Abortion - Los Angeles Times


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Re “Denial a Powerful Factor in 2nd-Trimester Abortion,” April 25:

Being a single parent who has experienced a first-trimester abortion myself, I must say that I am dismayed at all the excuses these young women have. Planned Parenthood will give you birth control pills if you cannot afford them, so there is no excuse for getting pregnant over and over again. Anything past three months should be illegal, except in the cases of rape or a life-threatening emergency situation. There is a long waiting list of families who want to adopt a baby, so if you are that far along, another couple months isn’t going to hurt you.

When a woman gives a baby up for adoption, the family may pay all medical bills, half her rent, buy her clothes and food and other things she may need. She gets paid to make a family happy while not having to come up with all the money to murder an innocent human being. Let’s teach our younger generation to be responsible and show them that adoption is an excellent answer to abortion and that there is no excuse for not taking birth control, which the underprivileged can get for free.


Santa Ana


A relative simplification: Abortion procedures should be permitted until the fetus reaches the point of viability. Exceptions: if the infant appears not to be normal, if continued pregnancy threatens the health of the mother, or if rape or incest was involved.



