Justice, fairness and full information - Los Angeles Times

Justice, fairness and full information

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Re “Policy analysis -- paranoid style,” Opinion, March 29

Max Boot fails to see the point that fairness, law and principle should guide our support of Israel and Palestine, and it is not paranoid to recognize the favoritism we have shown Israel. The late Richard Hofstadter’s essay, “The Paranoid Style in American Politics,” points out how we have dug our own grave in the Middle East by unfair treatment of the Palestinians.

We pride ourselves as people of law, believing in equality for all, yet we support one side with vast funding and ignore the plight of the other side. Justice requires equal consideration for all. The Zionists, like the Christian fundamentalists, claim God is on their side. Hence, our favoritism has been partial to “friends” and unjust to those we have chosen to regard as enemies.

When we support principle and reason, we win. When we support friends and countries to the unreasonable detriment of others, we are prejudiced and create our own enemies. We create the terrorists we dread.



Monterey Park


After reading Boot’s column about John Mearsheimer’s and Stephen Walt’s publication regarding the “Israel Lobby,” I thought I must have missed something in The Times the last few days. I found only Boot’s column and Nicholas Goldberg’s March 26 opinion piece.


Isn’t it important to give your readers the original information before publishing commentary on it?


