Starr's Inquiry Into Personal Ties - Los Angeles Times

Starr’s Inquiry Into Personal Ties

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Re “Troopers Say Starr Probing Clinton’s Personal Ties,” June 25: It is incredible that after three years and tens of millions of dollars spent, [independent counsel] Kenneth Starr is now seeking information from women President Clinton allegedly had relations with before he became president, in the hope he can find some information he can use to build a case. His own trial attorney told the jury in his summation in the McDougal/Tucker case that the president did nothing wrong even if he was at a meeting when a loan to Susan McDougal was discussed, which the president denied attending.

Starr is pathetic, as is his purported investigation. We need an accounting of the amount of FBI resources and hours that have been expended in this investigation. It is about time Atty. Gen. Janet Reno moves the right-wing court that appointed Starr to remove him for cause and for the conflict of interest that has become even more obvious.



* The interrogation of Arkansas state troopers who served as procurers of women for then-Gov. Clinton is not news and did not deserve front-page coverage. News about his dalliances made the rounds long before the 1992 election. Also, state troopers had told special prosecutor Robert Fiske about these trysts before Starr was appointed.


This is yet another example of the White House’s heavy-handed manipulation in attempting to derail an ongoing search for the truth. My advice is leave Starr alone. Allow him to complete this investigation. Finally!


Huntington Beach

* Starr has now proven what we’ve suspected all along. He is conducting a witch hunt; his only goal is to embroil President and Mrs. Clinton in controversy in order to help the Republican agenda. This will come back to bite him and the Republican Party. I don’t want more of my tax dollars paying for his dirty work. He must be stopped, although it is already too late.


West Hollywood

* Re “High Court Rebuffs Privacy Claim for First Lady’s Notes,” June 24: Now that he has received the notes from the White House lawyers, Starr has no more excuses for continuing to delay closure on this aspect of his investigation. Only two actions are consistent with his claims in court supporting this decision: Either the notes provide the evidence he desires and he issues an immediate indictment, or the notes provide nothing and he admits the whole exercise has been a total waste of time and money.


Based on his prior actions, Starr will do neither but will continue to collect his fees from the taxpayers and his other clients and not produce any significant results.


Los Angeles

* Understanding the implications of what Starr asked for and got from the Supreme Court in his hunt for information about Hillary Clinton reveals a lot about the Republican Party. The attorney-client privilege has been dealt a body blow because the Republicans found an additional branch of their party in the judicial branch of our government.

Now every policeman who receives advice from a district attorney, every indigent citizen who has an appointed attorney, every congressman and senator and every public official at any level who receives counsel from a publicly paid attorney are subject to same rules of discovery as Hillary Clinton now is.


My question is directed at Starr: Are we entitled to know about all your conferences with any attorney that is being paid with public money? In fact, since Starr is being paid with public money, he needs to reveal all. I want to see his notes. The devaluation of the attorney-client privilege by the Republican Supreme Court is one step backward for Hillary Clinton and one big leap, slip and tumble for the freedom of American citizens.


