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Home Improvement

  • The showerhead has been a stable fixture in the U.S. for more than 100 years. The origins date back to the pioneer days when travelers would pour their precious water supplies through a metal tub that had small holes punched in it. The shower head is a good way to bathe, without using fountains of water at any one time. Over the years, the shower head has become very practical, featuring anti-clogging features, a variety of spray modes, and of course: handheld features. We've compiled a list of our ten favorite showerheads this year, with an additional buying guide at the end to help you pick out the right one for you!
    February 02, 2016
  • The ache of a worn out knee is something that I would never wish upon anyone. If you talk to any old carpenter, there is a good chance that they will mention their aching knees before long and much of that pain is the result of floor work. The best way to prevent long term damage as well as offer some short term relief is to wear the right knee pads for the job. Knee pads come in many varieties and it is important to understand which one to use in each situation. If you are going to do a lot of work on gravel, concrete and other rough surfaces then I would suggest a set of hard capped knee pads that can stand up to the abuse and keep it off your knees. On the other hand, working on tile, soft stone or hardwood will call for a set with soft faces to prevent damaging the floor. Lastly, the actual shape of the cap can make a big difference in the performance and function of the knee pads so know your job before you go shopping and check out our list of the best work knee pads in 2022 to get a good feel for what you're going to need.
    February 02, 2016
  • There are poems written about the texture of a tradesman's hands. After years of toil and work, they can become like leather gloves; able to endure a beating that would send the rest of us running for a bandage. For some it is a badge of honor. But, most of us would like to protect our hands from these ravages and the right set of work gloves will do that and more. What was once just a protective barrier between your fingers and the work has now expanded into a whole family of specialized gear with functions including electrical insulation, grip improvement, cut resistance, waterproofing, heat protection and many more. Whether you are working in the garden, welding a shelf together or hand carving the finishing touches on a cabinet, slipping on a pair of gloves designed for the job will make everything easier and safer. I've torn through my fair share of gloves and now I’m putting my beaten hands to good work writing the list of the best work gloves in 2022 and reviews to help get your hands in the right pair.
    February 02, 2016
  • One thing that defines a civilized society is a supply of clean, potable water. In the United States, we use more water than any other nation, and we use it in more ways than any other nation. Heating water for bathing is almost unheard of in most countries, so remember not to take this for granted the next time you bathe. The energy used to heat enough water for a typical family of four accounts for up to 30 percent of the average home's energy budget. Deciding what type of energy is used to heat your water, and what mode of heating you chose, is very important as it will play a very large role in your day-to-day life. There are only a few sources of energy used here, namely electric, gas, oil, and solar. Depending on where you live and how much hot water you consume, these things will dictate how hot water is stored, and subsequently, what style of water heater you should use. You can have the traditional hot water tank that holds 30 to 80 gallons of water, maintained at a constant temperature, ready to use when you need it. Or you may opt for the newer tankless water heater that runs water through a heating element when you need it. This is far more energy-efficient than traditional tanks as it only uses energy when you make a draw on the water. Since the tankless water heaters don’t have to maintain a hot water tank, when not in use, tankless water heaters will consume no energy at all. If you live in a very sunny area of the country, you might opt for a solar hot water heating system that is a combination of both. Insulated tubing sits on the roof of your home, being heated by the sun. Once it reaches a certain temperature, it is then pumped down to a tank that will store this hot water ready for use. Because these solar panels sit in the sun all day, they are also generating enough electrical energy to circulate the water and run the pumps that allow it all to function. If your conditions are right, these can be a very good source of hot water all year long.With all of this in mind, we've compiled a list of six high-quality water heaters from reputable brands. We've broken down their features, including pros and cons, and have an additional buying guide at the end. Read on to pick the right one for you!
    February 02, 2016
  • While mouse traps may be effective over the short run, if a mouse population has become established in your house or home, the chances are that trapping alone may not cure the problem. But they’re a start, and if kept baited and active at all times, they’ll take care of the overly curious mouse looking for a new place to live before it can settle in. Modern traps are designed to be effective and user friendly. There are different types which work effectively, including live traps, automatic types, and even newer electronic options. You can get a better idea of these different trap types on our list of the best mouse traps in 2022 and which might be best suited for your situation by reading through our buyer’s guide provided below.
    June 01, 2015
  • The words "rat infestation" conjures up thoughts of the middle ages, the black plague, vermin and the Pied Piper. Rats are no laughing matter, spreading disease as they go, as they have colonized virtually every part of the earth by hitching a ride on the vehicles that humans have used to explore the earth, particularly seafaring vessels.Rat traps have been around as long as there have been rats, and no trap is ever going to be 100% effective at eliminating a rat problem. Unless rats are trapped out early before they colonize an area, you'll never catch every rat because they will eventually figure out what a trap means, and they will avoid it at all costs.You can check out the rat trap buyer's guide listed below for more information on the traps themselves to determine which type is best for you. We've compiled the best rat traps in 2022.What about the best rat poisons? There are plenty of options out there; read on to find out what we think about using poison to kill rats.
    May 29, 2015
  • Most fire extinguishers simply sit around gathering dust for years on end, resulting in people forgetting to check them and sometimes even dismissing the importance of having them in the home. However, in the moments when you do actually need one, it will be essential to have on hand. Fire extinguishers suitable for home and office use are rarely anywhere close to being as durable as those used by professionals, but nonetheless it’s important to stay away from cheap models.We've chosen to focus on fire extinguishers best for multipurpose home use, with a minimum of Class A, B, and C certifications. Class A fire extinguishers are rated for ordinary combustibles such as trash, wood, paper, and clothes, B are for liquids and gases (including paints), while C is for electrical fires. They also all have a pressure gauge for quick status checks ensuring the fire extinguisher is always ready for use.ABC fire extinguishers are the most common for residential use with other types available for more heavy duty or specific needs. Although the smaller and cheaper models are useful to have around, it's always a good idea to also have a large fire extinguisher as well. Please note, none of our picks are for fighting large fires, and you should never attempt to fight a large fire by yourself. However, for putting out small fires that have just started, all of the following fire extinguishers will perform reliably. Check out our top picks for best fire extinguishers in 2022.
    April 27, 2015
  • A wood sealant/finisher is a coating that's used on wood to seal it. They're used to provide a level of protection from scratches, minor dents, water, etc. In my experience, sealants are most popular for outdoor applications on decks, fences, playground equipment, and the like. However, some sealers are also used on woods found indoors, like floors or furniture. For the purposes of this article, I will include some of both. As mentioned above, sealants are designed to offer protection. So, every sealant I have included below offers protection against at least water (most offer protection against other things as well), which can be quite damaging to wood. Additionally, the over-application of a finisher is not good for wood. It can absorb too much and mess up the wood you're working on. To help combat this problem, each of the sealants below is applied in very few coats (most take two). This makes your job a lot easier. Finally, every one of the sealants I put on this list are in liquid form, as opposed to those that come in an aerosol can. That's not because aerosol sealants are necessarily bad (I have used them on occasion), but to keep uniformity among the sealants listed below. With our list, as well as the accompanying buying guide, your decision should be pretty easy to make.
    March 19, 2015
  • Carbon Monoxide is a deadly gas which is colorless and odorless. In most fatal home fires, it’s carbon monoxide which kills victims long before they succumb to smoke inhalation or are burned by the fire. Early symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are similar to the flu, making it difficult to detect by symptoms alone. These symptoms can include a dull headache, weakness, dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, confusion, blurred vision and chest pain. Since most people are more familiar with the flu than with CO2 poisoning, they assume their symptoms are flu-related, prolonging their exposure to the gas making them sick; this can be a fatal error. Unlike smoke, which is fatal if the concentration in the air is high enough, carbon monoxide usually builds up in the system over time. One can get carbon monoxide poisoning from either a low concentration of carbon monoxide over a long period of time or a high concentration over a short period of time. Therefore, carbon monoxide detectors need to determine the average level of carbon monoxide in the environment over time, determining if it is high enough to cause problems. Smoke detectors don't detect carbon monoxide. If you have a smokeless fire going or a contained fire, it’s possible for carbon monoxide levels to reach fatal levels without a smoke detector going off. This could also occur with vehicle exhaust, a leaky furnace or an improperly vented hot water heater for example. Ideally, you should have both carbon monoxide detectors and smoke detectors in your home. A minimum of one per floor is recommended, with additional detectors installed in bedrooms. Although this make for a lot of detectors, it provides the best protection for your family. Having a detector go off in the basement, when everyone is asleep on the second floor of the house doesn't help anyone. Carbon monoxide detectors can run off of your house current, battery or a combination of the two. In the cases where a detector uses both, the battery serves as a power backup for the AC house current. That way, you’re always guaranteed a working detector, even in a power outage nor worry about the battery dying at the wrong time. The best carbon monoxide detectors are now using Lithium-Ion batteries for prolonged battery life and they’ll also have a test button-like a smoke detector. Some models are now made so several units can be interconnected with one another; if one alarm goes off, it will alert and activate the others in your home. Check out our top picks for best carbon monoxide detectors in 2022 .
    January 08, 2015
  • Ever since mankind started building structures to live in, there’s been a need for some way for visitors to announce their arrival. In early times, they would stand outside the gate and yell at the house, letting the occupants know they were there. Later, someone came up with the idea of hanging a rock by a cord, creating the first door knocker. While crude, it was somewhat effective. This eventually gave way to a small brass bell, which could be rung by pulling on a cord. Once electricity became commonly available, more and more things around the home became powered by electricity, including the doorbell. It was easier for the people inside to hear a bell or buzzer inside the home, than it was for them to hear one that was outside. As electronics advanced, so did doorbells, with manufacturers adding innovations such as multi-note chimes that could play a popular tune and the ability to have different chimes for front and back doors, to identify which door the visitor is at. The latest step in the evolution of the doorbell has been the development of wireless doorbells. With everything else going wireless these days, the idea of having a doorbell that is wireless makes sense. One nice thing about wireless doorbells is they’re much easier to install than their wired cousins. While running the wiring for a doorbell isn't all that bad when you're building a house, once you've got the drywall on the walls, it becomes all but impossible. The wireless doorbell solves this problem, as it doesn't need wiring for anything, allowing it to be hung wherever it will provide the best service. While all of these doorbells are wireless and they all perform the same function, there are some differences between them. Their effective range, number of tones you can choose between and the quality of the tone varies a lot between different models. You will also find that some actually allow you to load ringtones, just like you can for your cell phone. Check out our top picks for best wireless doorbell in 2022.
    September 05, 2014
  • You probably already have one, but maybe it is time to replace your garage door opener. Garage door openers are fairly simple devices. A geared motor is connected to a drive, which is in turn connected to the garage door. When the button is pushed, power is applied, the motor turns, lifting the garage door. Once the door is lifted all the way, a sensor tells the motor that it's time to turn off. Closing the door is just the opposite.Thanks to advancements in technology, there are so many more options available on the market today. From smart, high-tech options to simple openers, there is one out there for your home. Read on the best garage door openers of 2022.
    September 04, 2014
  • The slowest part of any woodworking project is finishing it. You might be able to put something together quickly, but once it's all put together you've got to slow down in order to make it come out good. Sanding, painting, staining and varnishing all take time and care if you want your project to come out good. There are two basic ways of finishing any woodworking project meaning how you paint or varnish it. Typically, when varnish is used the piece is stained before varnishing. This allows you to adjust the final color as well as bringing out the natural beauty of the wood's grain. Across the myriad of different types of wood we find grains of all types and colors. Some are bold and obvious, while others are so subtle as to seem almost hidden, yet all woodworkers agree the grain of the wood is what makes it beautiful. Enhancing that grain and making it stand out can add a lot to any woodworking project. While varnish will make wood grains stand out to some extent, they can't do so to the extent that wood stain can. The stain will darken the dark parts of the grain more than the light parts, increasing the contrast between the two adding a lot to the woods character. Additionally, stains are used to change the color of the wood, making less expensive woods take on the appearance of pricier ones. Pine can be made to imitate oak, cherry or walnut, just by applying a little bit of stain. A test piece should always be done before staining a project as the porosity and dryness of the wood will have a huge impact on how much stain it absorbs. Since absorbing more stain makes the piece darker, you'll want to know how much stain to apply in order to get the results you are looking for. Remember, the varnish will darken it a little more, over and above what the stain does. Wood stains are available as both oil-based and water-based finishes. Traditionally, they have always been oil-based. However, with the EPA pressuring paint companies to lower the VOCs of their products, more and more companies are experimenting with water-based stains. It's hard to tell a stain's quality by looking at the label or even by using it once. Typically, it takes quite a bit of experience working with a particular brand of stain to know exactly how to work with it and how good it is. When shopping, it's a good idea to pay a lot of attention to the reputation of the products you are looking at. Higher quality products will usually provide a richer, more even finish than cheaper ones will.For more information on what to look at in selecting the best wood stain in 2022, We have listed below the wood stain available for you to help you decide what product is best to buy.
    September 04, 2014
  • Good paint brushes will provide excellent service for years, that is, if they’re properly taken care of. Proper cleaning and wrapping of a brush is an essential part of making sure that it will be usable for the next several years; but not everyone cleans their brushes properly. Granted, having to stop basking in the joy of just having finished an interior decorating project, to clean your brushes isn't exactly something to bring joy to the heart. Many people put off cleaning their brushes but unfortunately, the longer you put it off, the harder those brushes are to clean. Leave them sitting long enough and they hard as a rock. Modern acrylic/latex paints are much easier to clean out of paint brushes than oil-based paints are. All that's required most of the time is some warm water and a little bit of dish soap. But if the brush has been dipped too far into the paint, allowed to sit with paint in it or used in a hot environment  where paint hardens quickly, they can be extremely hard to clean. In those cases, a brush cleaner may be needed. The problem isn't usually the paint that's on the ends of the bristles or even the paint which hardens on the outside of them. Rather, it's the paint that works its way up into the center of the bristles, close to the ferrule that holds the bristles and handle together. When this paint hardens, it eliminates the bristles' flexibility making it very easy for them to break. Even brushes with paint hardened up close to the ferrule can be salvaged, if one has the patience to work with them. Brush cleaners will soften that paint, allowing it to be cleaned out. Since the bristles are packed so close together, cleaning out that softened paint takes time, working them with a brush comb. As the brush comb pulls out the softened paint, the bristles will become more pliable. Once all the paint is pulled out (which takes quite a bit of work) the bristles can be cleaned with soap and warm water to remove the chemical cleaner. Not all chemical cleaners are created equal. Some clearly work better than others and some are limited in the types of paint they will work with. It's important to know what type of paint the brush has in it, before selecting a cleaner. Professional painters use different types of brushes for different types of paint, so this identification is easy for them. Most homeowners attempt to use the same type of brush for everything, so you'll have to look at the paint can labels to find out what type of paint you used. After cleaning any paint brush, it should be wrapped in the original wrapper, so that it can maintain a good shape. High quality brushes come with wrappers which are designed to be reusable for this very reason. If you don't have the original wrapper, you can wrap them instead in newspapers, being careful to shape the bristles correctly to form a nice wedge.For more information on what to look at in selecting the best brush cleaner in 2022, We have listed below the brush cleaner available for you to help you decide what product is best to buy.
    August 28, 2014
  • Duct tape is the number one repair material for a wide variety of situations. The combination of strength, adhesion and ease of use duct tape offers has made it literally the tape of 1,000 uses. It has been used for everything including patching clothes, patching wounds, building a cardboard fort for kids to play in and even building suspension bridges. This product has literally become an American icon in the century it has existed. The very first thing that could be called duck tape was strips of duck cloth which were wrapped around the steel suspension cables for the Brooklyn Bridge. By 1910, those strips of duck cloth were coming with adhesive on one side, making it into what we know as duct tape. During World War II, a number of uses were discovered for this “miracle material”. Tape was still a relatively new invention, so people were experimenting with it all over. Johnson & Johnson made an adhesive version of duct tape for use in sealing ammo cans against moisture. One requirement of the tape was that it could be ripped by hand, rather than needing to be cut. Soon thereafter, soldiers in the field started finding a number of ways of using this great tape, including for binding up the wounded. The duck tape name, prompted by the material that it was made from, stuck around until the 1950s, when it started being used for wrapping air ducts in HVAC systems. The silver-grey color of the tape blended ideally with the ductwork and soon heat and cold resistant versions were on the market. Since the workers who make the ductwork were known as tin knockers, the tape became known as tin knocker tape. Later this was changed to duct tape. Duct tape is  a cloth tape coated on one side to make it waterproof with the opposite side coated with a heavy layer of strong adhesive which will stick to just about anything. Besides this, the tape can be ripped straight by hand, either longitudinally or crosswise, making it easy to use without scissors or a knife. Today's duct tape comes in a wide variety of colors and printed patterns. The colors allow you to blend it in with the surface to which it is attached, making the repair job less visible. Not only is it used for repairing just about anything, but it is decorative as well. You can find it printed in your favorite team logo and colors as well as a number of other whimsical patterns. When choosing a duct tape, the two most important characteristics are the adhesion and the physical strength. Most duct tape backing fabric is still very similar to the original duck cloth, so you don't really see a lot of difference in that regard. The adhesive, on the other hand, can vary greatly; with high quality tapes having much more adhesion than the lesser expensive ones, a major factor I've used in selecting the tapes on this list. Keep in mind that regardless of the color shown, most of these brands produce a variety of colors. That's especially true of the "Duck" brand of tape, which has more colors and patterns than anyone. Several of these manufacturers also produce a duct tape that's 2.88 inches wide, for those applications where you need extra width.For more information on what to look at in selecting the best duct tape in 2022, We have listed below the duct tapes available for you to help u to help you decide what product is best to buy.
    August 21, 2014
  • Smoke detectors are an essential part of any household and frequently mandated by law to be included in rental properties. Although many people associate smoke alarms with cheap units that go off way too often (especially if things go awry in the kitchen) modern alarms are generally sophisticated enough to tell when there's a real threat, reducing the amount of nuisance alarms.Alarms can vary quite widely in their performance and price, with higher-priced models often including detection for both smoke and carbon monoxide, as well as the ability to network alarms together for a more comprehensive household alarm system. These best smoke detectors in 2022 incorporate both audio and visual alarms, as well as the ability to detect smoldering fires, full flames, and carbon monoxide. They are also easy to install and test, while including a mute button to quickly handle any false alarms. Not all of our picks detect multiple types of threats due but all offer the reliable ability to detect a fire threat.
    August 01, 2014
  • Toilet seats come in all shapes and sizes, but when you get down to it, they are either elongated bowls, or round bowls. All the accessories that come with them can be purchased at your discretion. As in the case of automatically opening seats, found on medicinal toilet seats, you will need a dedicated line of power to get them to perform correctly, but any licensed electrician will be able to help you here. Apart from your budget, and what kind of features you like in the bathroom, there are plenty of choices out here for you. This list is just a broad introduction. Check out our list of the best toilet seats in 2022
    July 16, 2014
  • The way you use your thermostat directly effects the amount of money you spend on energy, so choosing the right thermostat to control your heating and cooling system can save you up to 33 percent on your heating and cooling cost, placing that money right back into your wallet. A thermostat you can manually program to fit your family’s schedule saves energy, and you no longer have to remember to adjust the temperature before you leave home, and should you chose a Wi-Fi thermostat, you can make those adjustments on the go. Whether you choose a WI-Fi or manually programmable thermostat, these list of the best thermostats in 2022 give you all the information you need to make the best decision for your home and lifestyle.
    July 09, 2014
  • We all need to take extra care to ensure proper eye safety while working because it only takes a single speck of dust scratched across the cornea for a free trip to the emergency room. Unfortunately, many people seem to believe wearing regular glasses/sunglasses will be enough to protect them while in the shop but this is far from the truth.The first factor to consider when buying safety glasses is the strength of the lenses. All the list of the best safety glasses in 2022 that we’ve included below utilize ANSI rated lenses so you can wear them confidently knowing they’ll offer real protection when needed. Next, we considered area of coverage with the safety glasses presented here wrapping around your eyes to protect them from stray particles and not just those coming straight at your face. Lastly, we’ve listed pairs which are durable and will stand up to repeated use and wear. If lenses on a pair of safety glasses are easy to scratch then you aren't going to be able to see your work clearly, which is very unsafe. Similarly, it doesn't matter if the lens can take a beating if the frames fall apart, so buying quality safety glasses like these from the start makes a big difference.
    June 16, 2014
  • A flea fogger is essentially another name for a fumigation device. It releases a massive amount of insecticide into a room that saturates the air completely. By this action, virtually every nook, cranny and crevice becomes inundated with pesticide particles, turning the entire fogged area into a toxic unlivable space.In general terms, using a flea fogger should really only be applied as a last ditch method when flea infestation is so severe that other methods of control don't work. Extreme caution must be used when fogging, such as, all pilot lights and open flames must be extinguished, the entire room and/or household must be evacuated for up to 4 hours, and the entire premises must be aired out after returning.All flea foggers on this list will be effective, when used according to their label directions. Price will be no object, since effectiveness is the prime reason for using one, and the list of the best flea foggers in 2022 will work be effective immediately and have strong residual results to keep on killing long after the fogger has been employed.
    March 24, 2014
  • In many cases, spiders are beneficial insects that will help control other insect problems like flies, mosquitoes, roaches and other pests. But spiders can become pests too, especially black widows and brown recluse spiders that can give a painful bite when disturbed. When spiders become a problem, you'll need a good spider killing spray to deal with them. Although catch and release is the best way to deal with spiders, it isn't practical in all cases, so using a spider killer may be the best solution.Every spider killer on the list of the best spider killers in 2022 will be effective, but the best one will be the safest to use, be readily biodegradable, made with natural ingredients and it will also be the best bang for the buck deal here. As always, wear a face mask and rubber gloves when using any of these products.
    March 21, 2014
  • Moths are not the problem they used to be, but they can still be a nuisance under the right circumstances. The types that is targeted with moth traps are both clothing moths or pantry meal worm moths. Clothing moths are attracted to natural clothing fibers, like cotton, fur, hair, silk and felt, to name a few, where they will lay their eggs. Pantry moths are attracted to wheat and flour sources. In both cases, it is the larvae that do the damage, since they feast on the natural fibers that clothing is made of, or the raw flour particles from grains and wheats.The advent of synthetic fibers have been one of the largest deterrents to moth infestation in closets and storage trunks, since there is no nutritional value for the larvae. Likewise, sealable containers have replaced paper and burlap storage for flour, so moths cannot get at a food source and lay their eggs. But in any closet or pantry, there may be an opening for moth infestation, and that is where moth traps come in. The best moth traps of 2022 will be the most effective, safest and easiest to use, and affordable. All of these traps on this list are effective in controlling moths, with safety and ease of use in every situation, from pantries to closets.
    March 20, 2014
  • Anyone who’s ever done much woodworking has run into the problem of knots, imperfections and nail holes in their wood. If we could just build things without having to deal with these little issues, it would sure make our world easier, as filling the wood, by any means, never seems to come out as good as the original.There are a couple of ways of filling wood. The first, and most common, is to use a wood filler, before finishing the wood. If you’re painting the wood, that’s no problem, as they are all sandable and accept paint well. The problem comes in when you want to stain and varnish the wood. Even the best of “stainable wood fillers” don’t accept the stain as well as the wood does. To get around this, you typically need to either work with your stain a little bit extra, possibly staining the patched area twice, while the rest of it is stained only once.These best wood filler in 2022 come in both water and solvent-based versions. Traditionally, solvent-based fillers have surpassed water based ones in their quality; but recent advances in materials technology has greatly improved the quality of the water based ones. Besides, they’re much easier to clean up.Solvent-based wood fillers also tend to dry out quicker than water-based ones. So depending upon the dry time you need and the storage time as well, you may want to take that into consideration as you make your selections. Some of the solvents used in these solvent-based fillers can stain woods, so you want to be careful how you apply them.The other way of filling imperfections and nail holes in wood is with colored putties or wax. Putties are typically used for filling nail holes in interior trim after installing your woodwork. Waxes are the common way of repairing small scratches and dings in furniture, without having to refinish the whole piece. Both of these systems allow you to color match the filler to the existing grain of the wood. This can be especially tricky with woods that have an obvious grain pattern or a lot of contrast in the grain pattern.I even use putties and waxes for non-conventional applications, instead of even trying to stain normal wood fillers. Unless I’m trying to fill a really large area (something I try very hard to avoid) I find that I can get a better match by using putties and waxes, than I can by using “stainable” wood fillers, whether water or solvent based.
    March 19, 2014
  • Termites are insect pests that are related to cockroaches, and once established in your home, not only can they can become a serious nuisance, but they can also do serious damage to the wooden framework. Termites like to eat cellulose wood fibers, and they will gut posts, beams, framing, and any other type of wooden supports that they can get to. They are difficult to locate initially because they travel in tunnels dug out of the woodwork, and often the only clue you will have of termite infestation is when a post or beam begins to crumble. Detection is the key here because if you can't detect them, you can't eliminate them. The best termite treatment in 2022 will be effective at eliminating and/or preventing the problem once they are found. Price will be no object on this list— ease of use and effectiveness will be most important, with a detection factor making it to the top.However, in many cases, once a termite colony is fully established in a dwelling, the only real treatment is to have them professionally eliminated. The treatments on this list can, in theory, effectively eliminate an entire termite colony, but professional testing after treatment is advised to assure you that the colony has been eliminated. Additional treatments may be required to completely eradicate a termite colony.
    March 19, 2014
  • Wasps are beneficial insects in many ways. They kill and eat many insect pests, and use them in their nests to nourish their young. In normal habitation, wasps are harmless to humans, but when they begin building nests near human dwellings, they become the pests. Wasps will fiercely and boldly defend their nests from all perceived threats, and if you get too close, they will attack. That is where the problem comes in.Wasp spray is actually a misnomer. It should be labeled as "wasp nest spray." Granted, the spray will kill individual wasps on contact, but in all cases, wasp sprays are meant to be sprayed on a wasp nest to kill the entire colony, and the best time to do this is after dark when the entire population has come home to roost. Every wasp spray has adequate killing power, but the most important overlooked feature is the distance that the spray can travel. Many wasp nests are built beneath eves or high up in the rafters, plus, the farther away you are from an active wasp nest when you give it a spray, the safer you will be. Distance of the best wasp spray in 2022 and ease of use makes it to the top of the list, price will come into play and overall effectiveness and environmental safety will also be considered.
    March 11, 2014
  • By the nature of their hive system, ants are foragers. They need to invade space to find food that supplies the colony, and ultimately, the queen. They will march far and wide to find sustenance, and if that means invading your home, they will do so. They will gladly steal the crumbs on your countertops and kitchen floor, then they will leave a scent trail so that more of the army can zero in on this new food source. You can spot kill the invading ants, but until you eliminate the colony and the queen, the ants will keep coming back.The best ant killers in 2022 on this list will target not only the ants themselves but the queen and the entire hive population, too. They are easy to use, effective, and provide long-lasting results. But remember, always be careful around kids and pets when using any of the substances on this list.
    March 10, 2014
  • Cockroaches evolved with the dinosaurs, and in their natural habitat, they are actually a very necessary insect in the food chain. It is when they invade a house, home or apartment that they become a nuisance. Without any natural predators, cockroaches will quickly overrun any dwelling, and they will particularly flourish in areas that are unkempt with food stuffs left laying about, grease from cooking that is not cleaned, and crumbs that are left on counters or that have not been swept up from the floor. That type of environment is a cockroaches paradise. And before you can kill them, you have to clean up their food source, or they will continue to re-infest the area.Cockroaches are notorious for their hardiness, so the best cockroach killer in 2022 on this list must be 100 percent effective from the get-go. Price is no object here since pest eradication has no cost limitation. Ease of use will come into play, but the best cockroach killer will be quick and the most effective to rid your house or home of cockroaches ASAP. Just remember, baits and ingredients in cockroach killers are also toxic to kids and pets, so care must be taken to hide baits in places that are hard to reach and hard to get at.
    March 10, 2014
  • Silverfish are a flat bodied, silvery scaled insect that are common in most households. They are starch and sugar eating bugs, which is one of the reasons they are often found between the pages of books. Their thin and tapered bodies are perfectly adapted to fit inside of book pages, and their starch fueled appetite will eventually cause considerable damage to both the binding, where the glue is, and the wood-pulp manufactured pages themselves. They also like damp places, and will feed on mold and fungi, which means they are also commonly found in bathrooms and laundry rooms too. Although they do not carry diseases and would rather stay hidden, they can become a true pest if their numbers become high enough. Fortunately, their are some good silverfish killers available that will effectively eradicate them. Effectiveness and ease of use make it on to this list, but the best silverfish killer in 2022 will be safe to use in an organic formula.
    March 06, 2014
  • Mosquitoes are blood-sucking insects that need a meal of blood before they can breed. Only the female sucks blood as the male flits around harmlessly gathering nectar from flowers to eat. Mosquitoes are most active at dusk, but they roost on the undersides of vegetation leaves, so a hike on a nature trail or a stroll out to the garden will disturb where they rest, and they will come looking for food. Although mosquitoes are a valuable link in the overall food chain of nature, their bite has spread many debilitating and deadly diseases throughout recorded human history. Originally breeding in swamps and stagnant pools of water, they are just as comfortable breeding in water collected in old tires, standing water in buckets and cans, and virtually any place where water accumulates and remains for a few weeks at a time.First and foremost, a mosquito killer must be effective and the cost will be no object. Ease of use will be considered, as will the bang-for-buck. After keeping these things in mind, we've picked five mosquito killers that we think will be perfect in any situation- check out our buying guide to help pick out the right one for you!
    March 05, 2014
  • Fly traps are a non-toxic alternative to eliminating flies from virtually any space. Simply hang a fly trap somewhere and allow the trap to do all the dirty work for you. It lures the flies in, catches them securely so they cannot get back out, and you can either dispose of the entire trap once filled or clean and reuse the trap again.The best fly traps in 2022 are effective, easy to use, and easy to set up. No matter if you prefer single-use or reusable traps or need to use them indoors or outdoors, there is a fly trap for your needs.
    March 05, 2014
  • Flies are one of the largest and most successful insect types on the planet earth. They evolved with the dinosaurs and have been around ever since. Although there are many species of fly, the common house fly, among others types that are related, have become the pests that have plagued humans throughout history. This category of fly has become the insect that fly killers were engineered to eliminate.Overall, effectiveness makes it onto this list, but those fly killers that are able to dispatch more than one fly at a time, are the most valuable, and will make it to the top. Ease of use will also be factored in and there will be a best bang for the buck best fly killer in 2022 that is easy, effective and inexpensive.
    March 04, 2014