State Bar Launches Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Leadership Seal Program - Los Angeles Times

State Bar Launches Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Leadership Seal Program

Consumer Attorneys LA Times B2B 2023
(Anela Ramba/ Ramba/ -
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Participating legal entities can receive bronze, silver, or gold status by implementing DEI directives while creating a more equitable legal landscape

In an effort to recognize California legal employers who take vital steps to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), the State Bar of California announced in January of this year the launch of its DEI Leadership Seal Program.

“Promoting diversity and inclusion in the legal profession is an important part of the State Bar’s mission,” said Leah Wilson, State Bar executive director. “Our latest Diversity Report Card showed us where DEI improvements in the legal profession are occurring and where far too many disparities still exist in California. The State Bar’s DEI Leadership Seal Program encourages real action that can move us toward the ultimate goal: a more inclusive legal profession that reflects the diversity of our state.”

The State Bar’s 2022 Diversity Report Card found that the demographics of California’s licensed attorneys do not reflect the diversity of the state’s population. To support greater DEI in the workplace, the State Bar published “Calls to Action” that legal employers and attorneys can implement. The DEI Leadership Seal Program utilizes these calls to action as the centerpiece of this effort.

Legal employers who commit to meet at least five of the 10 stated DEI Leadership Seal Program Action Items will be recognized as participating employers. Participating employers will have one year after applying to the program to implement these action items. Employers that implement at least five of the 10 action items will be recognized as bronze-level recipients on the State Bar’s DEI webpage, enabling them to carry the DEI Leadership Seal on their own materials and websites. Those that implement at least seven action items will receive silver-level recognition. The highest level of recognition is gold-level for those legal employers that implement at least Beyond overseeing the DEI Leadership Seal Program, the State Bar will also be an active participant with a commitment to earn Gold Seal status. The State Bar will share its journey in obtaining Gold Seal status as an example for other employers.

“While the State Bar has actively worked to increase DEI throughout the organization for some time now, board and staff leadership recognize that we can do more and, more importantly, the State Bar can show others how to follow our lead,” said Wilson.

“The goal is to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion in the legal field, and for us that means nothing less than Leadership Gold Seal Status will suffice.”

The Board of Trustees Audit Committee will monitor and oversee the State Bar’s pursuit of Gold level status.

Participating legal providers could include an entire organization - such as a nonprofit legal aid provider or a local law firm - or a smaller unit or department within an organization, such as an in-house legal department of a corporation. A nationwide law firm can choose to implement the action items and receive the DEI Leadership Seal for their entire firm, or for only their California offices. In future years, DEI Leadership Seal action items will evolve to encourage employers to commit to additional and more ambitious steps to further diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Action Items Integrate DEl responsibilities into leadership team members’ job duties. Larger organizations, maintain a DEl professional position Incorporate DEl work into performance, advancement, and compensation decisions Require annual employee implicit bias training Survey staff to gather feedback on DEl efforts Conduct staff stay and exit interviews Create and share publicly a DEl statement Compare California attorney hire demographics to California attorney population Calculate staff turnover and promotions Create a strategic DEl plan Collect and maintain demographic data
