Bush's Remarks and U.S. Taiwan Policy - Los Angeles Times

Bush’s Remarks and U.S. Taiwan Policy

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Re “Bush Remarks on Taiwan Defense Cause a Furor Over U.S. Policy,” April 26: I would like to know how this escalated rhetoric regarding the defense of Taiwan is compatible with the Bush administration’s campaign statement that it would pursue a foreign policy that was in tune with the United States’ vital national interests. If our vital interests include spoiling 30 years of diplomacy and starting a new arms race, we may well have accomplished our goals.

To even entertain the notion of sending American boys and girls to fight for Taiwan is beyond ludicrous. Since so many of these saber-rattling conservatives found ways of missing our last Asian military adventure, they should be reminded that a war with the People’s Republic of China would be an unbelievably bloody and costly conflict that would destabilize the world beyond recognition. It would not be the ever-popular Desert Storm that we are so fond of remembering.




I applaud President Bush’s courage in stating that the U.S. will do whatever it takes to help Taiwan defend herself against a Chinese attack. The Chinese leaders should understand that the only way to unify Taiwan with China is to democratize China first. No Taiwanese citizens in their right minds are willing to sacrifice their liberty just to become citizens of a communist China.



Rolling Hills Estates


George W’s boots with the presidential seal must make it hard to get his feet into his mouth, but he’s managed it nicely with his Taiwan antics.


Del Mar


I hope Bush doesn’t like Chinese takeout, because this might be confused for “take out China.”


El Segundo


Born in Taiwan, I really don’t appreciate the kind of weapons the U.S. has been selling to Taiwan (April 24). Just for once, can the U.S. sell weapons that are useful, instead of some junk that even the PRC can laugh at? The U.S. retired the Kidd-class destroyers years ago.


The U.S. should stop treating Taiwan as a cash cow. Taiwan’s national debt has reached astronomical numbers because it ranks in the top three in terms of weapons imports yearly. The U.S. and the PRC teamed up so that no other nation can sell anything meaningful to Taiwan--except those 60 Mirages from France. And stop saying that you will defend Taiwan. We know what happened in Korea and Vietnam. Please don’t give the people of Taiwan a sense of false hope. Stop treating us as puppets.


West Hills
