Speech Is Still Free at South O.C. Colleges - Los Angeles Times

Speech Is Still Free at South O.C. Colleges

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Re “District Is Muzzling Free Speech, Judge Rules,” March 19:

Your article about the South Orange County Community College District Speech and Advocacy Policy neglected certain basic facts. Irvine Valley College and Saddleback College have the most liberal speech policy of any Orange County community college. The policy is far more permissive than those at UC Irvine and Cal State campuses.

The district policy does not infringe on free speech. Like all college speech policies, it establishes parameters to ensure a proper learning environment, avoid chaos and violence and ensure that individual rights are not infringed.

The policy was written in part to respond to some faculty-sponsored activities that were disruptive or life-threatening. One event called for students to smash a car with a sledgehammer as a “blow” against the administration. Students were hospitalized as a result.


Another protest activity involved amplified music playing all day outside classrooms. That’s why the speech policy included a limitation on music amplification during class time.

Some faculty newsletters attack ethnic background, integrity, families, religion and the gender orientation of district employees. Such activity encourages workplace violence and creates a hostile work environment. However, the district policy permits such “free speech.”

Ray Chandos

Professor and

past president, Academic Senate,

Irvine Valley College

Trabuco Canyon


As president of the Associated Students of Irvine Valley College, I commend Raghu Mathur for four years of superb service to the college as president; furthermore, I believe that he will make a great district chancellor.


The Times’ article failed to mention that, in the past, rebel faculty members and a small number of students have tried to make our campus a war zone by using hate literature, ear-splitting music outside classrooms, threats and insults, as well as attacks on teachers who are simply trying to do their jobs.

I don’t know how to establish a speech policy responding to this case. What I do know is that Mathur always did everything possible to make peace on campus and to establish a calm, harmonious climate. The students and teachers who have fought him only seem to want chaos and hatred.

Anthony C. Kuo

Irvine Valley College


Thanks for The Times’ terrific--and increasingly regular--reporting on rulings against the South Orange County Community College District Board of Trustees’ whimsically restrictive campus speech policies”Prior restraint” is the only restraint this board exercises. The district board has exercised little financial restraint, despite claiming to be fiscally conservative. Costs to taxpayers of its quixotic legal defense now approach half a million dollars.


Andrew Tonkovich

Laguna Beach
