to discriminate against online programmers or charge more for faster pipes. It’s complicated stuff for sure. More from the Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Variety and Associated Press.

Google is coming! In a move that ironically will probably help Comcast convince regulators to approve its deal to acquire Time Warner Cable, search engine giant Google said it is looking into expanding its super-fast fiber service to 34 markets. Currently in two cities, Google Fiber offers super-fast Internet speeds for about $70 a month. Google’s move means more competition in broadband. One of the concerns of the Comcast deal with Time Warner Cable is that it would stifle competition. Unfortunately, no plans yet for Google to come to Los Angeles. The Wall Street Journal on Google’s plans.

PHOTOS: Behind the scenes of movies and TV


What did that say? Ever been at the treadmill on the gym staring at the closed captions on CNN and having no idea what’s being said? Imagine if you can’t hear at all and you count on closed captioning to inform you of what’s going on in the world. Well, the FCC feels your pain and this morning is unveiling new rules it hopes will improve the quality of closed captioning, which was created to help the deaf and hearing-impaired enjoy television. In a sad statement on the government, the efforts to beef up closed captioning has lingered at the FCC for a decade. The Los Angeles Times on the FCC’s plans.

Jimmy who? Jimmy Fallon is not the only one with a new late-night gig. Next week, Seth Meyers takes over as host of Fallon’s “Late Night” next week. Since most of today’s column is a lot of Washington wonk and tech stuff, we’ll end on a lighter note with an up-close look at Meyers from the Hollywood Reporter.

Inside the Los Angeles Times: California lawmakers have introduced a new bill to expand the state’s film tax credit program aimed at slowing runaway productions.

Follow me on Twitter. It makes the day better. @JBFlint.
