Financial Control - Los Angeles Times

Financial Control

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Re “Cure the Sales Tax Addicts,” editorial, Dec. 27: AB 680, by Assemblyman Darrell Steinberg (D-Sacramento), is not new. It is just another in the long line of “let’s rob Peter to pay Paul” bills that have been coming out of Sacramento since 1978. It is an attempt by the state to take financial control away from cities and to turn it over to regional agencies.

The result will be that cities will wind up like the school districts, broke and dependent on Sacramento for their survival. Since the 2001 California sales tax rate is 8% in most counties and cities only get 1% of it, perhaps Steinberg should concentrate on redistributing the remaining 7% in sales tax that goes to the state and other agencies and leave the cities alone.

John Crawley

Cerritos City Council
