Letters: Why can't we be more like Spain? - Los Angeles Times

Letters: Why can’t we be more like Spain?

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Why can’t we be more like Spain?

Regarding “Madrid to Barcelona in a Flash” by Bruce Selcraig, Jan. 17: While Spain and other industrialized countries continue building high-speed-train networks and maintaining their infrastructure, our infrastructure continues to fall apart, our country continues to wage wars and is building roads, bridges, dams and public buildings in Afghanistan. This year alone we are spending $100 billion in Afghanistan. Are we dumb or what? As my dad would have said: “That is America.”

-- Ernie Salomon, Santa Barbara

Maldivian people shall go on

Amanda Jones’ fine Jan. 10 article “Getting Their Green On” showed us that the Maldives has a turbulent history.

There is an old proverb, “Tough times don’t last. Tough people do.” The Maldivians are tough people in tough times with God’s help.

-- Evan Dale Santos, Adelanto

Keep ostomy supplies near

Regarding “Be Prepared,” an “On the Spot” column on Jan 17: Being an active over-50 female with an ostomy for more than 32 years, I have had much experience with travel, supplies, problems and just plain living. I have traveled to many parts of the world without difficulty. Common sense and experience are key.

There has never been a problem with travel on planes, trains, autos or ships, and I divulge my situation on a need-to-know basis.

Security, foreign and domestic, has never been a problem, and I have never needed a note from my doctor to travel. The situation will speak for itself.

Only once did I travel with my supplies in a checked bag. Keep your supplies near you. If necessary, put them all in a Ziploc bag and hand carry it.

-- Karen Engel, Yorba Linda

Accommodations for the World Cup

A Jan. 10 letter complains that guesthouses in Pretoria are renting for “$500 a night, and most are sold out . . .”

As this sentence demonstrates, the term “price gouging” demonstrates economic illiteracy. Unless the seller has monopoly power (which certainly is not the case with any of the thousands of guesthouse owners in South Africa), a commodity’s price reflects the immutable law of supply and demand.

If people are willing to pay a high price, then that price is the “right” price for the product in question.

-- Peter Rich, Los Angeles

Before climbing, be prepared

I enjoyed reading about the 60-year-old hiker conquering Mt. Whitney [Letters, Dec. 13, 2009]. It is important to stress to all hikers undertaking this challenge that they must become acclimated to the altitude before reaching the summit. Years ago, as a Scout leader accompanying a group of Boy Scouts, we encountered a family of four very sick at the 10,000-foot level. Our Scouts got an opportunity to practice their first aid skills on the family. All our Scouts achieved their goal of reaching the 14,495-foot summit.

-- Will Perry, Morro Bay, Calif.
