Everything You Need For At-Home Dog Grooming - Bestcovery

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Everything You Need For At-Home Dog Grooming

Everything You Need For At-Home Dog Grooming

Anybody with a dog can tell you just how difficult it can be to keep on top of your pooches’ fur and nails. Sure, you want your dog to look as beautiful as possible, but they think you are trying to maim and murder them whenever you turn on the clippers - or at least that’s the way it seems, judging by my dog’s reaction.

Whereas a cat will look after itself and its owner with content, a dog requires plenty of TLC to look its best. While a trip to the groomers is always a good option, it is simply an expense many people cannot afford. Also, many dogs are afraid of visiting the dog salon or the vets.

As such, you may want to consider investing in some good-quality dog grooming gear. We’ll be looking at products like dog clippers, nail clippers, and brushes within this article.

Would you like to know more? Carry on reading!

Dog Clippers

Unless you have a rather unique-looking dog, your pet will be covered in fur. As such, you need a quality pair of clippers to trim that hair. This is particularly important in the summer months as your dog can easily overheat. Similarly, you do not want them to develop any painful knots or clumps that could hurt their skin. A good pair of clippers should offer minimal pull, making the process as painless as possible for your dog.

Also, remember to clean your clippers after every use. Much like the clippers you would use for your own hair, you don’t want any fur clogging up the internal motor.

If you’d like some recommendations on the best dog clippers on the market, we've got you covered.

Dog Brush

You’ll want to brush your dog regularly, especially if they are a long-hair breed that gets their fur all over the house. This is a great way to ensure their coat remains glossy and healthy while removing any knots and general muck from their travels. Luckily, most dogs seem to enjoy a pamper session with the brush, and the job is a great opportunity to bond further with your pet.

There are many brushes available, but you should do your research on the right brush for your pet. For example, dogs with thicker coats require a firm-bristled brush. Conversely, short-haired dogs need a much smoother brush.

Check out our dog brush buying guide for more information.

Dog Nail Clippers

There are many dog nail clippers on the market. However, which one you choose depends on how your dog reacts to getting its claws trimmed, as well as the size and breed. For example, medium and large-breed dogs require plier-type nail clippers to get the job done. Alternatively, a guillotine-style trimmer is perfect for small pups. In addition, always make sure your nail clippers come with a protective guard, so you don’t injure your dog’s delicate paws.

If you are having difficulty finding the right dog nail clippers for you, check out our buying guide for some handy information.

Dog Shampoo

Now comes the hard part, getting your mucky pup into the shower to scrub them with dog shampoo. Obviously, you cannot rely on human shampoo to wash your dog as their skin has different requirements to ours. Additionally, if you have a puppy, they will need a different shampoo from an older dog. We recommend looking for pH-balanced shampoos mostly made up of natural ingredients; think coconut and corn-based cleansers.

See our dog shampoo article for our top recommendations.

Final Say

As you can see, there are several products you can buy to ensure your dog is happy, healthy, and fabulous. While we recommend taking them to the groomers once in a while, tending to their fur and nails can bring you and your dog closer together. We hope we’ve given you some useful information to groom your pooch.

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